GH World Tour vs. Rock Band 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Jan 28, 2009.


GH World Tour vs. Rock Band 2

  1. GH World Tour

  2. Rock Band 2

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    Which one is better?
    Which one should I get?

    What's better about it then the other?

    Which one has the best instruments?
    Song selection?
    Online play?

    I'm really confused.
    I've watched so many video reviews, and it seems like Rock Band 2 has a better game, but their instruments suck, but Guitar Hero has a worse game with better instruments. And it seemed that GH had a better song list.
  2. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    guitar hero world tour!

    belive me it is waaay better than rock band because
    1. better song selection instead of a trail of crap music (not all)
    2. no cover bands (people trying to impersonate the real thing)
    3. notes and feel is more accurate
  3. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I own both, and can tell you hands down, Rock Band2

    Instruments are way better quality
    The guitar has better fret buttons
    The song diversity in Rockband is way larger
    More songs period
    More fun/more challenging
    Not overcharted
    Way better download content
    The world tour experience is better, more band like.
    There is battle of the bands and challenges

    More catered towards people who just like "Rock" music
    Some find it more challenging since it's overcharted (I personally don't)
    There are some really, really good songs.
    The drums have 3 pads and symbols (are very low quality)
    GHWT lacks the download content support that rockband has.
    Activision is terrible to deal with
  4. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Meh, I own GHWT, but it's not worth it. Id'e say go with RB, seems like it would keep you intrested longer.
  5. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I have not played Rock Band 2 yet, but Guitar Hero World Tour has a great selection of songs and it is really fun. The xbox live is fun and I love the fact on how you can download custom songs.
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    The only thing that sways me in the direction on GH WT is the way that I put the drum sticks through the Rock Band drum set's drum pads. They're ****. The GH drums are much more robust. But yeah, that's all I know.
  7. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    cay... rockband better songs better DL.... better experience... and game... guitar herp better quallity... but to much gay stuff the extra note where u just strum GAY... the two manditory symbols GAY... and i wasn't very entertained with it...

  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    Was that supposed to make any sense?
  9. ch33s3yboy

    ch33s3yboy Ancient
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    I was once a Naive Guitar Hero Fanboy, those days have changed...

    Let me tell you my story, GH3 was my first plastic instrument game, loved it thought it was the best thing since DDR, my cousin got Rock Band for xmas, I played it, and absolutely hated it, went to a few partys where I played it even more and ended up selling GH3 to buy it. My drum pedal eventually cracked in half from playing on expert, I even remember the song, Inside the fire by disturbed, anyway thats not the point, my point is since then, Harmonix has improved their "Gear" and their "Game".

    Rock Band 2


    • Extensive World Tour (Main Story) with tons of venues, songs, and things to choose from. Ranging from your Band Manager to what city you want to play in next.
    • Rocker Creator, not as in depth as GH: WT with the editing of the face, but you choose from pre made faces and pick your hair clothes, and instrument. Honestly the characters that you make are just beautiful (lol) I would do any of the girls on there (lololol)
    • Band Quickplay is pulled of flawlessly, online you search for players then the leader picks a song, and you pick your instrument and difficulty. Then the next person picks the next song and so on.
    • Every menu in the game looks like art, and everything is animated even the pause menu, you can tell they spend a lot of time on little things while still focusing on the big picture and not taking away from anything else.
    • The notes you play are well designed rectangles that have a little shine as they come down the track, and either explode when you hit them or on a long note spark as you hold it down.
    • No overcharting like Guitar Hero does, The entire Harmonix staff is composed of musicians that know what they are doing, drum charts are as close to the real thing as you can get.
    • A wide array of achievements that not only reward you with gamerscore but items or symbols that show how good you are at your instrument.
    • Battle of the Band events updated daily.
    • Even though they don't over chart, it is still harder than Guitar Hero (in my opinion, and no I do not suck, ask anyone I have played with)
    • The ability to save band members that have failed out.
    The Instruments:

    • The Guitar has since improved with a new wood finish, better fret board, and better strum bar. A large majority of players use the Guitar hero guitars for RB, but I personally think they are little plastic pieces of crap that make annoying clicking sounds everytime you strum. The RB guitar feels big and durable and doesn't feel like its gonna break and comes as close to a realy guitar as I've seen yet. Also it has overdrive effect switch making your overdrive alter the sound of the notes you hit.
    • The drumset has improved softer, quieter pads, metal reinforced bass pedal, wireless, more durable sticks, and Cymbal expansion ports. Velocity pads as well, meaning the harder you hit the pad the louder the note will sound during your freestyle.
  10. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Rock Band guitar is squishy. I'm one of those guitar hero guitar people that likes rock band better.
    100% Rock Band. It has way better graphics, better songs, and better instruments. Plus of you're uber rich, you can get that smexy drum set made specifically for Rock Band (i think it was made just for rock band.)
    if you've never seen it
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I personally like GH more, but I know alot of other people prefer RB.

    I don't know what it is about GH, but I just have more fun playing it. I think RB has a better setlist, but I would play GH over RB anyday.
  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    I'm really confused now.
    Like, this weekend I got to play Rock Band 2 at this one party, and it was great (songs were meh), and earlier today I went to Best Buy and I played Guitar Hero and Rock Band. And I played Livin' on a Prayer on both. They were both sweet, but it's still tough for me to decide.

    I'm giving it some more time, and I think I might wait for GH Metallica to come out, then World Tour will be cheaper. I hope.

    I might end up sticking with GH just because of the instruments and the songs.
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    The GH instruments are much worse actually. Drums are fragile, and guitars are non-responsive. I work at EB...we get ALOT coming back. As for songs, both games have good songs, RB2 has mounds of DLC though.
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Whatever You get I can tell you this. Use the guitar hero 2 guitar. Still the best guitar that is out right now. Also, drums in world tour are a lot harder but feel more like drums.

    song wise, most of the hard ones on rockband suck. for example visions. its crap. I think world tour has better songs consistantly but they are older songs and classic rock. in general rockband seems to have newer ones or harder rock.

    Guitar hero, in my opinion, is harder. I still can't beat two songs on it but I beat all on rockband a while ago, but guitar hero 3 will always be the harderst.

    Rockband gets annoying when you have to play a song about 20 times to go any farther.

    You fail faster in guitar hero.

    rockband has a shitload of downloadable content.

    Overall, I don't really like one more than the other but I would say get GUITAR HERO THREE. It has the most replayablility out of all because it is really hard.

    jk (not really) . Look at the setlists for each. That should tell you which songs you will like more and will lead to which game to get. I personally like world tours song set better.
  15. E93

    E93 Guest

    I believe you.
    I'm just basing what I said on today.
    The GH drums just felt more...idk. Better, I guess.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Well both drums are flimsy. there plastic. But the FEEL on the gh drums is more realistic.

    The rock band guitars are not good. I've had three so far and they have all broken within a couple months while I've had a guitar hero 2 guitar for about 2 years and it is perfectly fine. My friends have also had the same problems with the guitars as well. Even the gh3 guitar can break pretty easily.
  17. Celestial Panda

    Celestial Panda Ancient
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    But you can use previous Guitar hero guitars with Rock Band, so instruments shouldn't be a massive issue.
    Really, get Rock Band, and then get Rock Band 2. Especially if you have friends. GH feels to me like they've tried the realism route, and instead come out with "puppet-looking" character animations, and as though it's GH3 with tacked on singing and drums.
    You can't save your team-mates, which is a real **** move on Activision's part.
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    true, you can't save them, but there is a star power meter and anyone can use it, not just the person who got it. What that does is stop the fact if you can't play one part in the beginning or something, you can't just get past it easily and have teammates save you. Also if your teammates are doing well, you fail slower.
  19. E93

    E93 Guest

    Friends Shmends, i have the Internet.

  20. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    I have that drumset. It's called the Ion Drum Rocker and it is absolutely kickass (and expensive). The set is only supposed to include two cymbals though, but it's still pretty sweet. These are excellent quality drumsets for RB1/2, and they can be converted to an actual electronic drumset which is a bonus. The drums and cymbals are velocity-sensitive and the pedal is really nice. Also, EVERYTHING is adjustable. You can move the drums, cymbals and pedal however you want it. It comes out of the box in a bunch of pieces so quite a bit of assembly is required, but nothing complicated. It is solidly built, so it can take a major beating. It just kicks so much ass.

    Anyway, both games obviously have their ups and downs. I think it really all comes down to personal preference. RB has so much DLC it's ridiculous, but some of the songs in the original setlist may not appeal to everyone. Although, there is a much wider variety of genres in RB than in GH, with GH obviously staying true to the title of their game with songs that are more geared toward guitars (more rock, more metal). That's just considering the original setlists though. RB has an insane amount of songs available for DL, and yet, GH gives you the ability to create your own songs and put them up for DL. I've played GH: WT at my friend's house and the guitars were not very good at all. They were very unresponsive, although the drums were a bit better.

    I have RB2, but I didn't buy the whole set. I use my GH3 wireless guitar and the Ion Drum Rocker. I can also just use my headset if I wanted to sing, which I don't :p.

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