Debate A Fair(ish) Xbox 360 vs PS3 Debate

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EpicFishFingers, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I know, we're all going to be biased towards the Xbox 360 because we all own one (probably). But to make it fair, instead of playing for the usual home team, I'm going to argue for the PS3. That's right. I know enough about the console to argue for it, and even though I don't own the thing, it has some advantages. I still don't like it though :p

    This argument won't be perfect, it might be slightly biased, but I'll try my best to be a hardcore PS3 fanboy!

    Okay, let's start off by attacking the 360 in a typical PS3-fanboy fashion:

    - You don't have Blu-Ray; you had to buy a separate thing to play HD-DVDs and HD-DVD went bust!

    - Your console always breaks and gets the RRoD and you have to buy a new one!

    - Your controller's too heavy and doesn't have six-axis like ours!

    - Our game discs have more storage space so that games can have better graphics and be better!

    Okay, that should flare some tempers. But here are the rules:

    - Try to use facts from sources.
    - Don't make up ****.
    - Try not to have a massive anger-inspired scathing rant.
    - Don't just attack or defend. Do both.
    - Don't hate the player (not even Playahater lol). Hate the console.
    - Lastly, turn off your damn sigs! An ill-enforced rule, but is a forum rule nonetheless. No sigs.

    EDIT: I declare this thread DEAD. No-one else post okay or I'll start reporting people. I declared this thread dead about 2 weeks ago.
    #1 EpicFishFingers, Jan 8, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2009
  2. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    This seems fun.

    Alright, I'll do the opposite of what you did.

    - ps3 costs 200 more than the 360 (the better versions)
    - 360 has more exclusive and overall better games
    - I've had my console for 2 years and I take it to a lan once a week and it hasn't broken. It depends on where you put it and if you take care of it.
    - Controlers are heavy?

    Yeah thats about it.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    - PS3 has Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, God of War, Unchartered, Haze, Killzone and Gran Turismo

    - 360s have a 12% fail rate

    - Yeah, the external battery packs make your controllers bulky and fat.
  4. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Hmm... Haven't we already debated this before?
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Oh, I'm not denying that the controller is heavier. I actuallly expected it to. Just the thought of "heavy controller" made me lol.

    Killzone was terrible but the others are pretty decent although resistance has the same story as gears (which sort of sucks). My friend was also greatly disappointed with resistance 2. not sure why though.

    Ps3 network lags a lot when im at my friends house and he is directly connected.

    I like little big planet though. fun game. would have gotten sony up a bit on the console war except it referenced the qu'ran so they had to remake all the copies which cost them about 7 million I think it was. Fun game though.

    Is fable 2 not on the ps3? Just wanted to know.

    Xbox has halo. nuff said. i have many friends with ps3's who most bought xboxes to play halo and gears. (yeah they live in freakin mansions) About 30-40 people on my friends list have a ps3.

    xbox recently got the final fantasy series to be on the 360.

    EDIT: Is it me or do a lot of people who have a ps3 say 360 games like halo suck but 360 players enjoy playing some games on the ps3. Like my friend knows people who absolutely hate halo but when they heard bungie broke away from microsoft, the forum they made for their resistance team started to discuss ways to get bungie to join sony. Then I made a comment and said bungies primary platform will be the 360 and then they went back to hating halo. WTF?
  6. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Honestly I can't say I like you defending the playstation 3 without owning one. It can't be done.
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I have every system, and it isn't much of a debate it comes down to this:

    Wii=family game oriented to be played once a week
    360=the gamer console. Has mostly every good ps3 exclusive, and is dedicated to games
    ps3=multimedia. Web, bluray, music, some games.

    360 has live +halo, fable, gears
    ps3 has crappy live +Resistance, LBP and socom.

    Killzone1 sucked ass, so I can't say anything for 2 until it's launched. Resistance is fun, but not in the epic stature of halo or gears. LBP is the best title on the console.
  8. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'm getting help from a PS3 fanboy. I can't beat him in an argument, so maybe you can. I'm waiting for a response...

    EDIT: NO SIGS DAMMIT! Turn em off!
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I've never even played a PS3, for I have no interest in it at all. I remember before the PS3, people had a fair choice to choose between Xbox Original/360 and a PS2 for at that time both had equally good games. Though what made the xbox a diamond in the ruff, was its multiplayer/xbox live. I give all credit to Halo 2 for really setting up the foundation of todays Xbox Live. It was rather the first game on Live that implemented a party system, and easily contacting friends. Not only that, but it was fun. Bungie brought a new matchmaking system. No longer was it about matching up with random people, then after 10 minutes saying your dues. But now the game actually became competitive. With ranks and so forth, people played the game for a reason.

    Now I kind of got off track there, but it all brings back the point of why, in my opinion, the 360 is better. I really don't understand what a Blu-Ray player is, for I never had to use one yet. I've watched movies on my 360, and they seem fine. I also heard the "PS3 Network" fails beyond belief. I don't know if this is true, but I heard theres not even gamertags, its rather like the Wii's network.

    But even then, PS3 has no demanding games. I'd say the most popular game is GTA, but what do you know, I have it for my xbox. I blame Rockstar for the fall of Playstation, for if they didn't make GTA multi-console, I'm sure many people would have bought PS3 just for it. Though its better for me, so no complaints here.

    Upon breaking, it really is balanced. Think of how much fun you ahve all together on your 360, now all that fun shouldn't even downsize the RRoD. Even though it sucks, and yes I have gotten it, its all good. And I believe the newer consoles are immune to it, so there none of that problem anymore.
  10. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    like people have been saying moast exclusive ps3 games suck and the ps3 net lags alot compared to 360 and my oppinion is that ps1,ps2 sucked the first xbox was boss and started halo:ce and then 360 came and barged past everything sony stand no chance and in 2012 the new xbox is coming so...
  11. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I had to fix all your grammar mistakes. I usually don't like correcting people, but in this case it is inevitable. Please try to improve this just so people can comprehend what you're saying.

    And where is this proof that the new xbox is coming in 2012? Doesn't that seem very far away?
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    It's hard to debate between the PS3 and the 360. The really are two completely different systems. The PS3 really seems like a home entertainment system with gaming tacked on, while the 360 is pretty much solely a gaming console with features such as playing DVDs.

    I know that the PS3 can be used for gaming just as much as the 360, but the point is the audience. Most people who bought a PS3 were not looking for a good gaming console. The PS3 met their needs, be it a Blu-Ray player, internet browsing, or gaming, and so gaming is a minority. The 360 is essentially geared towards gamers, and so they have a stronger gaming lineup and a better online system.

    I'm not boasting for either one, because if I had a PS3 I would consider it and the Xbox 360 as completely different electronic devices.
  13. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    A pretty accurate overview of all the consoles:


    - Least Expensive
    - Good Party games, lots of Family Games.
    - Unique controller ands game controls, thus gameplay doesn't lose enjoyability as quickly.


    - Worst Graphics
    - Very few great games.
    - Worst Online.


    - Best Graphics
    - Internet Browser
    - Blu-Ray
    - Some of the best games

    - Good game releases are inconsistent
    - Most Expensive
    - Only Average Online

    Xbox 360:

    - Great Shooters
    - Decent Graphics
    - Best Online
    - Decent Price
    - Good Games are consistently released

    - Most prone to "break" or "crash"
    - Xbox Live costs money

    It's all based on opinion of which is the best, but statistically, Xbox 360 has the widest range of games at a relatively cheap price. With the best online play and Xbox Live Arcade, it's sure to keep you entertained for much longer periods of time over Wii and PS3.

    P.S: I have all three systems too, so I'm not a "360 Fanboy"
  14. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    In my experience of playstation network, the commectivity and general gameplay was relatively the same. This was with the same connection so the connection point is moot. It wasn't a small sample of playing either, during the weekdays and weekend, and also night and day.
  15. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I play on both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 often, although I don't actually own a PS3 myself. However, a lot of things irk me about the PS3.
    For one, it's fat. It's fatter than fat. It's fatter than the original Xbox. Weird how they were trying to criticize the Xbox for a while on it's weight, and then make something heavier than a server rack.
    Another one. They might think the 360 controllers are too heavy; I think theirs are too light. It feels cheap and flimsy to me. I like to buy heavier headsets because of this weight factor. Stays on better, I guess.
    Last part. The online is pretty laggy. On the same network as an Xbox 360, the network is significantly slower. It probably has to do with bad automatic network config.
  16. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Yeah and WTF is type 2 NAT? That is what it said when I tested my connection for ps3. Also I always get pointless error messages on the ps3, I can't fix them because: "An error has occured" -Yeah thanks for the help
  17. phantomfrost08

    phantomfrost08 Ancient
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    Its hard to compare the two because each system was designed to appeal to different people.

    The Xbox 360 is a good all around console that is less reliable, but makes up for it with a great selection of games and online support.

    The Playstation 3 is a great system for people who are willing to sacrifice the overall quantity of games for multimedia capabilities.

    now that im done using big words, my point is that its unfair to call the PS3 bad for its lack of games. And its unfair to call the 360 bad for its lack of Blu-ray and internet.The were designed for different purposes. Its not a true one-to-one comparison!
  18. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    You make a very good point. I never looked at it like that before. Let's just say this and stop this universally stupid argument: The Right Console for the Right Person

    At the end of the day, it's only opinion over which is best; no-one's opinion is pwerful enough to get someone to switch consoles in real life, is it? Me and my friend are having this ongoing argument over which is better. He is a better arguer, but he changes the subject every time I make a good point. But at the end of the day, no matter how much we argue, I will NEVER buy a PS3 and he will NEVER buy a 360. At least not because of argumental points.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
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    I'm not really going to list the games for 360, since there are obviously more, half the ones you listed I wouldn't consider buying, and another person could list more.

    PS3s are $200 more. I'd rather have a 12% chance of losing my xbox for a week then blow $200.

    Erm... top heavy? Tried wired? Not to mention they really don't effect gameplay at all...
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I basically closed this thread, read the post above yours.

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