What would your favorite custom game's maps be? If they are on forgehub, or if you have a link, please provide one. :joker:
I would love to have a thread like this stickied. It would be nice to now and recognize past favorites. You can get a few by looking through old featured's but not all. As for my favorites... I was always a big fan of duck hunt (the foundry one) as it helps to split up the play. Also, countless good infection gametypes that are here as custom games are usually infection (never got why slayer is rarely played, most don't object to it.) The mice/tremors games as well are pretty impressive and fun to play if people follow the extra rules.
Mini games is the reason I signed up for Forgehub, something to kill time with friends and have fun at the same time. The first games I ever downloaded off of Forgehub were Cat 'N' Mouse and Tremors with their maps, and they have stayed on my Hard Drive ever since, also Peasant Hunt is another amazing game with a good (but small) library of maps to play on, Forgotten Crypt is probably my favorite.