Debate Same Sex Marriage

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Projectt2501, Jun 20, 2008.

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    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    It's pretty simple to me. Would you want to be raised by two dads? I honestly do not think that a couple of the same sex would have the ability to raise a child to be normal like others. Not to mention that the Bible is against it, but that's a whole different discussion.
  2. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Marriage has nothing to do with having children unless you're Christian.

    Not all people are Christian, and marriage isn't restricted to Christians.
  3. ZgreenZ

    ZgreenZ Ancient
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    marriage was created for a man and a woman, gays should and already do have the same rights, under a civil union, therefor, there isn't an argument here.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The Bible is not against it.
  5. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Well actually your wrong. Not that I'm picking sides but I have read numerous biblical verses that specifically denounce homosexuality. I am not saying anything concerning my beliefs, for I respect anyone's decisions, but I had to correct you because that is false.
  6. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    It's pretty simple to me. Would you want to be raised by two people of the opposite sex? I honestly do not think that a couple of the opposite sex would have the ability to raise a child to be normal like others; what with the child sexual abuse, pedophilia, physical abuse, child neglect, emotional neglect, failure to thrive, Munchausen by proxy syndrome. Not to mention that this book I read is against it, but that's a whole different discussion.

    Seriously. If that's the best you can do, you might want to kill yourself. Gay people obviously can't have children so they adopt. Not only does this take stress off the system and save a child from an orphanage but it prevents the possibility of postpartum depression and a parent walking out due to an unwanted child. Bastardization is impossible in a homosexual household so EVERY child is wanted and loved.

    I can see your objections coming; "gays can be pedophiles!" Sure, I won't deny that. Anyone can be. However, when a heterosexual couple have a baby there are no background checks, there are no limitations to being able to have your own child or to becoming a parent. You just do it. There are restrictions when adopting, however, assuring that child will not be sexually abused by a gay couple, which is more than I can say for a straight couple.

    Gays are decent people and studies have shown that children are neither more or less likely to become gay due to a homosexual household. It is purely genetic. You like girls? Cool, gene X is responsible. You like boys? Cool, gene Y is responsible...I mean, BURN HIM AT THE STAKE! You don't have any facts or statistics, you just want to discriminate. "Why should two people have the same rights as me even though we're different." Because you ****, they're a human-****ing-being. Gays don't want to take anything from you, they just want to have what you have. They want a chance at love and you'll deny them that with a smile on your face and kick in your step while you ride your one-horse open sleigh to hell.

  7. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Take a look at this:
    Homosexuals should be recognized FEDERALLY, not at a ****ing state level. Homosexual couples should have every right that a heterosexual couple has. And don't parade that idiotic claim, that "marriage is between a man and a woman, and any other way would defile marriage". If you truly believe that sort of ****, sit down on your couch and watch some reality television. "Who Wants to Marry My Dad", "The Bachelor/ette", all those stupid shows. Fox news once did a gig where a bunch of women in wedding dresses, in Times Square, ran an obstacle course and whoever won would have their wedding paid for by Fox. THOSE shows, the ones that turn marriage into some profitable show, are the people ruining marriage. Not same sex couples.
  8. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
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    I would like to say before my post, that I got up to page 3 and got tired of reading. So, if my quote has already had a rebuttal put to it, so be it. Ahem

    You really think that? What about race? Society in America has changed first after the abolition of slavery, and then during the civil rights movement. Don't tell me that society can't be changed. It has been before.

    Now closer onto topic. My aunt is a *******, she has a partner but can't be married in her state. I see no reason why they shouldn't be married. They are happy together, happier than some straight families I know (plus they make great fudge). They didn't choose to be homosexual, and I see no reason they should be denied a certain right because they are slightly different from the majority.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Can you please post them?
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    2 Homosexuality: The Christian Perspective

    This page should sum it up nicely for you. Note that this is not a direct representation of my beliefs, but rather an easier way to show Hotpokkaminy his folly in saying the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. Just put your cursor over the highlighted verses, they should appear.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Can you just give me the verses, I don't want to sift through the rest of that ****.
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Dude, skim. It took me 10 seconds to identify the first verse. If not, just trust me, it's in there. I've read the bible cover to cover.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    I can't see the verse that says "preferring the same sex is wrong". I only see stuff about sex.
  14. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Okay look, you people are mostly all ignorant children.
    Let me help explain some things to you god loving twats in the most emotionally grabbing way, with a cartoon.
  15. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    i honestly don't see why people have big fits about it.
    They love who they love, and i believe its wrong to try and stop them from loving.
    Really, when it comes down to it, its discrimination.
    Its saying people cant love each other, unless its only man and women.
    That's just wrong, people deserve the freedom to choose who they want to marry, let it be man or woman.
    And people saying it "interferes" with religion.
    State and Religion aren't suppose to mix, it states that in the constitution.
    Oh, and people saying "gays" shouldn't even be allowed to have domestic partner ship, they just want the benefits.
    Well, open your FCKING eyes, if we allow marriage we can see the people who truly love each other, and those who don't.
    I mean some people will still be corrupt and commit fraud, but it will help us sort out ALOTTTT more.
    So in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with it.
    And just to let you know, this is coming from a 15 male, straight, who goes to a very prejudice HS. I'm basically the only kid who supports gay marriage. I get riteculed every day for it. meh :|
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I think that people might feel gay, but there's always a certain attraction to the opposite sex, no matter what. I think that at the core of everybody's soul there's that attraction, but some people feel that that part of them is hazed over and can't be found. I think that it's there, it's just that gays/lesbians don't seem to look very hard or want to prove to the world that they are different. It's just my view and I don't have any sources, cuz it's what I believe.

    Edit: and about the thing that the bible doesn't show that God is against gay marriage: I think the reason God placed adam and eve together was for them to reproduce. The only way humans can reproduce is through the male and female link. Wouldn't you think that through this, same sex attraction is wrong?! God meant it to be for man and woman, having anything else is just faulty and really doesn't help the reproduction process and in the long run could lead to the extermination of humans.
  17. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Firstly, for you to say that I just feel gay and am actually suppressing any straightness I may have is so incredibly insulting. Any straight tendencies a gay person might have is because of social conditioning. If you don't know what that is then go away. The fact that you have no real understanding of the matter or education in the subject gives you know right to comment on it.

    Also, the fact that you are straight and don't know how I could be possibly feeling or how any other gay person feels gives you even less of a right to tell me how my brain works.

    Your opinion has no place in a debate at all. Nor can you use your opinion on a subject as a fact. Because it certainly is not. The Bible has no credible facts in it and using such a book to place archaic rules upon others is outlandishly wrong. Not only that, there is a section before the one about a man laying with another man about it being a sin to eat shellfish. So picking and choosing what you want from what section you want to justify your own bigotry does not make it fact at all.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    the first part wasn't made to be fact, it's just what I think. I don't mean to hurt anyone, I'm just giving another part to the discussion. It's not personal at all.

    There are different parts to the bible, and it was written by many people. People aren't always perfect and there may be things in it that don't make sense. So like one part it has adam and eve and another it has that two guys part. It may not always run together, because it's different authors. I think homosexuality certainly isn't a positive thing and that it could hurt the population of the earth as I said before. That's basically my main reason.

    Really, I'm not trying to be personal or hateful at all. I'm just giving my opinion.
  19. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Surely you can't make the arguement that god wouldn't want us to be homosexuals.

    In nature, it is preferable that you be straight so that you can pass on your genes. If you are a homosexual it is not intended because you will not be able to pass on your genes (but then again, neither are any cellular mutations). Nature is blind and doesn't care what you are (though you might). God on the other hand consciously makes decisions. If you have that mutation god allowed it to be so or put it there himself. Making a belief in god and the belief that homosexuality is wrong, contradictory. You'd have to be an atheist to believe that homosexuality is wrong and even then 99% of atheists believe all men (and women) are created equal.

    It's a stupid arguement. You could never EVER make a decent point or a mildly good point on this subject. I'm sorry but it was over before it began.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    ERIC10, there is no way the human race will end because of homosexuality, 99% of the population will still be straight.
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