BEFORE READING ON: I would like to warn you that this map is a pre-DLC conquest map on The Pit. There is a lack of items on The Pit which makes blocking off parts of the map very difficult. Therefore, I have constructed my own version of Conquest v3 which alters the gravity settings to make it difficult to break the map. Download The gametype Conquest: HG, which is Conquest with high gravity settings. The map probably is breakable if you try, but breaking the map will kill the spirit of the game. If you are bothered by a map that is breakable, I highly suggest you stop reading, because there's no aesthetics in the map either. Description Stalemate is a conquest map based in the rear area of the pit. The middle territory is where the rockets spawn on the pit. I have constructed that rear area into long narrow hallways that suit perfectly for conquest. The sniper and BR become VERY useful weapons when headed toward the middle territory due to a longer line of a sight. But the middle territory can be taken from you at anytime with the help of the other times Sniper, custom power up, or a spike grenade. Several times the teams will meet at the Middle territory both dawning the custom power up, which ultimately causes chaos. The perfect conquest feel. The narrow hallways also cause Sniper shots to ricochet causing more chaos and crazy carnage. There is about 8 Plasma Rifles, 4 SMGs, 2 Needlers and 4 Spikers on the map. About 6 BRs, 2 Snipers, 2 Custom Power Ups not spawning at start, as well as a Brute Shot not spawning at start. Layout of Map Red and Blue = Territories Purple = Middle Territory Yellow = Custom Power Up Action Shots Download Stalemate Download Conquest: HG (High Gravity)
Woah, cool. I always wondered if this could be done. Looks really fun. I thought about the gravity changes and I have decide that it could make conquest more conquesty. Conquest is supposed to be about brute force right? Taking about hops make it more about that. I hope to have a game on this soon. BTW, What's that BR doing in the 2nd action shot?
Woah I never even got a chance to play test this? I'm disappointed. Anyway onto the map, this actually looks very promising and I've never seen a Conquest Pit map before and from the looks of it, it looks like you pulled it off very well. The custom power ups seem to be well placed and form the pictures the blocking off looks great to. You'll have to invite me to a game sometime so I can try this out.
Kinda looks like a real Conquest map on Foundry, but with The Pit as the template. Very very nice post BTW, also great approach for a Conquest map, this looks very fun. I can't see the barriers that much, but hopefully, you blocked them well. You have come to be a very skilled forger in the past months, I admire your work. The map looks very well-planned and also gives the feeling of The Cellars, which was made a long time ago. Nice job.
Nice Gametype and display, it plays pretty well and the territories are set up so perfectly, it is a great non-foundry map. 4/5!
THIS WAS REALLY FUN.... i cant stress it... long hall made for a perfect snipe map the only thing i might edit... is lessing the amount of ammo in the brute shot... put ima give this a review... Layout: well simple but wonderful the intricate hallway gives little nooks and cranies to duck behind but still is a large task for an over matched team... i like the map i wish it was less breakable and didnt have low gravity... the gavity cause u a slight detour walking up the ramp but its worth it for the map to work Weapons: Wonderful.... the sniper was a powerful thing not to be underestimated... i donno if my game about 4 hrs ago got in to screenies... but ppl complained bout my childish DIBS ON SNIPER.... or DONT TOUCH IT ITS MINE... i manages 12 headshots and 14 sniper kills with a lotta string of kills couple of trip.... sadlly i lagged out b4 my 2nd game... but onward... i think bruteshot should have less ammo... and hopefully we could have a frag or a plasma.... Gameplay 9.6/10 NICE thats all i can say
lol... that was me = D You know my opinion... the map IS breakable but no one ever left the game area because they just wanted to play the game. The placing of the map is ingenius... we should make a Conquest map on pre DLC... I have a couple of good ides on where to start. 5/5 for the great design and putting it on the PIT!!!
Haha, I love the fact that you made a Conquest map using a map's actual geometry. Very nice to see when all of these other Conquest maps are being made in Foundry. Sort of reminds me of how Cellers started it all. Good job dude.
This is a great map. I have never seen a conquest map on The Pit before, and this shows The Pits true potential. Last night was amazing. The layout is just shinning Conquest and the place to hold it was chosen very well. My only complaint was the sniper. I felt like someone on the other team ALWAYS had it which made moving forward practically impossible. I dont know how much ammo it had but try reducing the spawn time one it. The only other thing I ddin't like was how many hiding spots there were. It seemed as though every time I went around a corner I was assassinated. But this map will make me sad, because even though its great and amzing, you cant enter it into the Conquest forge-off.
The gravity changes didn't change much, but there was a slight difference in gameplay I guess... More carnage without people jumping all over the place dodging brute shots. Anyway, that BR was falling out of a recently killed player... I guess an explosion propelled it or something. I actually didn't get a lot of playtests on it. Not that I was impatient or anything, but I really didn't see much to test for. I did 2 test sessions, spawns were fine, I was satisfied with weapons and the gameplay. But the only thing that I maybe should've tested with more is blocking off the map. But, I had used a lot of resources, I think I did my best on the breakability issue. The custom power-ups were placed in a position where they could reach the middle territory and battle for several seconds, but not so the person bearing the custom power-up could totally steal territories on the other team's side. Thanks. I've recently been starting to work with different concepts than the typical foundry map. I've been working with Avalanche, a floating blackout map, a couple of maps set up for special gametypes, and a conquest map for the forge-off. Expect one more Pre-DLC conquest map from me and another one on foundry. I tried setting up the territories in a way where you could be covered when you were standing next to it, but when you were capturing it, there was a line of sight where an enemy could spot you and try to delay you from capturing the territory. So thanks for the comment about my territories being set up perfectly, it means a lot actually. I'm going to have to disagree with you on the brute shot ammo. The brute shot's main purpose is to be a counter against the sniper. When there's a sniper in the middle hallway, they are trying to take out the opposing team approaching the middle hallway. but what the brute shot does is force the sniper back into the hallway so they cannot see the opposing team and the opposing team can then move forward. The Custom Power-up and Spike grenades are also for that purpose. There was only one occasion where someone broke the map but got stuck outside because of the gravity issue. There was no incentive for breaking the map so nobody did it. I don't see the breakability as an issue at all really. Thanks for testing Red. I've recently been in a conquest craze, so one day when my internet wasn't working, I couldn't access my DLC maps (some glitch when you put your old hard drive on a new xbox) so I couldn't work on my Foundry Conquest map. I was in the mood to forge a conquest map. The Pit seemed like the only good choice with it's symmetrical layout and narrow hallways. Thanks. As mentioned above, the Brute Shot, Custom Power-Up, and Grenades were all meant to be counters for the sniper, especially when it's in the middle. When using grenades and the Brute Shot, it forces the person with the sniper into cover because the last thing they want to do is lose their sniper. The custom power-up just allows you to move forward without worrying about anything except assasinations. As for the corners, I actually liked them. They were a great counter for the custom power-up. If someone with the custom power up passed by a corner, they had to be weary of an assassin behind the corner. And if you had to take out someone behind the corner, the spike grenades are pefect because you can stick them right on the wall the person is hiding behind. and if you get the spike grenade close enough and in the right spot, you can take them out in one hit.