K4F Clan stole Foundry Designer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemihara, Dec 30, 2008.

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  1. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    There you go. You assumed. You then gathered your assumed proof and made your topic. Maybe the assumption snuck in to the topic title. K4F stole? Should it not have been Did K4F steal? You just went ahead and insulted us. Yes it is an insult and I don't care if you added a ? as it it is still an insult.

    As for the other members that added their poor point of view and kept the trend of your assumption, you are all idiots.

    This as I keep saying and you keep avoiding your members email, bungie message and forum post insults at out community and this is the last straw.
    You have done nothing but assume and all this is the result of what YOU have done. No one else but you and your topic.

    So keep up with your condescending replies. Keep up with your assumptions that haven't any proof. I wonder what you would do if I started spreading unfounded assumptions about this site and your members? Would you send me a nice message?

    Like **** you would.
  2. LJ K4F

    LJ K4F Ancient
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    Telrad hahaha come play me 1v1 in halo ill challenge you i don't need to drop down to you level with insults!
  3. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    LOL Go back to school my child and learn to construct a proper sentence.
    I am MAKING you believe I stole it? LOL You are a real noob at life.

    There was no one to credit and if you could and did read my posts you would find that fact. Now since you are all so good at finding evidence then why don't you go find the version I used from image shack and see for yourself.

    See just insults and bullshit from your members. Gosh they are so hard.
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Where do I jump on the so called bandwagon?

    I'm just saying that with the way you and your sites members are acting, it make syou seem all the more guilty.




    Did he just say that?

    You see, this is the kind of attitude I'm talking about. If you had constructed your initial response kindly, I'd of been more sympathetic but since what seems like the whole clan has showen up to start a flame war...

    If you had said something along the lines of.

    If you had started like that, I'd have been more sympathetic.
  5. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    The whole clan? What over 250 of us? I thought I could only see LJ here. Add maths and English to your class list next year. We SEEM guilty? Is that not an assumption? Is this flaming? Something untrue has been said about us (yet again) by your members and I am real ****ing angry about it. No proof, no nothing but I am the flamer?

    Maybe if your member had not have started the topic and so called evidence as "Did the K4F clan steal forge designer?" It wouldn't be so much as a piss take. But he didn't and was wrong.

    Come on LIVE now and talk your **** to me. Don't worry, I can't come through the phone line and cut you. My gamertag is D TeK K4F so come on boy we don't need to talk crap in forums.

    I think that this is entirely unfair as I found it on Imageshack and decided to use it on my site? What? Are you nuts? THIS IS THE LATEST PACK OF LIES REGARDING K4F FROM YOUR MEMBERS! Why the hell should I try to be nice after the **** your people have been saying prior to this? I speak facts and if you don't like the tone then turn off the PC.
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    First off your being totally ignorant. He did in fact put a question mark there for a reason. You can't just blur that out and commence your insults.
    Foundry Designer was originally created by Pure Callum. The prototype/program was first posted on this website. Nemi saw your website had an exact replica of it, and without giving credence to Pure Callum. Now how can't someone make an 'assumption' off of those details. You would have to be out of your mind not to.

    Telrad hasn't insulted any of you. And by that comment you just made yourself look like a total idiot. We're discussing the validity of your website stealing Foundry Designer or not, and you make a post like that? Totally irelevant, immature, and idioitic.

    "Noob at life" had to be the funniest comment from you yet. I am beginning to see the foreground of your members and your clan.

    If there is no one to give credit to, why is it said to be made by Pure Callum? And since you found it off imageshack you think no one tried to publisize that? It shows your laziness, and makes it clear why you deserved to be harassed by all the people demanding crednce given.
  7. LJ K4F

    LJ K4F Ancient
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    Exactly none of this would of happened if Nemihara would of had his facts straight!
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Facts straight? He did have his facts straight.

    He saw the Foundry Designer on your website, and then assumed you stole it. Him not being the owner of FH doesn't make it necessary to confront all of you pertaining to it.

    You are actually the ones who need to have the facts straight. You should have found out the creator and gave him credit. Since you didn't you can't even suggest us not to be curious.
  9. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    His fact was that he assumed? LOL Another life noob.
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Can you stop being ignorant already? Yes, he assumed. How many times must we go over this. Hes a member of this site, not an admin or one of high authority. Its not his job to defy your actions, but rather discuss it on here.

    Must I put it in simpler terms for you?
  11. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    He could have assumed that I paid for the use of it and as such didn't need to give credit. He could have assumed that I was hi under another name. He could have assumed that I found it in that state online. Hell, there are many things he could have assumed.

    I know your arguments wouldn't stand in court and I know you wouldn't stand in front of me and say that. Now my little lap dog go away and let your master speak for himself. There might even be a bone in it for you.
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Its called an educated guess. You didn't report anything about credence, or rather anything pertaining to Forgehub.com at all.

    How would you feel if your site made something, then we were to post it on ours without any credit. Do you expect a normal member of yours to sign up, and question us, or rather discuss with your members on your own site.

    And seeing the aggression in your posts, I don't think he would of even gotten a good response from you guys regardless.

    About the dog thing.... how can people even call you an admin, or leader?
  13. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    Come on doggie, give it a rest. Tell me how I am a bigot like you said on my profile page. Back it up.

    As for your post, well your admin have FAILED have they not? To allow this kind of topic to stay is not a very nice thing to do. You see a newspaper should make sure that the stories it prints are true. So is it okay to find something on your site and assume something then post **** on other sites? There are already a few suspect things here I found. Maybe I should make a meal of it?
  14. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    Come on Playerhata27, you can come on LIVE and talk **** to me too. It is afterall worth you typing so it must be worth you saying.
  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Again with the bigotry? I stated the definition for you, must I do it again? I'd rather not be bothered seeing I left you a link and left the definition there for you.

    Anyway, this is a public forum. Not an elitist site. The admins don't have time letting every thread stay up to check, and rather they shouldn't be wasting their time on it. Even then its not a matter big enough for the admins to be concerned.
  16. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    I am not the leader. We don't have a leader. I am however well respected by our members. Or so they say. Youtube "Love for DTeK"

    How you managed to avoid being drown at birth I will never know. I thought the runt was always disposed of first. Keep your insults coming as I will never run out.
  17. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    I know what a bigot is my boy but how it applies to me I will never know. Is it because you are gay and you know I do not agree with that kind of thing? Or is it because I am white and you are assuming I am racist?

    Don't hide behind a keyboard, come on LIVE.
  18. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    Honestly guys...who gives a **** about this?

    Just quit arguing
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I believe I said bigotry and not bigot. For the two are alike and different in their own ways. Here is the first definition for you, 'Dad'.

    1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

    And a link for you, Pa
  20. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Nobody. Only K4F care apparently.
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