So, welcome to the Pokemon Thread! This is your place for all things Pokemon related, including Friend Codes and your tips for making the ultimate roster. I have all 491(including some secret ones that do not appear in the Pokedex)Pokemon, and I will put some up for trade later. Let's start this thread!:happy:
yeah dude really. you expect to find other pokemon fans, on a halo 3 website............... .................................................WTF
Pokemon was great in its time, but with the addition with all those other Pokemon and the seemingly pointless episodes now, it's dying off. Don't ge me worng, I loved it in the day but Nintendo are really stretching its lipespan too far. Feel free to carry on this thread though.
who here likes pokemon? a thread made a long time ago by myself. and for the record there are plenty of pokemon fans here,we even have our own (thriving) social group. take that raynbow.
just a question nickey park,but seeing as you have some pokemon that dont apear in the pokedex, you mod dont you? Ive never modded a game in my life and i bet i could still kick your but.
Thriving? You have seven members. But whatever, pokemon was good back in it's time, even though I wasn't too crazy about it then.
we may not have that many members,but we talk alot. and I hate modders. I have a friend whom modded his diamond so he could walk through walls,I mean seriosly whats the point of the game?
imo it's still a fun rpg. I play it every so often when I'm bored and on my DS. People bash it because nintendo abused their nostalgia.
I liked the first games of pokemon, like the first nintendo 64 - gameboy - first sp one, imo. after that I think nintendo really ****ed up, plus I kinda grew out of nintendo since I was 10.
I sold my pokemon for e-drugs. Then I fried my game boy because it started smoking up. Seriously, though, pokemon was fun and still is occasionally fun. I'll play it every now and again but the effect of it has worn off. Plus, e-drugs aren't that good, anyways.
You didn't grow out of it, you only base your opinions on other's beliefs of what you should be doing.
Not really, it just got boring for me and I started playing the xbox and ps2 more and liked them better. Plus all of my younger relatives and and a lot of people at my school played pokemon and stuff like that, so I really did "grow out of it" since I couldn't really base it on anyones beliefs.