New Mombasa "Only very few ODST troopers survived the technical disaster at New Mombasa. 4-8 Players" Created by: Cydronix and Blakbastud44 This is a "Preview" for our upcoming five maps, it is very good, if played with our specific gametype. It is asymetric and has a "Unique" style to it. From pictures you may think the wall is too small, but in the gametype you cannot jump as high. Gametype: Are specific gametype is created using all information given out by bungie, many things some may like and some may dislike. Player Speed: 90% Player Gravity: 150% Vehicle Use: NONE Sensors: OFF Appearence: BLACK Shields: 100% (NORMAL) Shield Multipliers: NO SHIELDS Immune to Headshots: ENABLED Primary Weapon: SMG Secondary Weapon: NONE Damage Modifier: 50% Respawn Time: 4 SECONDS The Custom powerup trait gives you radar, it spawns 120 seconds into a game. With the "No Shields" and "Immune to Headshots" factors, it is to make the game more life-like and likable, it takes 4-5 direct headshots to kill someone with a battle rifle. It is pretty much the same shields, but they are not visible. Weapons On Map: SMG x3 Battle Rifle x3 Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Shotgun x1 Map Pictures: Overview + Phantom Replica Ridged Wall (Resembling Barb-Wired Fencing in Real Life) Sniper Base Center Base, Forked Bridge Structure Map's Aesthetics, out side of B-55 Power Station Main Street + Window Stores A second show of our maps Aesthetics 2nd View of Mainstreet Alley leading to Sniper Tower Another view of the Phantom and Main Street Map In-Game Pictures: ODST Forever! Target Eliminated Bye Click to Picture to Download Map Click to Download Gametype (Required for the right ODST Experience) This is definitely neither me or blak's best map, but it is pretty good! Thanks for the Downloads! Cydronix Blakbastud44
Wow. This looks really fun. I love the Phantom, How'd you get the wraiths to float? Anyways the forging looks really good, but it looks a little open and you can definitely break the map in the back, which isn't good. Anyways great job. 4/5 Oh and YAY 1st, first post.
This looks really nice and I can see the effort and time that went into it. I think that you should reinforce the walls surrounding it though, many people will break out of your map to win. This is a very original looking map and I think you can receive a lot of downloads if you make it break proof. Just do a quick remake, it'll be an hour of work at longest.
That phantom looks really cool and original. The only things I don't like is the bridges and double boxes. It would look nicer if they were flipped over.
I didnt reinforce the walls because of the jump settings, even with grenade jumping or jumping on someones head you still can't get out, It is very high gravity, but not the high.
There are so many original merges in there. The way you did the fences was amazing. The wraith is also a very cool feature! The trucks and streets looked just like a city! I loved the tower/sniper base. It really does seem like New Mombasa. 5/5 I agree with you on the bridges, but with the double boxes I assume he was going for a sign filled street look. Kind of like the signs in new mombasa from the halo odst trailer.
You mean high gravity? Anyway, I love the map. I really like the whole ODST concept. And the map looks pretty good, as well. So good job. 4/5. Nice phantom too.
sweet map how did you get the two wraiths to float in the air? thats really cool and i like the athesitic part of the map too 4/5 sweet map i so going to D/L thanks alot i also like the way u did the barded wire / jagged wall thing very cool thanks
the map itself looks very good, well forged, although nothing too amazing. the wraiths made to look like the covenant ship is a cool idea, otherwise, it really doesnt look like new mombassa in my opinion.
Most Competitive maps should be able to use default game types. Most people won't even use your settings, and just play the game. I'd rather you have an inesapable map AND aesthetics than just aesthetics. other than that it looks, good, but a bit too open for my taste.
Very nice aesthetics i expect you to be a very good map maker one day ( U better BE!!!) lol. But nice map and gametype, I really like the aesthetics but it is a little open. But my score is 4.5/5 Rewib SHUT THE F*** UP! lol this a great map.
sorry, but it appears there may be a slight misunderstanding about the map looking like a perfect up and running city. you see, cydronix and i based the map off of some parts from the teaser, "keep it clean", and some parts from what we thought it should look like. now, if you watched the trailer, you would notice that the city had been quite recently bombarded by about 4000 five ton steel drop pods falling from the sky. so if what you were inquiring about it not looking like new membassa, i hope that now you realize we were going more for a destroyed look to the map. oh and we didnt think it was neccesaryto make any tall buildings, because they probably would have all fallen down. and yes we were not sure wether to post it in the asthetic section, or competetive, but since it it more focused on gameplay, we put it in competetive. i hope that helps you uderstand more. B/@I<
cool map I love the phantom but wouldnt it be driveable if you got up there and its totaly escapeble otherwise great asthetics and awsome map. Ps is the odst gametype the same as slayer in H2?
No the gametype is not the same, we based the gametype off of Bungie's description of Halo 3: ODST Campaign. The map is not "Totally Escapable", It is meant for only one gametype, and that is the one I created, called Prepare to Drop It makes it so your jumping is on 150% so you cannot jump on someones head, and your shields are made so a single grenade kills, preventing grenade jumping/launching.