Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    What do you think keeps you attached to the ground? Matter is naturally attracted to itself without any energy added.
  2. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Well there are the four forces. It seems that they work even without any external energy. Electromagnetism for example, two magnets will attract each other without any extra force, the rely on electromagnetism. String force, Weak force, and Gravity are the same.
  3. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Scientists' willingness to admit their fallibility is what separates them from many religious leaders (no offense). Many religious leaders refuse to even think that their religion may be wrong, but with good reason. Without their religion, they are no longer right; they would have been living a lie. I'm not saying religion is wrong, but sometimes you have to be able to recognize that you may not be right even if you're in real deep.

    However, what these scientists have on religions is their research.
    ... "But this 'research' is just pointless; it can't be proved."
    Still, it is based on scientific, informed hypotheses; stuff like that is also given the label "theory", meaning it has not been proven, but it is a likely hypothesis.

    Religions on the other hand, base their views on old texts that cannot be agreed on and they certainly don't use much of science to augment their beliefs. Also, people who have strong convictions about their religion are unable to admit that they may be wrong. Funnily enough, some of these people are friends with others who have strong convictions on a different religion. I'm not saying that's wrong, but it is ironic. Both think they are correct about what they believe in; in effect, one or both of them may be wrong.
  4. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    So if A isn't true B must be, which is, you guessed it, a false dichotomy. Logical fallacy #1.

    False. The Big Bang has something known as "the Planck Epoch." It does not explain from t=0 to t=10^-43. We do not have an accurate theory of quantum gravity, predicting such early conditions is mere speculation at this point.

    You are also false in assuming that dark matter existed before the big bang and that it is without energy or structure. How could dark matter have existed before the big bang, does that make any sense to you whatsoever? Dark matter is matter that does not interact with the electromagnetic force. That's it! That's what dark matter is!

    *Trillions of galaxies

    *1x10^10 stars in our galaxy.

    *12 756.2 kilometers

    Small personal note; I can, why don't you try? Because I don't believe anyone can be religious and truly understand the magnitude of space between us and the moon.

    Yes it could. Spacetime expanded pulling the mass with it. The big bang did NOT create matter.

    1st universe? How many are we up to now?

    I assume you ask why there were only light elements and the reason being is, lack of pressure and lack of heat. Simple stuff.

    I'd like to see your source that says dark matter is the build block of matter and it came from nowhere. That makes absolutely no sense to me. To me it shows a lack of understanding but I could be wrong.

    No dark matter can't just appear, that is false.

    Dark matter doesn't make matter, dark matter and matter are separate. You are thinking of quarks coming together to form nuclei and then elements.

    Do you even know what you are talking about?

    Did you just try to explain stellar formation in three sentences? You got some of it right, very brief, but the earth didn't just find a big chunk of iron and om nom nom it.

    Cool, sooo the atomic theory...that's some good stuff. To bad its not real, we can't observe atoms. Oh well, good theory while it lasted.

    You wanna know what your problem is rusty? You want constrict science just enough so it doesn't impede upon your religion but not too much so you can still have your modern conviences.

    Lol wut? Another false dichotomy.

    1). How is it a logical fallacy?
    2). First of all the big bang wasn't an explosion. Your ignorance is showing. Rapid expansion of space time my man, and you say that's impossible I say we are observing right now. And if the universe is expanding it must have been at some point in time together.
    3). Dark matter came from (as well as the singularity for that matter) some unknown source.
    4). What makes you think things are prone to disorder? I showed you in my response that you were mistaken in your claim that entropy = disorder.

    So you laughed because he made an assertion without evidence? Do you ever laugh in church? You have some serious continuity issues, rusty. Logically he is not a loony, the mathematics check out but we don't have the evidence because the LHC is not fully-operational yet.

    Oh and I believe your memory is incorrect. He wouldn't say there is no way to prove it, he would say we haven't proven it. If there was no way to prove it, it wouldn't be science.

    We can't prove the big bang because the big bang isn't a mathematical proof. We can, however, find evidence to support the big bang, which we have (an abundance of in fact). We so much that we don't look at it as how much more evidence can we find to support this theory, it's got so much evidence that we are just focused on finding intricate details of this fact of nature.

    Second point, rebounding implies that it shrinks to the singularity and rebounds back to the current size or larger and the shrinks again. Rebounding is just multiple big bangs, while expansion is just one big bang.

    ...Do you know what peer-review is; in the scientific sense? I mean if by peer-reviewed you mean absolutely slaughtered in, well, pretty much everything, then yes; it has been peer-reviewed.

    No, you are wrong. Christianity is younger than MOST religions still prevalent today. Not to mention the thousands of lost religions and sects. Your religion is nothing. How many times are you going to lie in 2 posts?

    I'm not absolutely certain gravity is a constant, however, I'm not sure how not being absolutely sure about something disproves it. The theory stands on its own merit, not the merit of those who believe.
  5. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Wow, rusty you need to check your info. I agree with Nitrous, most of your statements show ignorance. So if there's a God and no Big Bang, then how were humans created? God just pointed his finger and poof, there we were? Seriously.
  6. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    Rusty, you just got owned by someone a hell of a lot more intelligent than you, it seems. *Note, i am not claiming that i am more intelligent than anyone* =P

    I was thinking that you may be making some slight sense, but could not be bothered to do my research. But, Nitrous could, it seems...

    The worst bit was the bit you typed about that T.V pragramme, called 'The universe.' You talked as if this guy has less evidence than you do of God?

    Even so, don't bother replying to me, i want to see what you have to say to Nitrous...
  7. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    You know for the cheering section for Nitrous GTFO...if your not adding to this debate... ****ING Read and leave, your sigs are making this thread hard to follow.

    Sorry didnt' mean to kill your Groupies Nitrous.

    Big question.... the big bang theory States that all mater was together in one would it be mixed? Chemically like a planet? Because there would be tons of pressure...and the gravity on the surface would be supper strong.

    It seems to me like this matter in this still state would be either bonded material that wouldn't be able to move much or in such a destructive state that would not been able to form in the first place. Example the gases would have to been lose enough to get trapped in pockets but there would be a core of say Iron... its kinda like the theory falls apart once you think about it literally. I'm an engineer major ... I like to get my hands dirty on how it literally works ..not just the facts of it works don't mess with it.
  8. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    It was not elements, it was just protons, neutrons, and electrons. around 400,000 years after the big bang the particles started forming the elements, at first it was mostly Hydrogen and Helium.
  9. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    You're right that if it were all "bonded" together it wouldn't be able to move a lot. To solve that problem, scientists proposed that all the matter was in a black hole. The gravity in the black hole is so intense that it squishes a finite amount of matter into an infinite amount. Therefore, all of the universe's matter could fit into this black hole without the burden of having to be "bonded" to all the other pieces of matter. (These areas of high gravity are called "singularities".) It all expanded (not exploded) kind of like a balloon popping.

    [All that information was taken from this site.]
  10. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Now with that your leaving it open to not at all explain how they started spreading apart.... good...
  11. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    I'm not an expert; I don't know how it expaned. I don't want to post anything wrong because that would be stupid of me. Furthermore, I provided the link so you can gather some more information. I'm still looking some more information up. If anyone else would like to explain the expansion, feel free to.

    I was simply answering your question as to how all that matter could be concentrated.
  12. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Sorry I'm a sword I been known to cut ... remember that when you pick me up.
  13. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Too hot for atomic nuclei to form. It was all elementary particles. Which means no bonds we made.

    Gravity would only have relevance in space, even if it did produce gravity, what is it attracting?

    The singularity wouldn't have a surface in the sense you are thinking of. You need to think multidimensionally. I can't give everything away so here's a fairly tough question: What would the singularity be like in 11th dimensional space? It's a toughie, you are going to need a lot of wit and knowledge to solve that one.

    As stated they can not bond. Movement is irrelevant in a singularity, and the formation of nuclei or any particles for that matter is irrelevant. Remember from t=0 to t=1x10^-43 we are, essentially, clueless.

    I'm not sure what you were talking about when you were talking about iron and gasses, maybe I solved that problem indirectly. One can dream.

    @Eons - Don't trust that link. It gives fairly accurate details on the big bang, but it is kind of loony.
  14. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    I said that. =/ Why did he just ignore me?
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Reputation, perhaps. You should try including sources, since he can't trust you to know the answers, he can trust you to include citations.
  16. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    How matter combines is intense heat and a mixture of gaseous and solid substances. What created the heat would be a supernova, or some other stellar explosion that would generate enough heat to fuse the matter that was near the explosion.
  17. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I always seem to come late to the debates, but I would still like to put my two cents in.

    I believe in a higher spiritual being, and I choose to call this being God, because I have no better name for it. I have no idea what this being really is, if it truly does even exist, or what it can/can't/is capable of doing. I believe this because I am an admirer of nature. Everything about it; how we came to be, the Big Bang as was being discussed above my post (a theory that I prescribe to), evolution, and the natural dis/order (that's not a typo. think about it) of all things in our world. To me, the trees and forests and coral reefs and white beaches are too beautiful to my eyes for me to not think that there is some sense of art there. That maybe in some unconscious level there was a "plan," or maybe the beauty of nature is simply a coincidence. I know that beaches are there because of the actions of water on the rocks over time, and I know that coral is simply a mass of microorganisms. There are scientific explanations for just about everything, but why can't evolution and God both exist? I don't pretend to understand it, but I believe it.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Well hi, I also came late, and didn't really bother to look through the past 37 pages, but I only came to try and answer a question.

    Is there evidence of God's existence?

    The Christian God doesn't exist, there is no word to describe what God does. God is just there. The main way that God is there is through the existence of Jesus. Jesus told the story, so now it's up to us to believe. Through this, God created a perfect situation. The only way to gain the full acceptance of God is through believing. There is no evidence to show the "existence" of God. It's mostly faith that can show us that God is there. It shouldn't matter how God did things or how to prove God is there. It only matters that you believe and you have faith in God.
    #378 Monolith, Jan 27, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  19. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    However, the problem with belief is when people start to use their beliefs to try and justify bad actions. It has a great ability to cloud people's visions, like what happened to the Jedi in Episode III. =P
    Belief should be personalized, not something that everyone has to buy into. You shouldn't let people define what cannot be defined; formulate your own beliefs and stick with them. Otherwise, you may end up going against what you truly believe in if you believe what others do "just because".

    Honestly, religion is not really necessary at all. At least, not to the extent that it is at today.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    Without evidence, there is nothing separating us from any other religion. Sure, you could believe, but believing without evidence is extremely ignorant.
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