Tips On Leveling Up In Halo 3

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Playerhata27, Jul 15, 2008.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    hey im back i tried the 1 look sensitivity in matchmaking. it was awesome my kills increased by alot ( i think in 1 game of team snipers i got 22 kills and even a running riot medal : ] ) and it even helped level my rank in lone wolves from 38 to 41. Thanks for the Awesome guide : ]

    BTW those werent the only games i improved on but those were the best ones to me. i also leveled in SWAT and Team doubles.
  2. CowardKLNGtime

    CowardKLNGtime Ancient
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    Ugh, do you have any tips for me? I did 1 sensitivity, it was uncomfortably slow to turn. So I increased it to 2. Now it's at for but I gradually got there. I'm pretty decent you know? I just can't get to a thirty in TS. What does I do man?!?!
  3. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    This is my blinding light! my friend and i, we were almost identical in our play styles, when we played customs, we were always close but then i changed my look sensitivity to 6 and he stayed on 3, now hes a commander and i'm still a captain ty for the guide man epic win!
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Awesome man. I'm glad it helped.

    Well getting any level in TS isn't all focused on you. Many times I have gotten 20+ kills, and lost due to my deaths, or my terrible team mates. I recommend you keep it at 4 if its working out for you.But get a good team together, maybe go around matchmaking and try to party up with the people that are doing gradually better than everyone else. Then learn what kind of player the person is. Is he cautious, and stays back, or is he the type of person to get the weapon first, or the power up.

    I hope this works for you.

    You're welcome, man. I'm really glad to hear that this helped people.
  5. KB

    KB Ancient
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    And now I find myself reading this again after my long break from Halo. I went on the other day to figure out I suck again. Once again thanks for the guide Playahata.
  6. PhoeNiX ZaK

    PhoeNiX ZaK Ancient
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    I put my sensitivity to about 6 or 7 so you can move and turn around quickly. 1 seems to too cumbersome lol but I haven't tried it yet.

    To win in Lone wolves, get the BR, the power weapons such the rocket launcher, and the powerups then surely it will give you advantages over your opponents.
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thanks Knight =].

    Well whatever sensitivity works for you, I'm fine with that. And yes, any strategy of your own that has been fortunate since then use it.
  8. that worm

    that worm Ancient
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    if you want a more in depth guide try
    Halo 3 Guide - Multiplayer Strategy, Maps, Weapons, Vehicles, Tips and Tricks
    i used to be a member of the CoB (clan which ran the wiki) and there are rumours that forge hub is now paying for the site after PEZ decided to call it a day so yeah try it, and contribute if you want, regester for free and you dont even have to confirm an email (but no spam, the site is reviewed very frequently)
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    First off I almost explained all of that, just not that general. Second, I know its a great guide, but I believe it to be advertising, which is against the rules.

    I'm glad you wanted to help though.
  10. that worm

    that worm Ancient
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    ye im advertising a free website which im no longer affiliated with which requires no monetary donations

    order now and ignore two pieces of good-natured free advice for the price of one
    and now for a limited time add pointless self important postumous statements

    while stocks last

    and anyway the wiki is payed for by truedarkfusion, hardly advertising a site funded by a forgehub founder, and is on the "affiliates" list on the home page, looks to me like the wiki hardly needs advertising in a backend thread like this when its listed on the home page

    if you want to continue this, which you shouldn't, it a petty arguement, PM me, dont detract from your thread
  11. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    IMO nice guide playa! very helpful! i think this is be sticked!
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Why thank you for those kind words.

    And well a sticky would be very respectable, but in this case I don't think this guide is in fighting stance of one. Novak's guide is much more in depth, and more efficient than my own.

    Thank you once again.
  13. teletraan

    teletraan Ancient
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    Thanks for the tips on leveling!
  14. RomanSparky

    RomanSparky Ancient
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    Awesome guide! thanks! I took the tip about setting my sensitivity to 1, which helped quite a bit. but i still need to get the "lots of practice" part done. lol. I can't find anyone that i can play with that's really good on a regular basis tho :( It doesn't help I'm not that great, but I'm trying to get better! lol
  15. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Okay I got some actually VERY helpful information that you should add.

    1st...The easiest way to to get good with the BR is to use this I don't use as I learned about it after I got good with my BR...basically what you do is shoot 3* Body shots then the fourth as the head you may be like wtf but if you think about it you have a better chance of killing this way because you can land the first three shots fairly easy, defiantly easier that trying to go for four straight up head shots on your opponents head. If you do not want to switch...then when you shoot for their head...don't instead aim at their chin...once again your thinking wtf? but again its easier to shoot their chin consistently than it is it hit their head...By the way theses ways STILL only take four shots to kill.

    2. About your little partner thing..I disagree with part of it. You DO NOT want a Team of decent players to all rank up from like 10 to 40 in a playlist? Why because you will get Player locked...(Not the official name) What this is, is that when you play with the same people over and over it thinks your cheating...(The cheating way to get to 50) So to prevent this they did this on purpose. After playing a lot of games and winning winning and winning you will start to slow down on your skill advancement....It just happens making it soon Really hard to level up because you will need to win roughly 10-15 games in a row without losing to go up... Now to prevent this you ask? Well here is my suggestion have everyone your planning on making a team together with play that play list by THEM selves up until around 40-45ish (If your on a winning streak then you may even jump up +2 levels every game because you always play with different people)...unless your not that good then get to around - 7 6 or 5 levels lower than your level your looking for. See now you will have a good team but then you will still be able to rank up and get those last levels you want easy if you can consistently win with your team.

    3. A tip when you are ranking up by a team based list. If you are really good and you are on a 11-15 game win streak.. PURPOSELY throw a me each play list has this little tracker for you it counts how many games you've won in a row how many you have lost etc...Now every time you win a game it goes up...and for every game after you win in a row it keeps going up right...Now as this thing gets higher it levels you up faster..yay thats great but then again its bad...because when you start winning a ton in a row the game KEEPs putting in harder and harder guys to fight you because the game wants to see what your rank should be...So I'll give an example.

    You start out as rank 25 in Team Slayer..Game 1 you play 25-27's you game same game same ranks (Now you go 27) You play 27-30's now for a few games... (You haven't lost a game yet) Now your on win number 12 your level 35 you play some 38-40's keep winning keep winning (Have around 20 game win streak) now your level 40...You're playing now 48's 49's..because the game thinks that because you keep beating those levels and ranking up you should be higher rank...BUT when you start playing those higher ranks you lose...

    Now back to this, this tracker sees you lost a it keeps putting you against those 49's you lose lose lose and lose....Drops you levels and if you keep losing then it will drop down the opponent levels again...but now if you win win win win play 49's again... lose lose lose lose...Win win win win...LEVEL LOCKED....(You see when you keep going up and down up and down in ranks..the game thinks you should be at that level..then the game basically says okay your as high as you can go and makes it almost impossible for you to rank up anymore.

    Now back about the throwing a basically when you keep winning your tracker keeps giving you harder to stop this from happening throw a game or two..yes you will go down 2-4 levels because you were on a big win streak but you can get them back. So when you lose a game after you win so much the tracker gets dropped back way back..and puts you back at people around your level maybe a little higher still..then you repeat.

    With this in mind I can tell you this.. I'm a 45 Brig and stopped at 45 only because It was begining of summer and I had to go live at my cabin with laggy internet the I didn't play Team Slayer anymore (Over three months I lost my BR..sadly).. but anyways I recently started a new account..Playing Team Slayer right...I have roughly 45 Team Slayer Games played and Rank 43 with about 8 losses. Now you think woah? No its actually really easy I've been playing Halo 3 since last Christmas (Also at times I was going up 2 levels EACH game I won and I actually went up 3 in one game)..I've read all the updates and have been taught this information by self playing and other people. My main account all have good Win lose ratios in the play lists and high level will low amount of games played how by doing what I have mentioned above.

    So lesson about leveling up..Practice your BR and shoot how I told you (With Playas sensitivity if you prefer) and rank up as high as you can go by YOURSELF without getting level locked or losings to many games and you will become a high rank in no time)

    Okay I'm done with my wall of text now =D Also sorry Playa if I kind of made my own tutorial in yours...I thought you should know this information though..
  16. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I have to agree with the above poster on a few counts:

    One, yes, especially at medium to long range, aim for the chest with the BR. Due to the spread of the weapon, a higher percentage of the bullets shot will hit home when aiming at a larger target, and I guarantee that you will score more kills this way rather than aiming strictly at the head.

    Two, it is true that the game will lock you at a certain level, but under different conditions than what Adelyss said. The game reads how well you're doing, how much EXP you've accumulated, what your current rank is, and how consistently you've been leveling up. It factors all these together and makes a sort of level lock for you. The more EXP you've accumulated, the harder it will be for you to level up to higher levels. Prime examples: on my old, now dead account Doctor Manlove, I am a level 47, with 1126 EXP. I jumped from 46-47 in Team Slayer for about four months, and built up enough EXP in the playlist that the game decided that my true skill level was that of 47. Thus I was rank locked. Same thing happened for my friend, Doctor XieIove, who was jumping between 47-48 for an even longer period of time. It is now a certainty that he will never reach 50.

    When I started this newer account, I was able to power level to 50 within a very short time frame because I had low EXP and the game had not yet calculated my rate of skill growth. Simply put, it's essentially impossible to get to rank 50 if you have more than ~800-1000 EXP, unless you consistently win for about 30 games against people who are higher levels than you, which is highly unlikely for most people.
  17. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    No problem for that great insight. I'm glad you put effort and time into someone else' thread. Though, I do not fully agree on all your theories, but I still edit this into the OP titling it as Adelyss's tips in Matchmaking

    Ah yes, this has happened to me. I am stuck at 46 in Team Doubles. I can't increase nor decrease. Though, is this mandatory. Will I be stuck at a 46 forever, can I not surpass the system? To my current knowledge I think you can having a win streak of about 10+.

    But thank you for another great insight, and tell me if you would like your suggestions edited into the OP.
  18. Rubber Duck

    Rubber Duck Ancient
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    dude this actually helped me alot more than i thought it would 0_0
    and yes i read the entire thing!
    also, its not too late to get this stickied! You can always add more, and do some edits, for instance;
    when you said Patience:Trust me if you have none leave now, instead of saying that you need to change it to "trust me, if you don't this you should leave this thread." make it a little less oppressive.
    i dont mean to give you a bloody lesson in grammar though. >_<
  19. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    that cleared some stuff up...
  20. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    My favourite technique is to grab a BR, and use grenades really well / accurately.
    That's what gets me positive K/D R each match.

    1 grenade within 5 feet + head shot = Kill.

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