What I'm thinking of doing, is to remake sandtrap on sandbox. They things that fly you in the air could be grav lifts. You could also make a aesthetic only "elephant." The reason I'm not doing this my self is because I'm waiting for halo 3 ODST instead of buying the mythic map pack... EDIT: keep it on track... don't reply about halo wars.
1. Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourself? 2. Ok then... 3. Halo Wars will not fail. I don't plan on buying it, but I have confidence in the makers. Ensemble made the Age of Empires games and I feel like they can pull this off. If that makes me naive, so be it.
yep as clearly stated we are getting to far ahead of ourselves. We don't know what is up with sandbox. It may actually contain elephants. In mattys sandbox wishlist it said elephants were possible and were included in the email. So elephants may be placeable items. My best bet is that sandbox will include these so called gravity lifts of yours but more so they fit toward the theme of sandbox. Why do you say Halo Wars will fail. Come on it is bound to be good. I will be buying it as soon as my xbox gets cured of RROD. I expect that people hold off all further sandbox discussion until tomorrow afternoon when Bungie will surely be releasing some real pictures of items and gameplay. Also the screenshot is called environment 1 as in more to come. Until tomorrow, Please try and pull yourselves together. I will hope to create a detailed breakdown of everything sen in this picture as well as the pictures that will surly be released tomorrow. I am going to stay away from forgehub until the weekly update tomorrow as to avoid further temptation as soon as I go to bed in 30 minutes. ~forgegod117~
Well I reckon this is a pretty nifty idea :] Would be pretty interesting to see. Just make sure that if you're doing it.. do it right, with all the care and attention that every map deserves.. getting spawns and weapon placement (you'd probably have to tweak the weapons placed because of smaller map) and vehicles. Don't rush it :3 And who cares if we are getting ahead of ourselves? We can dream can't we? I'm rather excited for Sandbox ^_^
/facepalm We don't know the limitations of Sandbox yet, so making up ideas of what to forge on it is pointless. What if we can't geomerge and interlock? What then? Also, this map is far too small to house all of Sandtrap. Not to mention, why? The map already ****ing exists, no point in remaking it and then posting it here. Also, Halo Wars is made by Ensemble, who are quite awesome, and I love what they've done with Halo Wars from what I've seen. Most people who are bitching about it are doing such because they are sore in the ass over the fact that Halo and FPS are not going to exist in the same game this time around.
that's exactly what I was getting at Maybe I came down too hard on the map idea before, but IMO, if you want to play sandtrap, just play on sandtrap =)
Pshh cmoooon, it'd be interesting. Ofcourse not a full size sand trap.. Just a smaller version! Doesn't this thread make you wonder how a small version of Sand Trap would play?
sandtrap sucks anyways. rebuild a good map. or... BUILD A NEW MAP WE DONT ALREADY HAVE! *gasp* although some halo 2 remakes sound nice.
Mastar is presenting a good idea here. Sandtrap was always way too big for my tastes It is ok sometimes but walking distance was always too great maybe if you cut down on vehicles, it would be something =0 didn't think about that b4 lol
If you weren't from New Zealand..... You can't make it, simply. Besides making the structures, but all the stuff buried in sand is not possible. Now, a good idea would be to make one of the Sandtrap buildings as if it wasn't buried in sand. There is an idea.
1. Halo wars was made by ensemble studios, who made age of empires, whic is probably one of the best RTSs out there. 2. It was made for the 360 not for the computer.
lol honestly what is the point of remaking a map in the same game as the original? Redundantly retarded if you ask me.
lol... RTS's dont fail. and I'm almost positive that there have only been 2 or 3 RTS's for the 360. Dont be naive. with an a...
OR! You could just play actual Sandtrap! Check out these reviews of my idea! "Amazing!" "Brilliant!" "Genius!"
NO. Because it will be a much much smaller version of Sandtrap. Ergo.. the gameplay will be altered dramatically!
I was actually considering rebuilding Sandtrap on Foundry, but I decided it would be weird with the major ground level changes throughout the map.
lolwut? Rebuilding sandtrap would be almost as dumb as rebuilding avalanche on guardian. You just don't so it.