Sandbox Wishlist - Get Your Ideas In!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Matty, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. RisingRemains

    RisingRemains Ancient
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    Sorry for too much stuff, but I can't help it xD.

    Trees would bee nice. There's already trees on most maps, so it wouldn't be diffucult to add that.
    Another one, would be rocks. For aesthetic needs.
    Water, ofcourse water! Wouldn't be hard to add that either, since Last Resort, Vahalla, etc have it xD.
    Dead bodies. I dont know if they can add that, but it's just a random thought. Dead bodies would add aestheticness to infection type maps. To give it the feeling that there going to die! xD.

    Borders! Probably they won't add this but, be pretty cool. Like adding mountain ranges for a border. Like they did for vahalla.
    Or broken buildings to keep in the map. But this suggestion is just here if sandbox is really that big. Cause if it is then, probably we'll need that aha.
    Opening doors by pulling a switch, just like High Grounds doors.
    An option to turn OF and ON filters during gameplay.
    You know, if your making a map with real day time. First you want it to be morning, afternoon, and then night. But after that, you can't change it. But if they added that option, it would happen to be daytime again, and start over. That would really be a helpful feature, so it'll feel like it's like a real day, going over and over.
    Another GOOD one would be those window panels from campaighn. That have actual WINDOWS on it. xD. just break it open and your through. It would help real good, everytime it breaks you can set the respawn settings to 10 seconds or w/e. And it'll repair by itself every 10 Seconds. Pretty awesome to me ;P.
    Warthog Troop Hog. Pretty cool, from campaign, so nott a big deal aha xD.
    Elevator, it was from campaign, from the level the storm. (; .
    Grass? It's scenery, not a big deal since maps have it ;P.

    And noww, here are my WILD thoughts. xD.

    Marine AI's! You know it would be cool, and ofcourse it's in campaighn! You could put the marines on what side they should defend for. For example. if Team Slayer. You set 5 Marines to Defend Red Team And 5 Marines To Defend Blue. Or for Infection.
    You could have 3 marines left with the other living spartans on the human team. And like 30 Marine Zombies Holding Swords with the Infected Spartans aha.
    You know it would be awesome seeing that. And now being a problem giving the marines a weapon of choice for either team.
    That is one thing, I would really like too see in Halo 3 (; .
    But sadly, I doubt that since they said themselves, there would be no AI's in multiplayer matches.
    Another would be, a PELICAN! Just for transportation! Without it's missle shoootersmabobs ;p. You can set the pelican down to the ground, and let following spartans get INSIDE it. There would be no options for the spartans to sit down or w/e. They would have to stand inside the Pelican Or crouch. They could fall out of the pelican at anytime, or when the pelican/driver is shotdown. Same with phantom, but it has a plasma cannon. ;D

    I know I have a big imagination, and I listed kinda alot of things, but I have more ideas, but I won't list them just yet aha.
    If they actually add anything good to sandbox, I would probably buy back my bungie pro and make more maps. But for the mean time, I'll wait until sandbox comes out and just maybe get my bungie pro back and make more maps. I love making maps, problem is that the ordinary fileshare is just too small.
    Hope you could add some of my ideas to the list. Thanks ;D
  2. Moniter117

    Moniter117 Ancient
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    Personally i would like there to be a toggle on/off if an object can be immovable or not. This function would be located whenever you press "X" on an object that is selected. This would save money and time.
  3. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    There is no real reason to submit anymore. Bungie has already made SandBox.
  4. Furry

    Furry Guest

    No. Urk is the only registered Bungie Employee that I know of on Forge Hub. I'm quite sure he doesn't report everything and read every thread on Forge Hub just to listen to their fan-base.

    Scar3 Cr0w, it's not released until March 4th. There is always room for improvement. They built all of the maps I'm pretty sure. They said they tested all of them. They're still improving. It's Bungie!

    You'd have better luck with a thread on though. Just saying.
  5. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I was just saying they are probably not going to add anything trival now, I'm sure they either done or just going to tweak one or two things. Oh and BTW Shiska is here now.
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey just a question pertaining to the new map. Do you think that bungie will try to make it impossible for people to geomerge, interlock, and use the unlimmited budget glitch, because if they did whats the point of the new map?
  7. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    No to the first two, maybe to the last one. They feature merged/interlocked maps all the time. Every good one atleast. They only glitch they don't like its budget glitch, because they think it could mess up peoples harddrives (?) so they might fix the glitch in the 3 new maps. That would suck though, most of the awesome stuff we come out with is budget glitched now.
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    First of all, I hope you know that this would be way too many details to be added and changed to sandbox. Second of all:
    I like matchmaking and I think this would be a cool map for it. Other people have different perspectives. We can't ask them to change the whole map to a canvas. It's too unrealistic, and that statement might degrade their views on us. I say leave out this part, because it's too late for this kind of drastic change. It may be just a thought, but still, I don't think it would be good to have this part in that initial message.
  9. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    A giant wall. Just so it blocks off the amount of extra space on the map that you don't want players going to and instead having to use normal objects to block it off.
  10. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    i was thinking, if it was possible for bungie to make doors that interlock themselves but are still solid, why can' t they do that with all objects, it seems as if they already have the solution for interlocking easily.
  11. Alec944

    Alec944 Ancient
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    I just want it to be completely forgable. all structures should be able to be built/deleted. I think the sand should be forgeable, along with the environment.
  12. sleeper7642

    sleeper7642 Ancient
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    The things that I want are:
    Simplified Interlocking/Geomerging
    Be able to make death barriers so you could make a good floating map like Blackout
    New Scenery
    Under options, you should be able to select if the item is moveable or not

    Please consider this, Bungie. It would give me a reason to play Halo 3 more (COD4 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  13. I SomeOneElse I

    I SomeOneElse I Ancient
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    doors that open when you walk towards them(like the ones on gemini form halo 2)
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    On/off switches. Ideally, it's a simple mechanism that will be able to be triggered by the action button. It would work on channels, similar to how teleporters work. Toggable objects (doors, shield doors, teleporters, etc.)
  15. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Whatever they they make I'm sure all of us will be happy, they might not put anything drastic like half the stuff in this thread but we'll be fine with whatever they come up with. Oh and I guess since this is a wish list, the only thing I would ask for is is an undo button.
  16. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    These are all in campaign, so the models are all there.
    -Those cardboard boxes in the level Tsavo Highway
    -Pre-destroyed vehicles are all over campaign, would that not be great?
    -Troop hogs! Yay!
    -More Covenant-themed objects, imagine Snowbound and Foundry's love child.
  17. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Sorry to say troop hogs are designed to hold marines, and Spartans and Elites are too big to fin in a troop warthog.

    Being able to toggle a object immovable/movable is impossible with halos engine. Each object has its own properties, and giving and object more than one would just screw up and lag the game.

    So basically you just want to forge halo maps, without forging? Why are you on a Halo forge website if you don't even like how its set up. Making everything auto-interlock would take all the fun out of forging. Don't be lazy.

    There is a reason for the money and item limit. With too much of either a map would start to super lag and boot people from the party. I'm sure if Bungie could they wouldn't incorporate them. They made the game for peoples enjoyment, not so we could find everything wrong with it.

    And adding a 90 degree snap would have to change the actual forge map maker. Adding a individual item would be one thing, but changing how the game works is not doable.

    Almost everything here is possible, but walls that are adjustable isn't. The reason a KOTH hill is adjustable is because it sets a "bound" that you are in. Making adjustable walls wouldn't work because everything in forge has a price. Having a $5 wall that you could make any size wouldn't work because its not about the actual price. Bungie placed a price on all forge objects not so you have to use a certain amount of objects, but so you don't go over the amount of bandwidth a map uses. In other words, you could have used all of your money, but if you have lets say five extra large walls, that would go over the maps bandwidth even though your in the budget.
  18. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    This reminds me of the outrageous suggestions in the "Foundry Ideas!" thread. But I am excited even though there won't really be any drastic changes in objects. And whoever said that door thing (being merge-able but solid) has a great point.

    Also, the KOTH-like walls could be plausible if the larger they are, the more budget they take up! That would be nice.

    Aren't you being a little harsh with megathumbs phil?
  19. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Yea, im sorry. I just get irritated when there are so many people that post the same thing over and over, and ask the same old questions.

    And yea, i didn't even think about that. But bungie would have to add something for an item to be able to have multi prices.
  20. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    more double boxes, undo button, instant interlocking/geomerging, the ability to snap immovable objects to a grid, new powerups and filters

    Shade turrets, missile turrets, campaign powerups, placeable minefields/killer turrets, sniper towers, invisible walls,

    For god's sake! the troop transport hog, pelicans, Sparrowhawks and the WOLVERINE!

    adjustable grav lifts and man cannons, and airlifts!

    colour/theme changing, i think after buying every map pack and still not getting an ascension remake, i deserve to at least be able to make one.


    ok done raving now, back to rockets!

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