These are my Drawings for my idea of a map called Corridors. Please ignore my bad writing and bad drawing but i just want to hear what my map needs. I will add things as i go, and i did not draw and of the obstacles in each area... this is just a sketch of the map... comment. The stairs should help you figure out where your looking, if you have any questions post them and i will answer asap... i want to figure out if this is good or bad. thanks again ps. this is made for foundry at the far side across from the passageways made into foundry
It's always nice to have a new member to the community. Unfortunately, your thread is not up to standards. Please refer to the Forgehub posting standards to see how a post is properly executed. Some examples would be embedded pictures of the MAP, and an explanation. Overall, it looks creative, but not much else can be deciphered from what you gave us. 2/5
looks cool if i could see what it really looks like i sudjest u read the posting fourm then maybe repost or something like that i like your drawings
Don't let the assholes keep you down. Your idea looks solid. Good to plan out a map rather than wing it.
Truth, from whatsascope...How interesting... Anyways, what he said was true man, never let the assholes (aka "trolls") keep you down. I'm having a hard time interpreting your images, though. Might I suggest you use the literal "Sketchup" provided by Fritszter (lol spelling). You can find it Here. Enjoy ^_^
Hey i wasn't trying to be a so called Troll. I have never had anything but the best intentions of forgehub in mind. And i was rather confused by the title which states it is a skethcup. But yeah, i really suggest taking a look at this. ~forgegod117~
I hope you don't mind Dan, but I put a link to your post in my article Forging Theory: Forging A Plan as a good example for what you can do offline for a rough draft... btw I appreciate people like you that plan out your maps... HIGH FIVE!!! And looks pretty good from what I can make out of it...