Here they are Avalance: BR and Spartan Laser This combination is good because you use the BR for up close and the Spartan Laser for Vehicles and long range. Blackout: BR and Shotgun Obviously this is your bread and Butter for this map. BR for mid to long range battles and the shotty for up close. Cold Storage: BR and Shotgun Same Reasons as Blackout. Construct: BR and Energy Sword. The BR and Energy Sword are great because since most fights are on the upper level if you just keep patrolling the upper ring you will control the map. Epitaph: BR and Gravity Hammer The BR is for the inner areas and the Hammer is for ambushes and the hallways. Foundry: Shotgun and Sniper The Sniper because of those long open spaces and the shotty for ambushing those unlucky noobs who don't use their radar Ghost Town: Needler and Shotgun The Needler for controlling the higher ground and shooting at those on the ground and the shotty for clearing out rooms. Guardian: AR and Gravity Hammer The AR is good for Gold Room, Blue Room and Sniper and the Gravity Hammer for those claustrophobic hallways Highground: BR and Needler The BR would be used for most situations and the Needler would be used for ambushes Isolation: BR and Brute Shot The BR would be used for the upper areas and the Brute Shot would be used for kill stealing and vehicle destruction Last Resort: AR and Sniper The AR for anyone that gets close and the Sniper for most situations and in the extreme case close quarter no-scopes Narrows: BR and Mauler The same reasons as the BR and Shotgun on Blackout Rat's Nest: BR and Sniper The BR for the bases and center and the Sniper for the outer race track. Sandtrap: BR and Spartan Laser The same reasons as Avalanche Snowbound: Beam Rifle and Shotgun The Beam Rifle for the open areas and the shotugn for inside the bases and the cavern. Standoff: BR and Needler Same reasons as Highground The Pit: BR and Energy Sword You camp in the sword room with this and wait for those unlucky suckers because you taunt them with BR fire Valhalla: BR and Spartan Laser Same reasons as Avalanche
OK I kept the ones in quote that I disagreed with and I am going to give you my opinion on them. Beware Wall Of Text! Foundry I would say the BR sniper combination is best for this map. Its not that small of a map to where you should be using a shottee to camp around the corners Guardian Definitly not the AR, its not that great of a weapon but I do agree with the gravity hammer. My second weapon would be the BR its so easy to pic people off grav lifts and shoot the fusion coils to blow up people High Ground The BR and needler are basically the same weapon except needlers were made for people who suck at aiming with a BR in my opinon. I would go with the spartan laser and the BR because there are two ghosts on the map and if the other team would happen to get a hold of both, the spartan laser would be a very valuable weapon to get a hold of. Plus its great to use to pic people off behind the trees because its sometimes hard to get them with the sniper. Last Resort Last Resort is a fairly large map, and the AR would defintly not be in my choice of weapons for this map. I would use the sniper and BR. Its one of those maps where they really work together very well. Narrows Why would you not want to use the sniper on such a narrow map. Its perfect to use to pic people of the other side of the map, and plus headshots off the man cannons are also just as fun. I would go with the BR sniper comination, although its very nice to have the rocket with you Rats Nest With the amount of vehicles placed on this map the rocket is so valuable. I would use the BR and the rocket. The BR is by far the perfect weapon for this map and the rocket can be used to pick off the people that are alone traveling around the isolated tracks, and plus eliminating the warthogs that are traveling around wiping out your team. Standoff Once again, I would never carry these two weapons together. In my opinon I would carry the spartan laser and a BR. Its always good to have the laser with you just in case there warthog desides to spawn because the warthog is a very popular thing used on this map. Second I would use the BR because the amount of double and triple kills i have gotton on this map is countless. Its just the perfect weapon for this map. This is my opinion, the rest I just about agree with except maybe isolation but I really thing I would rather have the brute shot then the rocket so I will say that I agree with what you have I would definitly say that this is very debatable unless the thread owner meant it not to be.
I would have to say the AR might be a bit more helpful than the BR on this level. But nice guide, I'll think about this next time I'm debating what weapons to grab.
I disagree with this, the Shotgun is vastly superior to the Hammer. It's a lot more beneitial to hold the shotty than it is to hold the hammer. I disagree with the majority of these. I advise against holding both a needler and a shotgun. Best weapon combination all depends on the situation, it varies with each installment.
Very true, and it is important to spread you're weapons out amongst team mates (on team cames ofcourse) so a few of these wouldn't work those games.
BR/Sniper is my favorite combo for pretty much any map. Sniper can be used for any range, and same with the BR. I actually hate having Shotty/Snipe because the Shotgun has such limited range, and it can be hard to hit people 100% of the time with a sniper when they're too far away to shotty.
Yea same here. But if I can't get a hold of a sniper I'll use BR with mauler/shotgun/sword. Then I would prefer PP, PR or BS.
About Rat's Nest the Sniper is best because the sniper bullet travels faster than a rocket and you have time to dodge the rocket but the sniper is harder to dodge.
He's saying rockets because of the vehicle-heavy gameplay. I don't think needler ever is going to be one of my top two weapons. On every map it's obvious that it's going to be BR and Sniper/Rockets/Laser or Shotty/Hammer/Sword, depending on which one's available and whether the map is heavy close quarters or long range combat. And, if more than one are available, you should factor in vehicles. Here are maps where you'd prefer a BR and close range weapon (Shotty/Hammer/Sword): Blackout, Cold Storage, Construct, Epitaph, Guardian Here are maps where you'd prefer a BR and a long range weapon (Sniper/Rockets/Laser): Highground, Isolation, Last Resort, Narrows, Rat's Nest, Sandtrap, Standoff, Valhalla Here are maps where it really depends on your style of gameplay: Foundry, Ghost Town, The Pit, Snowbound I don't even know why I wrote this out or why we are debating of this. These weapon selections are obvious. Plus it doesn't really matter. You are going to grab whatever is most convenient for you and what fits the current situation. If you can't decide whether you should pick up a shotgun or sniper on a certain map, your retarded. You should know what to pick up given your current circumstances. If your tight-quarters hallway, you want shotgun. If your out in the open, you want sniper. /thread