Debate Polygamy?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BASED GOD, Dec 21, 2008.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Legalise? I'll give my opinion later.
  2. Mandarotica

    Mandarotica Ancient
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    Yes to polygamy and gay marriage. I don't see why everyone cares so much about what others choose to do with their lives. If something bothers me I just don't do it and don't have it as part of my life. I don't see why people have to get so involved. Oh and theres a few women Id marry :D
  3. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Gay marriage has nothing to do with this thread, first off.

    I support the gays, but I do not support polygamy. I am not going to make a huge write up, but I will say that polygamy is wrong. It leads to inbreeding. Which leads to mentally challenged, physically deformed, and other types of mutations in offspring. That just isn't right and it should not be legal.
  4. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    I'm pretty much just using my Dad's arguments in this. He's not huge on polygamy, and discusses it a lot with his friends and co-workers, which kind of gives me the opinion on the subject.

    First off, it would send the economy even further downhill, seeing there's more people sharing budgets and and less people paying bills, due to less individuals receiving the payments. Like it or not, all our heavy spending keeps our economy running.

    See, check this out. Let's say you have 5 unmarried people that all pay their bills, have home accessories, and buy groceries (we're not including clothes here). Let's say they each spend around 15,000 dollars a year on all of their bills and such.. If those five people then decide to get married by using their right to polygamy, they drop the government 60,000 dollars a year. Now lets do this with 5,000,000 people getting married, 5 people in each marriage. The government is going to lose 60,000,000,000 dollars every year from this, and I can imagine there's gonna be more than 5,000,000 people practicing polygamy if it was legalized.

    Sure, the government would adapt, make new laws to limit spending rights and such, and get through all the hell The United States would be in, but in the years waiting for that to happen, America would suffer going through a depression, which we could possibly be approaching as we speak, a huge inflation, and a even bigger national debt.

    Another argument, which is much more opinionated, is just human reasoning and choice. With polygamy legalized, there would be a steep rise in abusive relationships, birthrates, divorces (which could pair with poverty), and STD count. As you could imagine, with marriage relationships involving upwards of 3 people, conflict would arise much easier. Matters of attention, money, and control would make heated relationships much faster. Human morales would also decline from a constant barrage of insults and false love. Conflicts would also arise as to who gets the most attention, who gets what share in money, and who controls that. Conflicts within a family like that would definitely lead to a divorce, which is going to be a much more complicated process with 3 or more opinions, attorneys, and debates. And then with the custody rights, and emotional breakdowns of some of the divorced members, could certainly lead to much higher unemployment and poverty rates, and possibly deaths. Also, in a relationship with more than one spouse, you would only be bound by the law, unless each spouse of the each sex had a child with every spouse of the opposite sex, which would lead to unnecessarily high birthrates.

    I'm not anti-choice, my arguments just defend the US and it's potential downfall. I think with the economy and human race how they are right now, our marriage rights are what hold it all together. If you have the need to love more than one person at once, just realize it's love, not legal matrimony that holds people together.

    And if you didn't go through the time to read my whole debate, I'll summarize and break it down.
    America would be in the shitter, and the human race would be right down there with it.
  5. Mandarotica

    Mandarotica Ancient
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    I understand your point, I just have different views than most people. First off, I wouldn't mind marrying a guy and girl if I could, that's what brought on gay marriage. I know it's not for everyone, but I'm different than most people. I don't get jealous when it comes to my relationship and I point out hot chicks to my boyfriend, sometimes I bring them home. Obviously it's not for everyone, and polygamy doesn't have to involve 20 spouses, just more than one.

    In my particular situation, I've been with my boyfriend for almost seven years and we're not in a rush to get married. But I have liked girls as long as I've liked guys, and I'm only going to live once so I date girls as well (and he doesn't mind, or I wouldn't do it, out of consideration). No increased STD levels- I've never had one and I'm picky/SAFE about who I'm with. And honestly, who's to say that because I date more than one person that I'll get an STD? Would it be safer to be one of the [insert large number here] of single straight people who sleep with someone new weekly or monthly? In society's eyes it may be more politically correct because it's out of sight and out of mind.

    I think it would be nice to marry a woman if I felt that strongly about her, and also marry my boyfriend. I guess that's where we differ- I'm refering to my own lifestyle and not polygamy as a whole in every possible scenario.
  6. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    I also understand your view. Yours is more of a personal argument, and mine are more directed towards everybody in America. Many of the people that would engage in many-spouse relationships wouldn't be able to see from a point like that, much less get up and make an intelligent debate. Some are probably pro-polygamy so the can have sex with a different person every night that they loved, and still never have a guilty conscience. Then they are those like you, who can make an intelligent debate, and are pro because you don't mind people loving more than one spouse.

    In this debate, and with our government, the way that you're going to win them over into legalizing this is facts and statistics. What's sad is the people running this country have dropped far enough to completely ignore opinions, and even our base morales, like it or not.
  7. Mandarotica

    Mandarotica Ancient
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    Right, like I said, I'm basing on my personal situation. I do also agree with you because all-in-all, if it were legal it would be a fiasco because the majority of the people doing it would be a drain on the economy and would most likely be some old man with twenty 18 year old girls that he bought mail-order (lol). Also, it turns into more of a "I own these women" than "I love these women." Any who, I'm done debating for the day.
  8. bolddoughnut

    bolddoughnut Ancient
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    I think that anyone should be able to do what ever they wish. If two women are fine with marring the same husband why should anyone stop them? As long as no ones will is being broken and they are not being forced into it I see nothing wrong with it.
  9. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    it is a sin.
    god forbids it.
  10. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Yet, Mormons once supported polygamy. The only reason they don't now, was because they received heavy discrimination from other peoples because of.
  11. Distractedone

    Distractedone Ancient
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    I'm sorry, but I feel that this post is full of unsupported false logic and non sequiturs.

    As far as the economy is concerned; yes it would be a smart choice to marry more than one person from a financial standpoint, but only as far as housing costs are concerned. It's also a smart choice to just live with more people. When more than two people live together their need to consume does no magically disappear. People still need clothing, food, and services, no matter how many women are being shared in the marriage. The average consumer spends more money on food and services in a given year than he/she spends on televisions and furniture.

    Secondly, larger families require larger homes. Larger homes require more money to maintain. This means that more members of the family will have to earn more money. Also, just because a woman becomes married does not mean she will want to start working. If there are more women in the house, wouldn't that mean that where are more people around to fill the space of a traditional house wife? This would allow the others more time to be financially productive.

    As far as STDs are concerned: If one is tied down to a single partner (or group of partners, in this case), doesn't that decrease the chances of STDs spreading due to the new borders created by presumably loyal couples? There are many reasons some people would rather wait until marriage to have sex; one of them is the decreased likelyhood of obtaining an STD.

    The rest of your argument uses false logic.

    I have nothing against polygamy, but I am not an avid participator either. As humans were are prone to greed; that includes greed when it comes to partners. Just because women CAN share a man does not mean that they WILL. I would LOVE to have sexy threesome with my girlfriend, but that doesn't mean she will want to share me with some random woman. I also wouldn't want to share my lady with some random guy.

    My point? If it tickles your fancy, by all means engage in polygamy because it isn't hurting me. Ladies, good competing for attention. Men, good luck putting up with all those womenly issues (I joke, I joke, I kid, I kid.)

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    This is a really easy debate: Would you want to be raised by two dads? How about three dads and 7 moms? That doesn't seem right to me.
  13. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Umm, you obviously have no clue.
    Here i'll fill you in: Polygamy = one man with more then one wife.
    Having nothing to do with Gay marriage so....
    Debate forum keeps getting more spam.

    Polygamy should not be legalized in my opinion. I dont have many reasons to back it up, its just one of those natural things i belive. One man, one wife.
    If they dont love eachother anymore a divorce is always an option, then you can go off and get married again.
  14. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I live in B.C. and there was a small self-sufficient Mormon community that supported Polygamy and they was no age limit to marriage or sex. There was a guy with 12 wives and 37 children. I think there was also a 14 year old girl married to a 25 year old guy. This was on news. Use google or the following links. Lots of coverage.
    There was a lot more but if you don't believe these.

    I don't seem many benefits. All it really does is cause trouble and maybe some legal scams. I say anyone who wants a bunch of complaining wives go for it.
  15. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I believe polygamy should be completely legal. Who are we to decide who a person is allowed to love?
    On the topic that it is unnatural: This reminds me of a story I read a while ago. A gay man was on a flight in Britain, kissing his boyfriend. An old man stopped him, and told him what he was doing was unnatural. The gay man pointed out that they were currently flying inside a giant hunk of steel thousands of feet above the ground.
  16. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    That's a really great non-argument you have there.

    It's one of those things you assume is obvious, until you actually give its some thought. I never thought about it, until a certain person pointed out that it really doesn't hut anyone, and it's worth taking into consideration. You know who that person was? Jerry ****ing Springer. That's right... (he actually had a pretty decent radio show for a time... intellectually far superior to his TV show)...

    Point is... you have to open your mind to things, don't take the standard attitudes as your own automatically. Monogamy is a CULTURAL norm, not necessarily ethically superior.
    #16 Indie Anthias, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2009
  17. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    No I wouldn't but that does not mean someone else would not like to be.

    I'm still on the fence with this topic. I'm not sure what to think about it.

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