[2:56:29 PM] Whisper: So, I went to take my road test today. Keep in mind that I had scheduled it online. [2:56:45 PM] Whisper: So, I went there and the guy got in the car and was looking for my confirmation number on his list. [2:56:46 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): kai [2:56:55 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): and IT WASNT THERE [2:56:56 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): omfg [2:56:57 PM] Whisper: And then he was like 'I don't see it here.' [2:57:00 PM] Whisper: AND THEN [2:57:06 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): /obviously [2:57:08 PM] Whisper: He was like 'Did you schedule it online?' [2:57:13 PM] Whisper: And I was like 'Yes' [2:57:19 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): and he was like... [2:57:33 PM] admallet: he accidentally you off the list? [2:57:36 PM] admallet: the bastard [2:57:39 PM] Whisper: And he was like 'Oh, well you shouldn't have done that. This happens to me all the time. The computers glitch and appointments get deleted like every day.' [2:57:45 PM] Whisper: And I was like 'oh [2:57:47 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): WoW [2:57:48 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): /fail [2:57:51 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): lol [2:57:54 PM] Whisper: and he was like 'You'll have to reschedule it.' [2:57:59 PM] Zach (Zstrike13): wtf [2:58:01 PM] Whisper: And I was like 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU'
http://www.motosblog.com.br/mb/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/****-happens.gif That about sums it up, I'm taking my road test in a couple weeks (I was too lazy to do it months ago )
Ok, here's a little update for you. So, I'm chill about it and everything and when I get home I call them to reschedule. The soonest available appointment is February 20th at 3PM. That's far away so it's pretty annoying but I accept it because it's the only thing I can do. After I do that, I call my mom to tell her and she's like 'Oh, didn't you know? We're going to be away that week.' To this I respond, 'WHAT? Why wasn't it on the calendar!!??' She says, 'I don't know but you can't do it on that day.' And I'm just like 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.' I'M ****ING GOING TO KILL PEOPLE. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
I mean, your mom has to understand, and plans DO tend to change throughout time, so that "trip" may end up never even happening during that week
You should think yourself lucky. Us Brits don't get to drive until we're 17. I've got to wait 8 months until my 17th birthday. Some of my friends are already taking their driving lessons. Then once you've passed you've got to buy a gutless shitty old Vauxhall chav car for around £1000, and then insurance is £1000 a year at least, and tax for 6 months is at least £200 blah blah blah... My friend's taking pilot lessons. He'll probably be flying before he's driving. Lucky him. But yeah, **** happens. Take your test with a different company.
LOL? Since when is the government a company! If some private organization administered the driving test, it would've all went smooth. Since it was government-run, of course it would **** up. Damn, I hate when I accidentally the whole car.... (Wha?) Not going to happen.
How do you not know not to schedule an appointment online? It is so obvious! /sarcasm Damn that is a load of bull. Gunslinger, WTF???
"Welcome to Amazon.com where you can order items online and we'll pretend they're real transactions. We'll even let you buy with real money to add to the realism. Then, when the delivery date is due we'll send you you're very own personal "F*ck You" letter in the post, with real ink! Thank you for shopping with Amazon.com - The convenience is a lie!" ^^ If Amazon were the dmv! amirite?
I'm so happy now. My dad called the DMV and bitched out the supervisor. He was able to get me a road test appointment on Friday
why don't you just drive illegally and say that you are driving to a doctors appointment when you are pulled over
Not in NY whispyface. As long as you're not in Orange County, Rockland, Putnam counties, you are allowed to drive to a doctors appointment or to work without anyone else being in the car. That's the only time you may drive alone with a learners permit sweety.
Nononononope. Wrong-o, boy-o. That's with the Junior you're really only allowed to drive to those places. It's not enforced, but it's not allowed at all with the permit.
So what state are you from Whisper? I've never heard of having to make an appointment for a road test before. Although that would be much more convenient than waiting in line for 3 hours..... Speaking of which, I have to renew my license now that I've recently turned 21. The thought of returning to that place makes my bones crawl.... bastards.