What is this?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by DimmestBread, Jan 29, 2009.

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  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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  2. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    ummm wow
    either that's just a really good edited picture, or that might actually be sandbox...
    looks really bare though, not much of a map IMO
  3. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    im willing to guess it was a remake or possibly a inspiration of Sandtrap for Halo CE on the PC
  4. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I think the fact thats its not much of a map is exactly why its so great.
    If we saw a foundry Forge before we knew what Foundry was all about, we would say the same thing.
    It uses a lot of the same objects, and matches the picture.
    1600 MS points says that is the Sandbox we will be downloading soon enough.
    And also, watch urk not say anything because he knows this is correct.
    DimmestBread, this, is huge.

    Also, I found the link for those curious about the source.
    Clicky Clicky
    Note: It was originally in a different language which is why its a translated version of the site.
  5. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    foly huck.... that looks like the drawing... but it doesnt look very forgetastical... where did he say he got it... n does ne1 remember the player size of sandbox... this is insane if it is sandbox bungie FUKD up big they let the cat outta the big their BIG sell off.....

    EDIT: what was the acheivments on sandbox ne1????
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Updated thread with the link to the kids post over at mlg and he said he found it on bungie
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I would definitly say that this map was modded or made in 3d sketchup because firstly I dont see any weapons on the map and plus it looks like it wouldn't play well.

    I think some person just decided to randomly make a remake of sandtrap or tried to predict the outcome of sandbox
  8. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I'm thinking those hills are removable, which is why that part of the map looks so different and flat compared to the rest, because thats what they chose to take out.

    Look at all that area, and such a high ceiling...
    I'm I the only one who just creamed myself?

    One more thing I should mention, the setting sun we see in this picture and the moon we see in the drawing could indicate the change of night and day, which could potentially be changed or set to a non changing time of day.
    Changing the lighting angles and shadows would add a whole new element of gameplay.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    That is easily possible.

    Just for others though, look how small the warthogs are. You wouldn't really be able to see weapons and the blue thing could be camo.
  10. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    nice analysis with the sun moon... i was wondering where the moon was... that would be like bungie to give us that... but i dont think im satisfied... i would rather stick w/ foundry from the looks of it.... but i havent seen what u can do on this map... so idk....
  11. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    This is not modded it can't be, There are different structures on the map than Sandtrap so yeah not modded...I highly doubt its photo shopped because there are textures of the map that are not in Sandtrap etc...I have a good feeling this is Sandbox ;)
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    that blue thing sorta looks like the camo from fritzsters sketchup components so... yeah. just saying
  13. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
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    This is a nice find. I don't believe that it is the true sandbox because the level of secrecy that bungie tends to stick to. Sandbox is probably the biggest attraction in their map pack and they are waiting for the perfect way to present it. I find it unlikely that someone stumbled upon it.

    I'm not sure what it could be though which still leaves a nagging suspition that this could be it.

    If it is the map I would be rather upset. The atmosphere looks great but the items on the map here are sort of dull. I am sure that there will be more but with the size of the map it would be hard to block off areas. Also the terrain is bumpy which will make forging a little tough. Either bungie finally gave us a way to easily geomerge items into the ground smoothly or the ground can be leveled out. I hope that the floor can be textured as well because the sand will be rather dull after a while. This has great potential as a vehicle map hovever.
  14. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Notice the grid.
    This is it. :)

    And one more thing visible with the high res pic, those damn mine barriers from Sandtrap.

  15. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    I also just realized...Notice the blue thing? Well look at the high res one you will notice a small red one above the other base...they could just be call outs? or some type of thing that floats around the map idk.
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Click here for the B.net thread

    Right now, I don't know what to make of it. It does like a bit un-professional and low quality textures. Though someone on B.net made a great discovery. If you look closely you can see re-used items with the same textures, details, etc. What that means is that it could be the forge items, and deeming everything on the map is deletable.

    The reason I'm controversial on this though is for the fact that its bound-less. There seems to be no hint of a boundry, or anything which could lead to photoshopping or mods.

    Even so, look closer and almost everything is from Sandtrap. Look at the piece in the middle, its those 4-way entrance things on the sides of the base. I could see how easily it would be for GFX people to manipulate that, re-color it, and create this image.

    Though the people on Yahoo.com/xboxblog released this and seem to be serious about. Along with this picture they also showed pictures of Orbital and Assembly, which have already been released. Seeing that, they could in fact be legitimate or not.
  17. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    thanks for the link playahata. I updated the original post with it.
  18. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    If you look closely you can see the wall just under the reddish orb is slightly tinted red, and the part under the blue orb is somewhat tinted blue (compared to the rest of the map). Perhaps we finally have isolated lighting effects? We might even be able to change the "theme" of the map. Like from dessert, to snow, to forest... (Not changes in certain areas but across the whole map)

    Oh BTW there's an overshield on the pillar in the middle of the map. Quite detailed too...
  19. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Oooooo. This is really sweet. I can see the grid in the high res image. Each of those "parts" seem to be seperated. The blue and red "dots" look like base markers to me. It looks like a map that has been forged too... Maybe Bungie is trying to find a good layout for it's release? Anyways, this slightly reminds me of Hang 'em High...
  20. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    I highly doubt this would be sandbox. To me, it looks like a redo of sandtrap, and bungie doesn't often revisit the same idea twice in a game. They remake maps from their previous games, but it doesn't seem very likely that they would do it for the same game. would be very disappointed if this is the actual sandbox. All the other maps seem so unique from one another. If this truly is the real sandbox, all i have to say is, it better be packing a lot more to it in forge. I don't want a second sandtrap.
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