Crate Bash Created by C0N741N3D, and ssMr 47ss Base: Foundry Supported Gametypes: Gauss Description: Kind of like Jenga Tower. Though, this has crates/spuils and a Warthog Gauss for the zombie. The zombie has to run to the turret fast. Because the zombie only has 1 minute to knock down the crates and the wire spuls. Everyone else on the crates have to try not to fall, and they have 3 things to prevent that. 1 fire grenade , a flare, and a deployable cover that respawns only twice. And The people are invisable, and have no grenades. They can jump a little higher, and the zombie cant move or jump. Enjoy ^_^ Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch
WOAH, I lovs it. Plain and Simple, I really enjoy these types of maps, taking an old concept, and kinda washing it down and reaviling it all shiny. Will DL right NOAW, oh, and how long it usually take to knock down
If you now where to hit it, it only takes about 45 seconds tops. But sometimes, since theres only one minute each round, its not all knocked off. Thx!! ^^
Are you on my Friends List?? Anyway, couldn't you have made it to where theres no honor rules, and why does the zombie have to be quick and jump and stuff. Nvrmnd, just DL and will try, if your on, we should start up a game
The zombie CANT jump, the poeple on the tower can. And, kno ur not on my friends list. Plus, there isnt honor rules either.
It's like Jenga, but completely remixed. XP Cool idea, it's certainly original. It seems like it will be too easy though, for the zombie. The guass turrent is really powerful and will easily rip through those crates. I may be mistaken though. I'll still DL this, it looks cool.
Wow! Really good idea! Me and my friends Loved Jenga so I'm sure we will love this. How many people can play on this at once though? And is there anything preventing the humans from jumping to land, or is it to far away? Because with them being able to jump higher that might be a problem.
This map has new car smell all over it Looks like a really fun mini game. Though maybe you could secure the two sides of the block fortress thing, so knocking just one of the bottom ones out doesn't lead to the collapse of multiple crates?
Really plays well, It is a great change from, Jenga. I can see a good future with this map in the Infection part of Forgehub, Nice 'remake', 5/5
I played this game with two others. I know that is a really small party, but it doesn't matter for the purpose of my post. The flare seemed to be the most useful equipment, since the zombie could destroy the deployable cover in one shot, it was pretty useless, other than to stand on. lol. It took 40 seconds max to knock all of the crates off the teleporters. Once it took less than 20 seconds. The game is a lot of fun, but it goes by so quickly that no one knows it was even there. JK. If you could find a way to make it last longer, and give the humans more useful equipment (bubble shields, trip mines, maybe more?), this would be a great minigame. 4* and I actually voted.
this looks very cool version of jenga witch i love to play for some reason how does the gun not be able to shout the at the being ?? over all 4/5 very nice very creaactive i like it alot thanks im so going to D/L maybe make a v2
Bubble shields make it so that the crates are like glued down, and it takes to long to blow up. Tripmines will blow up the tower and get every one ticked off.
The shield door is there so that the zombie can't directly push the humans off the crates. I told you Id come back once I played on it. I played this a couple days ago, and it was great fun. At first everyone was saying it was stupid, but they kept telling me to keep going, cause they all wanted to be zombies. I think we played over 5 games before switching over to something else. Good job 4.5/5
easy. make another shield door spawn 15 seconds into the round then another 30 seconds then another at 45 seconds.
Thats a pretty good idea. But the round is 1 minute. So 1 shield door at 30 s or 45 s. Maybee a giant condom?
Cool, looks like a better version of Jenga. Gameplay looks progressive, so I will probably give it a DL.