Sandbox Discussion - Watch your spam.. (Interview links in OP)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Something., Jan 16, 2009.

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  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Whoever said that was sandbox?

    As for the environment 1 thing, URK said that is what bungie name their map pics for press release, they are pics of the map that do not have any visible players on them, thus the "environment" name...
  2. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I know what the new forge object is!!!!!! It's placeable lighting. Not like juicy, if you look on the picture you see two odly colored spheres. Under each one is the same color light as the sphere as if a glow. Anyone agree? I'd post a pictuer but I got to charge my laptop for a while.
  3. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I believe that the "Pancake Theory" is true.
    My reasoning behind my belief?
    If you would look at the picture, notice the arch curve of the circle that is encasing the map. As seen here:

    The area would surpass much, much more than what we can see on the picture.
    To demonstrate this, I created a diagram to help you out.

    It could be possible that the Pancake Theory is correct.
    This is another way to look at it, and I believe that it is a definite possibility.
  4. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Well Bungie has officially confirmed that this is a picture of Sandbox in their weekly update.
    Edit: My apologies this has already been stated above

  5. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Yes, this has been established...
    Pay attention dude, keep up :)
  6. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Sorry missed a couple pages when reading.
    I do have to agree with the pancake theory though.

    "Sandbox combines large-scale vehicular combat with a limitless amount of Forge customization. Boasting a tiered, open-world layout, “Halo 3” players will be able to build their own unique game experiences using the Forge map editor. Sandbox is a map unlike any Bungie has ever created.
  7. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Oh, I get what you're saying. Like a sort of concentrated light source; kind of like a lamp. That is actually a good observation.
    (Hay gaiz blueberry pancakes are the best.)
  8. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I circled the lighting. Also they could make the whole map dark, and you're forced to place the rest of lighting.
  9. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    I would have to agree with the lighting effect thing, and I think somebody figured this out a bit earlier.

    Naww... ever had chocolate chip pancakes? Now those are to die for!!!
  10. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    Perhaps the lighting could be used a barrier past a certain distance you can't see. Improbable but maybe a possible use of the theoretical lights.
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I really don't know what you guys are trying to comprehend with this pancake theory. I don't quite understand what you mean by various levels of environment.

    An example would be like the Gears of War 2 map Avalanche. Where after the 'avalanche' the debri (Snow) elevates the land ever so slightly, but creates huge geometry change.

    Is that the basis of what you mean?
  12. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    Vinyl Hippo, that would be the best thing ever. But I meant like it's a dark, not pitch black, just dark withput light. I also hope pancake theory, whatever it is, is correct because I like that picture with 4x the size.
  13. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    What we mean by pancake, is that there is more to this map that meets the eye. (Major LOLZ!)

    Not only is there a sand section, but there is also a snow section, a grass section, a water section, and a dirt section. However I did make up those last 4 sections, the point is that there isn't just sand.

    This is just one part of the map. The rest is past the barriers and it is up to the player to decide which part to forge in.

    Although what I'm hoping that the pancake theory should be is not this shown above statement. I'm hoping that the sand was placed there, and not just there by itself. That would be dumb.

    Why would this map be only sand? That would suck!

    Best idea ever for a pitch black map! If pitch black is possible, I would make an infection map where the humans have regenerators and this is their only source of light!

    They have to capture territory after territory to survive and if they lose the group, they are screwed.

    Steal my idea and I'll shiv you in the kidny!

    Ha! I posted first but with more detail and a referance to Transformers! LOLZ@U
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Yeah, like when you pour syrup with pancakes the flavor changes.

    I think they are saying there is more in the map but you can't see it.

    I'll leave that joke alone.
    Anyway, that is unlikely because this map is "Sandbox", not "Landscape" or "Your Imagination".

  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Oh, now I see what you guys mean thanks.

    And commence the non-believing, lol. Sorry to reject your guys' hypothesis, but it seems to far fetched, for me. We see the foundation of the map clearly. We see the start to finish. All I believe there to be behind the camera is sand with the mine barriers. I highly doubt there would be all those other terrains.

    But, if you guys mean customizable terrains then I can somewhat agree. I'm no programmer or game designer, but I know it would be a hell of a job to make it possible for people to change the terrain of a map with a single button. Most likely it would take a ****-load of time to load.

    But if it were made possible, which I'm sure Bungie somehow can do, it would be....monumental. So many various playing grounds would be met, and no longer the need to "Do with what you got".
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    " Sandbox is a map unlike any Bungie has ever created."

    Hmm, I doubt it is because of forge. What do you guys think?
  17. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    It would be sand because, as I said before, it is called "Sandbox". Little children know that when they go to play in the sandbox, it will be filled with sand. They can put all the blocks and toy cars they want in the sand without it getting messy. Adding water and grass makes the sand not fun anymore, especially since it wouldn't be a sandbox at that point.

    All metaphors aside, that idea would make any new map that Bungie released next to useless in Forge. They would not want to dissuade people from getting new maps with a map that has everything.
    I think that it does have to do with forge because the big allure of the map is a large blank platform to make a map in
    EDIT: YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT IT IS SMALL. Anyway, if you really compare the Warthog to the map's size, you can see that it is bigger than Foundry. Also, I'm pretty sure urk said it was about twice as big. LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING.
  18. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Let me just tell you that if you don't believe the pancake theory then what do you believe? That Sandbox is this small!? This would result in everybody going back to Foundry!

    If Sandbox is this small then our theory before where we thought that Sandbox was Sandtrap but with more items was better! This map is noobishly small, and sucks.

    I'm sorry but if this is all that Sandbox is then please explain what Bungie has recently announced: "Sandbox combines large-scale vehicular combat with a limitless amount of Forge customization. Boasting a tiered, open-world layout, “Halo 3” players will be able to build their own unique game experiences using the Forge map editor. Sandbox is a map unlike any Bungie has ever created."

    If this is all that Sandbox is then "Large-scale vehicular combat" and "Limitless amount of Forge customization" wouldn't be true now would they?

    If this is all that Sandbox is then players would not be able to build their own unique game experiences as stated above.

    If this is all that Sandbox is then this wouldn't be unlike any map Bungie has ever created.

    He shoots and he scores. That is the third win by me if I do say so myself!
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well did they not say the same about Heroic DLC.

    Its natural for that to happen. When they bring something new to the table its bound to be called unique, hence being new. If they just threw us the usual map, with nothing unique we probably wouldn't even be talking about Halo 3 anymore.

    Though, if they intend "ever created" to go all the way back to Halo:Ce, and Halo 2, then this map has to be of great proportions.

    I feel even with the pictures now, there is more hype.

    I didn't deny the fact its Huge, and limitless, nor did I even challenge it.

    I said I dis-regard the pancake theory, meaning the map has various environments.
  20. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    A mongoose (plural: mongooses[2]) is a member of the family Herpestidae (although also used for some members of Eupleridae), a family of small, cat-like carnivores.

    The word mongoose is derived from the Marathi name mangus "mongoose", perhaps ultimately from Dravidian (cf. Telugu mangisu, Kannada mungisi). The form of the English name (since 1698) was altered to its -goose ending by folk-etymology.

    Pancake theory is... Interesting, but hard to believe.
    I do believe the red/blue base markers are lighting effects, placeable in forge, and there may possibly be other colours.

    As for our object pallet... It's probably all precursor themed, but I'm sure there will be the standard human movable scenery... Crates etc.
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