K4F Clan stole Foundry Designer?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemihara, Dec 30, 2008.

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  1. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    You sir are an idiot and a liar. Posted by K4F? I think you made that up. I directly copied what I found and pasted it editing NOTHING. Surely you should have spoken to the person that made it rather than starting a hate topic? Cry all you feel you need to little boy.

    EDIT: Thank you for the freewebs link. I have downloaded the new version and have uploaded it to my site. Thank you so very much for that information. As I did not edit the swf file in the first place you will be pleased to know that the designers name will be staying in place therso he will get his credit after all. We on the other hand have the new version and are rather happy about that.

    Your unfounded cry baby topic did nothing other than give me the new version so I guess you FAILED.
  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Oh, but we can, with the help of me, the communist who lives in china, oh yes we certainly can...
  3. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    No lets keep on topic. Members here have accused me of something without any facts to prove it. The baby even took the time to screen capture and upload images. If only you had spent the same effort in making sure you were correct. Don't think a ? in the topic title changes anything.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yet another case of forgehubbers being dumbasses.


    I would feel more sympathetic if you yourself are acting out of place. Understandably you are upset, but to go this far and insult in return isn't exactly acting like a man yourself. You've taken the time to join this site and track down this topic, but you don't to be so harsh about everything.

    That aside, Nemihara is a perfectly reasonable individual. I'm sure if you asked kindly instead of being so 'adamite' about all this I'm sure he would be happy to retract what he's said.
  5. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Now I'm not going to have a rant about this but I do have something to say.

    If this is the sort of post, you, the owner, designer and founder post around other forums, you surely cannot be giving your site a good reputation. This kind of disrespect for others and overall arrogance will only give you and your site a bad name.

    Nemi was only pointing out the fact that it looked to be stolen, not having a rant, whearas you seemed to be. Before you reply on this thread, note the date that this was posted. That's right, 3 weeks ago. Maybe it was then that no credit was given to the author. Check the specifics beforehand.

    EDIT: Well I guess it is 4 weeks now
  6. LJ K4F

    LJ K4F Ancient
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    How would that give him a bad name for the site? He's defending it, and if anything the bad name should go to Nemi! For accusing someone for something they did not do, and then not apologizing for it! IF you were a site owner/founder you wouldn't back up your site! I for sure would not want to be apart of your site!
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It does give your clan a bad name. Am I to expect that anytime someone makes a mistake about your clan that we recieve such a harsh backlash. Calling people little children is hardly the appropiate conduct of the administrator of a clan.

    Has Nemihara even been given the chance to apologize? To my knowledge only an hour ago was evidence given to the contraty of what Nemi said.

    Lastly, founders of websites should be there to protect there members from bad reputations, but with maturity. Belittling others is no way to gain respect. If, D tek K4F had a different more respectful tone then I would be more sympathetic about the situation. That's not to say that Nemi is in the wrong, but D tek's attitude is hardly becoming of a staff member.
  8. LJ K4F

    LJ K4F Ancient
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    According to Hazza, Nemihara posted this 3 WEEKS AGO! More than enough time to apologize! Now because of Nemihara people have been bashing our site! Thats is childish he was just calling it how he sees it!
  9. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Actually he posted it four weeks ago, but you can't apologize if you didn't know you were wrong. If Nemihara hasn't been contacted or notified of his mistake before this then you are being unreasonable in your statement. It may be childish behaviour, but that's no excuse to belittle others. Fighting fire with fire only results in more fire and that's not going to put the fire out now is it?
  10. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Don't you mean adamant? Or if you really do mean adamite, i c wut u did thar.
  11. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    No respect is due here if you ask me. My clan has been called a cult by your members on bungie net (that whole thing managed to kill the forgery) and now I am being called a thief.

    Fire with fire or not, I have had enough of your members bad mouthing K4F. I kept quiet for long enough, I blanked the constant bungie.net messages and emails (some of your members have found my email address) so I chose to tackle this here.

    has anyone taken the time to ask me about this? Did Shock Theta mention that I contacted him regarding the swf file? Your members (well the many that message me) have no respect.

    I say sorry for nothing as I am the victim here along with the guy that made the swf file that someone other than me edited. I don't give a flying eff if you don't like my post and think I am going about this wrong. We at K4F have been bad mouthed and put down by your members for too long. This is the first time I have responded to it.

    While the accusations remain you can expect more unhappy K4F members to post regarding them as I have told them what has been said and done.

    If your guy had any respect and refused to act out of anger he would have checked out his story first then posted. Hell, there would be nothing to post if he checked it out first. Any chance he works for CNN or any of the other maxwell channels?
  12. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Add the fact that in the thread title, there is a question mark at the end.
    This implies that Nemi was questioning that it was stolen, not saying that it was.

    I can see your point of view, our members shouldn't really have bad mouthed your site. If I were in their shoes I would have just notified you about the mistake (if any) and asked if you could credit due to the author of the application. Our members were in the wrong for that matter.
    From this extract I have copied and pasted directly form your website, I would have liked to commend you on telling members to be nice but aside from that, you told them to 'go get us'. This mob-like behaviour isn't very mature and could easily be resolved by aking Nemi to take it down, or whatever. Just try it and things may work out.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Jesus Christ, calm down. I was asking what FH guys thought, because to ME it looked funny that there was no credit given to PureCallum. I don't very well see how that was unfounded and unproved.
    Obviously I missed a few key points like it being an older version, so it didn't have a thing saying who the author was like the newer version. I was wrong, you were right, etc., etc. I don't ever recall saying anything BAD about your site, so be at ease.
    YOU, however, just came in, bumped up a thread, and basically tried to flame me for 'apparently' flaming you, somewhere along the lines. I really, really, really can't find anything derogative towards you or your site, so if you could just please help me find something in this thread from me insulting you?

    And as for me not apologizing, there wasn't anyone from K4F who I could talk to about this, because nobody was really talking back to me. Additionally, you posted this about 2 hours ago. For me, this is when I sleep. I'm sorry for not being up, then, but what do you expect? I wasn't insulting anyone, so why in hell would I feel the need to apologize for something? I mean, if you're insulted about some non-existant insult I may have made to insult you, then let me grovel and beg for forgiveness. But since I can't see anything around the lines of that, let me continue.
    Why exactly am I a baby? You know that you're making it seem to the other people in this topic that you're just a blathering idiot? I understand where you're coming from, so I'll ignore your...insults, but I'm pretty sure they'll spark up a less forgiving reaction.

    Why do I get the bad name again? Explain to me.

    None of your K4F members were ever communicating with me, so I assumed the worst. Duh. I mean, if you saw a map here or soemthing that had no author, you would probably assume that FH stole it.
  14. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    No. He made no effort to find out if he was right. He did however make every effort to upload the images he took of my site. This is just the latest insult to come from your members so get it right son.

    I was friends with the owner of halowiki and when he told me it was given to you guys (if it is yours now or not) you guys removed the link to my site. Another example of your staff and members.

    It is easy to see that you are not interested in truth or facts or even that your members have done wrong. It is also easy to see that your only defence is that you don't like the way I type. Well this is me pissed off after many months of your members bad mouthing me and our community.
  15. D TeK K4F

    D TeK K4F Ancient
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    I don't care what you have to say. Use nerd words if you feel you need to, flaming and bumping is not something I do. You have insulted me by posting your crap and not even contacting me about it. You then proceed to allow others to jump on your band wagon.
  16. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    This post is all I need to prove that he is eitheir 13(or near the age)/a high school dropout/frat boy. All of them at once? Maybe.

    Seriously, if you want to do anything, stop turning this conversation hostile. If anything, everything you have said makes me believe that you have stolen it.

    And, if you had read the topic, you'd find that the guy that you just flamed so much angry at the fact you stole it from Forgehub but more because you did not credit the original creator.
  17. LJ K4F

    LJ K4F Ancient
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    Telrad says stop turing this conversation hostile but he is calling D Tek a 13 year old high school dropout/frat boy all in one. Your contradicting your self!
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Oh Telrad, he's just calling it like he's sees it. Doesn't that remind you of somebody?
  19. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    When trying to use logic, use proper grammar. It helps.

    Also, read in between the lines.
  20. LJ K4F

    LJ K4F Ancient
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    No he's not he is just jumping on the band wagon!
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