Heroic DLC Redeemer.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Linubidix, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Well, what more is to say? The ghost here balances out perfectly with the rest of the map, and you would take a picture of Creep stealing the ghost from me :(. I have yet to play the final version yet but from what I have played sniper/slayer oriented games were the best to play. The map itself is outstanding back hallway merges and good interlocking is abundant here. If there are still 2 shotguns on the map then you have created the only map that I have seen that actually balances them out and they are not overpowered. Congrats to you guys, you both deserve a week of Gow2 (because you have been playing halo non-stop)

  2. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    The aesthetics on this map look absolutely beautiful! I can tell you spent LOTS of time trying to construct this map. I love the C. CHUCK memorial. That looks sweet. Aesthetics 5/5


    Layout looks fabulous just as much as the aesthetics! I have never seen anyone implement bunkers into the bases of foundry, so that deserves credit for originality. always had thing for asymmetrical maps, but I love the way this is set up so much I just HAVE to download this. Layout 5/5


    I'll have to come back later for a review about the spawns, but the weapon placement looks great! I think that the weapons and equipment is placed in great places where it will result in positive gameplay, so good job on that. I'll be back with that review on the spawns. Weapon placement 5/5, Spawns ?

    I have always loved your maps silence, and this is just another fine one for the collection. Everything looks perfect with the interlocking and geomerging. I'll download and test some games out on this for the gameplay. Nice job overall!
  3. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    through long nights of waking up in a cold sweat finding the pillow at the other side of the room, and a midget under the bed, im very glad to finally say this is here. very. you guys didnt dissapoint me like oprah, and this is certainly one of the most anticipated maps i had. i really like how the feal of halo 2 was landed, very nicely. and the fact that SMG's were used, means i will forever be in this map, shooting piles of trash and trying to find a skull i think is there, but never ceasing to drop my beloved SMG. for that, i give you a burnt pizza slice, and my praise for this wonderful masterpiece. reveiw comes later, or a second burnt pizza slice.
    #23 Metallic Snake, Jan 31, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
  4. fabioisonfire

    fabioisonfire Ancient
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    This is absolutely fantastic. My favorite thing is how the map flows so seamlessly and just how simple, yet complex it is. Lots of places to be flanked from as well. Astounding work.
  5. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    Maybe he feels it was a 10/10 in everything dont say it was bogus just cause you maybe wont give it a 10/10, ok now after all the times i playtested this, i <3 this map soooo much. The whole open combat which is hard to do in a lot of maps, is nailed so well on this map. I really loved playing koth, and shotty snipers. The whole open forefunner urban feel is what really makes me like the map. The ghost is also very well used nd ballanced perfectly, like when i took it up on the back elevated ramps and splatered squid. All in all this is a superb map. 10/10. Amazing job silence and linue. This is my new ****ing haircut, i see a feature in the near futire.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I never thought that teh cool guiz would let me test too. Then I did.
    I was liek zomg.


    This map is great. As I told tsb, it actually feels like a map, not a forged map.

    The aesthetics are top of line. Of course, the interlocking and geo-merging are fantastic. Nothing trying to jump out at you, but that is not ow a map is supposed to be. Mind you, everything is perfect. It's the little things that make it feel right. For example,

    In that image ^, isn't that wall thing that the stairs go up to great?! Don't you just love that? IDK why, but I ****ing love that.

    The layout is awesometacular. It feels so smooth. I feel like I am at home. "Uncanny flow" is right. The changes in elevation are great.

    The gameplay is just so epic winzorz. I always felt it would be fun for snipers, and I am glad to see that you have went with 2 snipers. The ghost is great in that map. It has been a long time since I have sat down and played a truly fun compettive map.

    Great work.

  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Silence and Linu, i ****ing love this map. Let's play right now.

    It's come a long way since i first set eyes on the main structure, i knew it would be a kick ass map from the moment i saw it. i loved being some of the first testers to have a go at it. I don't think i've ever seen a vehicle on foundry work so nicely, ESPECIALLY not a ghost. I love the battle that ensues over it as both teams hijack it back into their control. Linu, you did a killer job on some of that ****ING RIDICULOUS geomerging among other things. Silence, you did a killer job on my memorial ;) Hats off to both of you!

    This must get featured.
  8. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This map is one of, if not the best forged map for larger scale battles I have EVER played. The layout makes Foundry seem its largest to date. With the beautifully balanced use of high, low, far and close it seemed that everything was fun. Oddball, King of the Hill, you name it. I'd have to say that the weapon placement was impressive with the needler, the rocket being just within reach to nab. Duals can be very prevalent too in this map seeing as last night I was able to combine an SMG and a Plasma rifle to score some points. Perhaps one of the strongest points that adds to this overall is the spawns. They work very well. I don't think I recall being spawn killed, or trapped, once. The aesthetics themselves were amazing. You had great use of high tower like structures coupled with ramps, jumps and grav-lifts. Everything has a definitive flow and feeling to it that holds continuity.

    Thats really all there is to it. The map is amazing. It looks amazing, it plays amazing... did I mention it's amazing? I urge strongly anyone to download this for it boasts the gameplay to back up its gorgeous design.
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Pirate Review [Personaly Interviewd (Rate)ing]

    1. Playability/Re-playablility
    The map is incredibly fun, and will stay fun, for the long period of time that it will stay on my hardrive. The map boasts the re-playability like no other, I will keep coming back for more. Also, having the map set up for less commonly played gametypes, such as KoTH, Shotty Snipers, and Oddball is a huge bonus

    2. Map Geometry (structures, flow, exct.)
    Well done, you have sucsessfuly pulled of a U shaped map. That by itself is enough to say, but I will elaborate. With the high ground on the sides and the back, as well as (most of) the power weapons, it draws the gameplay through out the map. I found myself frequenting the back area more than I did the back bases.
    The map also combines great flow with great geometry. With many walkways, degisned routes, and unique structures, this map runs with flying colors across the finish line. The map geometry easily provides the cover for the map, and you can always escape a fire-fight by escaping around the corners 'n' such. My only qualm is the gravlifts. Unless you jumped into them at the perfect angle, which is incredibly hard to do in the middle of a battle, you find yourself missing the bridges, not getting up high enough, or bouncing off the bouble boxes between the two.

    3. Gameplay, Spawns
    Not much need to elaborate here, the map just plays perfectly. As it is symetrical, there are no qualms coming from unevenes. Br's are a rare treat, and the prescribed power weapons fit in well with the map. I was never spawn killed, and the only bad spawn I had while playing this was when both teams were random colors; mine spawned in the middle of the map at the start of a snipers game, and was imediatly owned... lol. The great gamelpay on a U shaped map like this is rare, and you two haz achivebled it.

    4. Aesthetics
    Besides the geometry's beautiful and clean look, the esthetics formed by the geometry, the map has an esthetical spartan look. No esthetics were spamed, very professional. The map just looks great.

    I dont want to sound like a repetative jackass, so I'll make this short. E.P.I.C. W.I.N.

    Mathmatical Rating: 93.75% (A-)
    Personal Rating: A
  10. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    This map is so clean,neat and fun.The sturctures are amazing and i like how you made the shield door with the fence wall.Only one thing on spawns.Me and AmercanPhyso were going 1v1 on it he kept spawn at the same place and i spawn killed him like 7 times in a row.And its the spawn on the right base on the foundry.Mybe fix that.But 5/5
  11. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    Nice map, the gameplay is pretty incredible as is the geo-merging and interlocking, I really like the grav lift under the fence wall. It is pretty pro. 5/5!
  12. Metroshell

    Metroshell Ancient
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    There is no other word for this map than [love]...

    I fell in love when I went through this map. It's made so well. It's a brain orgasm whenever I play it. This is a map that can be played over and over and over again. And more...

    A must-feature and play if you love Halo. (using mah post as a testimony wouldn't be minded... :p)
  13. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    this just may the most anticipated map of all time. all the tiny little details you payed attention to are what makes this map epicly win. wait that isnt the word,nor do i know if an acual word exist that can desribe the awesomeness of this. this is just as good if not better than remedy (and thats hard to do) and I think this is your first feature linubidix and a third or fourth for you thesilencebroken. I certainly hope you to do another map together.
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Rocket is supposed to be difficult to get to, it's the power weapon, and the shotgun spawns in your base.
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    we decided last minute to post it, right in the middle of the night.

    Some areas just dont transfer well to pictures. I chose the best looking pictures and went with those. The video shows everything. Also, I used the most recent games played for the video and pictures because the map wasnt 100% done when you were in it.

    Load up Last Resort or Coagulation... Avalanche or any other map and then come talk to me about bare spots.

    I dont base my testers on rank. If I trust you and need people, you're welcome.

    Glad you enjoyed it. Happy to watch you re-learn how to play halo as well. It was hilarious at first.

    I want to stress that the lifts are only intended as a way up to the bubble shield. Anyone who uses it to get to the rockets is doing so knowing that it is a risky and difficult move. The technical way to get to the rockets is from the top of the back walkway. Cold Storage requires a large jump to get rockets as well. Some practice with the lifts will make it much easier. They are meant to lead you anywhere you want, much like on Desolation from Halo 2.

    The recommended number of players for the map is 4-8. It is also meant for Team games. The spawning is not guaranteed to work properly if you are playing with fewer or too many players, or if you are playing FFA. The spawning is also severely messed up when using team colors other than red and blue. Stick to those and no matter how predictable the spawns are, they are safe.

    I believe that was Regicide.

    The ghost isnt supposed to be this super dominant force... thats why everyone hates it on Snowbound and Isolation. You can get a few kills in, and thats what makes it worth it. Plus its fun.

    As for the Rockets, the rockets are easy to reach.. simply go up the back walkway... The lifts are meant to get on the bubbleshield bridge.

    The shotgun spawns in the base on either side, and the sniper spawns in the middle on the sides. If the person has both, it is only because you allowed them to.
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    It's called go up the way that you're supposed to... up the back ramp. If you can get the complicated grav-lift jump down, then good for you, you get an extra edge against everyone else.

    Think of the classic lockout, it was still playable without the challenging jumps, but if you could do them then you had that edge.
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Chuck said it best, infact thats the best way ive heard it put. The actual way you're suppost to get to the Rocket Spawn is a small jump from the back walkway. IF you can get the jump down from the lift, then excellent, you have the advantage. If not, then you play it like its supposed to be played. Ya had to make a much larger jump for the rockets in Cold storage, in an open room where everyone had sight of you.

    Additionally since it was late, I had forgotten to add this:

  18. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Silence how did you guys even merge the walls into the back hallway? Thats like the sickest geomerge I've ever seen.

    Good job on the map btw guys.
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    That is all Linu, and its cause hes the ****in man. I couldnt do that to save my life.
  20. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I know, that shits crazy man. I'll have to ask him about it sometime.

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