srsly, rappers have used every sexual innuendo that they can come up with licking like a lollypop? srsly? and my little sister likes this ****
Do her a favor and smother her. The worst part is, I walk around school and all I'm hearing from my friends' mouths is "SHAWTY GOT 'DEM APPLE BOTTOM JEANS!"
I hated that song so much. And I can't really smother her because she doesn't want me within like 10 feet of her anymore lol and then she bugs the **** outta me
Hannah Montana for sure. My sister listens to her, and at first is wasn't a problem because it only played on little kid stations. But now I'm starting to hear it on KISS FM and all over!
Exactly. She's annoying. Even her voice. Same with the Jonas Brothers. I don't have a problem with them, but like, you see people EVERYWHERE admiring them. Even kids of 16 to whatever love them. I mean, come on. Get into real music, instead of that Disney crap.
My sister likes Mamma Mia and Hairspray atm. She doesn't like Hannah Montana or High School Musical luckily, but because of Mamma Mia, I hate ABBA. I used to like ABBA :'(
Cold Play: They are so desperate for songs that they basically steal one. LIL Wayne: his voice sucks..period... um... rhianna gets really annoying
You sir, are lucky. Atleast you don't have Hannah Montana, or The Jonas Brothers constantly playing in your house. Or, the fact that your sister and her friends constantly talk about them. >:[