Introducing my take on a strictly forge related FAQ. As the title basically describes the entire purpose of the thread feel free to think of any questions that you think should be answered. However in order to post your question I am going to have to ask you to read the rest of this thread. My concept when this thread was created is to grant members of forgehub answers to their questions. Many would like to create a new thread for their forging questions which is fine to some extent. However you do not need to start an entire thread just to find out how to save and quit efficiently and line up boxes. Now these may be more extreme examples but even if you do have a more difficult question like how to geomerge a watchtower base or how to place weapons on your map you can turn to Ask forgegod and use it for reference. Here is the deal. I would like to clear up some of the clutter in the forge discussion forum by making some sort of yahoo answers type thread for forgers who are having trouble with something in halo 3's forge editor. It is a very simple system. You give me a question and I will leave you a very detailed reply. (Giving there is enough information to elaborate on) If you think you know the answer then by all means answer it, I will not mind.Though I will still leave my answer if there is anything I can add to it. Any questions at all, No matter how big or small are welcome here. Remember that, I don't want you to feel restricted to what questions you post. When using this Thread one important thing to note is that I have much more experience in serious competitive maps. MLG and Competitive style maps are my specialty. If you have a question about an infection or mini game map please post them here but be advised, I will likely not post as informative of a reply. I don't know what else I can say because this thread is pretty much self explanatory. I will update this thread twice a week as questions start to roll in. "There as some things you have to start a new thread for. For everything else, There is Ask Forgegod!__________________________________________________F.A.Q Section
How come you missed the two f's in the word 'efficiently'? Now, I have a real question. Heres the pics i seen: How the hell did these pros make maps with all the boxes the same color? BTW THESE MAPS ARE BOTH AWESOME! THEY SHOULD HAVE BOTH BEEN FEATURED A LONG TIME AGO!
I can answer this one: Keep spawning them until you get the same color, Save and quit all your boxes. Boom, done.
Good question Number 117. Changing the box color is a very advanced forging technique. Many people actually avoid doing it just because of that. It is a long and tedious process that involves picking up every single box often several times. The first step is to know what box you are going to change the color of, and what color it is going to be. There are only 3 box colors (red, blue, and green) so you never should have to grab the box more than three or four times. First part of this technique is to brace the box completely from all angles and faces with teleporters and weapon holders. this is to make sure that your perfect interlock does not get screwed up. However bracing for geomerged boxes is even harder. What I would suggest for geomerged boxes is that you use man cannons to push the box back into its braces and keep it in place. Now you must grab the box and save and quit. if you are doing a geomerged box you should always save as a new map so that you avoid screwing up your merge and losing hours of work. Now start up a new round and check your box color. Do not delete the braces or you might have to redo it. Lets say your box color turns out green but you wanted blue. In this case you will have to grab the box again and hope it is right this time. ~forgegod117~
It's ****ing insane that one guy got the boxes all the same color with the geomerges - that **** should be featured. Now about the other map, how did this guy get outside it without dying?
Reserved. nobody answer this one I want it, It is mine. i will reply after i finish watching battlestar galactica. But I will think of it during BSG
Can I just get in on this? Can anyone help people out here or do you want this to be questions only? This does seem like it would be a cool resource for people that can't seem to understand the forging 101 tutorials.
Ok now for a question, have 3 things for you to answer. 1. On a map i'm making in blackout, i need to make catwalks, they need to be perfect any way i can do this? 2. On Avalanche and blackout the boxes all have "slants" at the end of them, how can i interlock these using a fast, efficient, method? 3. ( Foundry ) how can I make a play area with Doubleboxes so that it's smoothly interlocked and it looks all like it's apart of one thing? ( videos, pictures on this one would help )
No, you are free to join. As long as you have something to offer to us. i will start typing the datwalk one right now.
I'm building a map on one half of Avalanche. I need to create a perfectly flat platform geomerged into the ground. How can I get all of the boxes to be geomerged flat into the ground at the same height and have no bumps?
Making those perfect interlocked walkways is a very good technique to learn how to do. When I do them I use mostly bridges because they are the smoothest. However, the same concept would apply to walls as well as boxes. I do not have Xbox live right now but I have drawn up a picture for you and Hope it helps. You can find it under resources in the spoiler tag below. When preparing for an interlock like this I would advise you to use guides. the guides that you use should be OTHER BRIDGES. Start out with the bridge or object that you want to interlock floating or sitting where you want your catwalk to start. Now take another bridge and turn it on its flat side so that about half of it is hanging over the other bridge. Make sure it is completely parallel to the other bridge or it may not be a perfectly flat catwalk. Set the floating (not guide) bridge to spawn about 60-90 seconds into the game. Now start a new round and go under the guide bridge. Spawn a third bridge and push it up and till it is parallel with the guide bridge. Finally save and quit it into place. Assuming you did this correctly when you load the map up again and delete the guide bridge it should be pretty much perfect. If this was not what you meant there is no harm done just reply again stating what you meant in more detail. Spoiler
What do you feel is a more efficient way of getting objects where you want them, Save and quit or the man cannon technique?
How do you geomerge something into the ground, and get it to align to create a perfect slope with other objects. -----\ [---- is catwalk] [\] is the catwalk to geomerge into the ground
What do you mean here. please elaborate and I will try to answer. Also if anybody would like to help i am thankful. I am being over run with questions here.
Need to know how to get outside of Blackout for some of those professional looking transfusion, interrobang maps. For some this task may seem a little more difficult as they don't know squat about breaking map barriers. The technique i am about to show you is called the turret glitch. Although i will be showing its relation to blackout it can be used to break many if not all maps. Using two controllers spawn a turret and hop on it. Once here have your friend pick it up and navigate it towards the invisible wall you wish to push through. Pick up your second controller and make that player look as far up as possible. if the other player has pushed them all the way into the invisible wall your friend can just switch into forge mode and they should be past the invisible wall. Once you get out of the map you should place a receiver node so that you do not have to repeat this tedious process time after time. There you go. You should be all set to make your next floating map on blackout. If this reply does not meet your standards or is hard o understand please message me and I will update this reply and tell you when i have finished. ~forgegod117~
And to think the other day I told you how to geomerge a box at an angle, and how to geomerge a bridge into the back area....