It would seem you are. My only problem is that your general style is to have the focal somewhat blurry. I don't think this looks very good.
Awesome sig, I really like it. The text could be a little higher, and a faint border would be nice. 9.7/10
My only two problems would be that the whole sig looks to blury and bright. Im on old school so I dont know if you have a white border around it or not. Looks good though
D: Actually, if I make it sharper, it wouldn't go along with the signature. I wanted it to have a soft tone to it. If it was sharp, it would look like an action shot. With flowers.
Ya, but to me it's so blurry it actually hurts my eyes. Although that could just be my bad vision. Also, it definitely gives off a soft feminine feel XD.
Even though I hate most Anime with a passion.... This signature is pretty good. Nothing really seems to conflict (colour wise) and it was a good idea not to have a border. Oh, and it makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside, like I want to go pet a bunny.