
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bartoge, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    If anyone would capture some film clips for me to help me get a video of propulsion, that would be great

    Click To Download
    Guarded by the greatest security known to man, this prison housed some of the most deadly criminals to ever exist. Soon these criminals teamed up to take on the toughest guards trained specifically to keep the criminals inside the prison. They now battle it up within the prison, taking over territories while killing the other team endlessly. Their battlefield is now and forever known as Propulsion.

    This map is designed for Foreghub’s Conquest Forge Off

    Starting Out
    Propulsion started out on google sketchup.
    After many tweaks and visualizations on that fantastic program I started to realize something: it wouldn’t have a spot at winning. So, I had to think of something that made it stand apart from the rest of all other conquest maps, but still keep the main layout. After wondering some forums I came across Paragon {not my first time} and thought that if I could recreate a roof like its, with so many angles and such, then surely it would stand out. But that’s wasn’t enough. So I kept researching Conquest, playing various maps built for it and stumbled into Fraction/Echo V2/ Traction. One thing they had in common was the way they used fence walls. My next step was to replace the walls with fence walls. With most Conquest maps you might be able to shoot at each other near the beginning but you have to travel through the map to defend the territories. This is not the way with Propulsion. Every territory has 1 safe spot {you can’t get shot at}, however, if you stand anywhere else you have to be careful as the enemies can shoot you through the fence walls. I had my idea, and I was sticking with it. I finally went on and started to forge my map. Starting with the center, I could already see its potential. As I finished the center of the map I began the sides and the roof. After a couple of weeks, Propulsion’s geometry was finally completed. I now had to add details weapons, equipment, respawns, and objective spawns. Once done with that part I began testing. Using the TRC guild I hosted some really good testing sessions, where there was lots of positive feedback, and constructive criticism. Taking some of it, and re-working some parts I bring you Propulsion.


    The layout of Propulsion is quite simple really: a U basically. Having only 2 turns and long hallways, you may think that cover is limited. Yet it’s the way the hallways form comes together that adds cover and aesthetics to the map. Think of a crankshaft, where it goes side to side.

    double box -> fence wall -> double box -> fence wall -> double box.

    That’s the flow of the center of the map. Now there is always 1 ½ boxes room between the sides, no more, no less. This creates indentions going throughout the hallways creating most of the cover. The good thing about the fence walls is that they force you to keep moving. If your sitting there gaining shields someone might come by and shoot you, and this creates the tension of wanting to move quickly but intelligently to keep yourself alive. From looking at an overview, the map is one of the smaller Conquest maps, maybe a bit larger than Faction. This makes the territories closer than most maps, but also doesn’t take very long to get from place to place. You might wish to see some pics right now, well wont you be happy.

    Update: Propulsion V1.5 :Update

    Yes, it is true. I have made a V1.5 hopefully for the better. As I continue to look around the forums and see conquest maps I notice something: you may be able to shoot at someone at all times but what about grenades and brute shots. So the main change have made is the fencewalls. They are now window panel structures. I've also made some minor spawn and weapon changes and they have also helped. So here are some pics of the new and improved Propulsion V1.5. {I have circled changes in red}

    As you can see I changed the window panel slit structure to a sign. I did this on both sides, because no one ever really used the slit to shoot, so it was beginning to get pointless.

    Here I changed the window panel that held the sniper to the wall. The window panel wasn't quite long enough so I could still get shoot at if I was behind it. The wall is wider and more sturdy, but still the same height. I moved the spikers to be in your line of traffic, and added those plasma rifles because people wanted more duels.

    This is the biggest change in gameplay. I really had to do trial and error for this, because sometimes you got shoot to much and sometimes you weren't shot enough. So, the main reason for adding this is because no one has ever done it before and now you can shoot anything at your enemies from the other side. And I think that is a good deal, considering there is less space to shoot compared to fencewalls. Note: both fencewalls have been replaced.




    This is an overview of the left side. You can start to see the indentions, and the awesome roof.

    Same thing but on the right side. Since its conquest, it is symmetrical.

    As you can see, this is territory 1. The players spawn in a fencebox behind the corner wall and emerge to take the stairs.

    As you leave the fencebox starting spawns you will look upon these fencewalls. They can make or break you at the beginning. And later on they are good to use. And at the end of the fencewall line there is the bruteshot. Its out of range to capture the first territory though.

    Proceding down the hallway we see territory number 2. Accomponied by the sniper, staying right up along that double box is the only safespot. {right where BR is}

    As the team continues their journey they reach territory number 5, the center. It contains the deployable cover, and you need to stay under that double box if you wish to capture the territory though.

    As you can see this is the indention I was talking about. It overlooks part of Territory 2 and 2 spikes reside here.

    This is that other indention. It also overlooks Territory 2. Territory 2 sticks out about halfway through the indentions. These fencewalls allow you to be shooting at something along the whole battlefield, keeping you in the action at all times.

    Here is part of that fabulous roof. Many angles and this is why many loved the aesthetics.

    Here is another part of the roof.

    You see, that is how you use the fencewalls wisely, eliminating you prey.

    A well placed spike can effectively kill two dillusional players.

    Red Team takes charge, in taking Blue's second territory. They failed afterwards.

    Brute Shots can help in marking your territory.

    The blue man was effectively using the dc, but he didn't think they would go around it.

    Where did you get your inspiration?
    Paragon, Traction, Faction, and the combustion engine.

    Wouldn’t the sniper murder /spawn kill anyone on this map?
    Actually, in conquest you are invincible 3 seconds into the spawn. That’s removes spawns killing, and the DC{deployable cover} aids in defending you.

    OMG, there is equipment on a conquest map?
    Yes there is a DC. However, with conquest you don’t want the battle to stop at one place {which Bubble Shields/Regens./Power Drains/Flares do}. The DC provides cover when needed for capturing a territory but is easily destroyed with a Brute Shot or Spike Grenade, and there is always enough room to walk around it.

    Why is there a shield door on that fencebox?
    Spike grenades stick to walls, the shield door allows the spike grenades to bounce into the last territory, giving them some helpful use.

    Special Thanks
    Thanks to all my testers that helped me test this map about 6 times.
    GaldiateSmiths, evan{insert his numbers after name}, that worm, zepplinboy777, and others who joined.

    Download Link

    #1 Bartoge, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  2. TehForger

    TehForger Ancient
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    this map is unbeleivable i LOVE the roof, the flow looks great i love the slants everywhere you did a great job 5/5 and a dl!
  3. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    I loved playtesting this, I had no issues whatsoever. The fence walls are a nice touch. The brute shot was a great weapon to add.
  4. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    This map looks great! The angled ceiling things are awesome. Great interlocking, 5/5
  5. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    This is a rather solid conquest map, and I am a big fan of conquest. Propulsion is the ultimate map in terms of architecture and long lines of sight. What makes this maps layout unique is that you can see through from one side of the map to the other. This allows one team to defend territories that they cannot capture. Also Propulsion is incredibly smooth. Toss a grenade down the tunnel with ease. Sniper bullets ricochet of of the curved walls and mindlessly lodge themselves within another players head. One team yells and cheers as the brute shot disintegrates a deploy able cover and another player sticks them. Bodies line the floor as players march past them to join the combat. Propulsion is truly one of a kind. It combines traditional conquest design with intense enclosed combat.

    As of right now this is the best map in the contest (my opinion) So you may have my vote.

  6. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    How is it you can believe this is the best map for conquest when you haven't played it yet? I thought you had RROD.
  7. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    So because i have RROD I can't say anything about a map. fine then. I belive you have a great map that is at least better than the other maps but I don't have any freedom to speak so it isn't good!
  8. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    Dude youve got the contest won!!! this is amazing!!!One small suggestion though... Put the territory on the stairs down by the dumster. Great map all together.
  9. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Alright let me get this straight! You just made a super kickass conquest map, during the conquest forge-off? If I know right then the forge-off requires for there to be no equipment on the map right?

    You should really take that equipment off, or make a version of the map with it off because this would have really good chances in winning the forge-off! I understand this is for the forge-off but I swear they said no equipment.

    Anyhow, the roofs are beautiful for being the hardest part of the map to make! The weapons are placed perfectly, and the gameplay looks perfect!

    5/5 untill I play it and see for myself, but I can see some great gameplay coming from this map.

    Wish you best luck in the forge-off!

    I think he put the territory on the stairs so that the two teams could fight through the fence making it harder to take the territory.
  10. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    I asked the question whether a Deployable Cover can be put in a conquest map for the forge off. Here was the main part of Rusty Eagles answer.

    So the DC doesn't completely block off movement and it can be quickly destroyed. Meaning it can be placed in the map. Most equipment halts a players movement or temps them to stay back for a certain amount of time. The DC unlike the bubble shield or regen it easily destroyed with Conquest weapons and is basically like adding a dumpster in the middle of the map for cover. And if I took it off I think there wouldn't be a sufficient amount of cover against the sniper. But through the testing phase, battles were just as chaotic and fun as without the DC
  11. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Well I had a good time testing with you and I see you took some of my suggestions into mind. This is a very fun conquest map. It combines a simple overall layout, but adds small touches to make it much more complex than a U would have you believe. Fighting through the fences is fun on your map. For some reason every other conquest map I never shoot through the fences, but on yours I think it gets utilized. A lot of very cool battles take place in the middle territory as well. The aesthetics are awesome, but I'll have to download the new version to see if you fixed the fence boxes. Great map, I think you have a good shot at winning.
  12. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    this is definitely a good conquest map. I've seen a lot lately I think because of the conquest but whatever. Theres a lot of good conquest maps out right now but this could fall into the top ten but I haven't seen all of them. The roof is nice and the forging is good. You have received a download.
  13. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    This map looks great! you deffinatly have my download! Excellent job 5/5 hope to see more of your work!
  14. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    This seems pretty cool. It looks fairly neat, like the design ideas look nice but in a few picks, I can see some bumps in the merging, like to the right of those steps. I know that looks arent everything but if theres bumps, that could cause slight problems in gameplay, but thats al right. I think otherwise that it looks like it could play pretty well. Im sure it serves its purpose as a conquest map. Ill check it out, good job.

    Oh yeah, besides the bumps I mentioned, the slanted roof structure thingys are beautiful.
  15. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    wow, this map looks really good. you haz great interlox, and forging ablity. I like the "window" at the spaws, gets the game started quick! your roof/boundrys were forged amazingly, which is awlays nice to see!

    5/5, great job!
  16. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    As soon as i saw this map i was instalty in love with the angles of the roof.
    I really love how youv'e done it. To me the two long hallways semm a little easy to kill along them quickly but still seems like thsi map has a great chance at winning.

    Looks sort of like mine a little too.
  17. that worm

    that worm Ancient
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    when i tested this map i really loved the gameplay, despite my broken mike, i especially liked the shield door at the mid territory bend, it makes for some interesting grenade placements especially with frags without sacrificing a surface for the spike grenades to shoot their payload down the opposing spawn path. And despite my reservations about the DP it really does work well and doesnt really obstruct any movement paths. all in all a fun and engaging conquest map both in terms of gameplay and aesthetics
  18. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I found this map to be okay when I looked around in it. It really gives the 'Paragon' feel to people.

    The map looks like those maps where teamwork is really a must because it is very small indeed. The idea for fence walls between the two bases and a territory on the stairs were some of the many firsts of Conquest. Nice job.
  19. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    There is a bump there {you have a good eye}, but I mean gameplay wise, it affects nothing. If it was a main area of the map, then maybe but those boxes are there to give a path to the brute shot and a small floor under the fencewalls. The only time you spend standing there is when you are shooting through the fencewalls, and since you shooting through the fencewalls bumps dont affect the gameplay on the map at all.

    On another note, everytime I go to check how downloads are another one pops up. 115 in two days, thats a new record for me. Thanks guys for liking the map so much. I hope the judges like it as much as you
  20. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I loved testing this map, it was really fun and had a good flow to it, but you might get disqualified from the competition Bartoge, for posting the map... I dunno though.

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