The above statement is true. Very, very true. That being said, I'm not a judge of the contest either. They shouldn't. If anything, it's good to know that there is some fierce competition out there so you can make your entry as good as it can be. Besides, there's nothing (really) wrong with second place. ;-) Now, can you savor victory if there was nothing to conquer?
I was kidding and hope you were to. LOLZ! Is there a place I would need to post to ask for somebody to forge with me? Or do I just have to spam the Shoutbox?
try posting something in The Forge Discussion board. People do it all the time. I'm not sure if they actually benefit from it though.
Sarge I'm the same way mostly. I can make designs alright, but I don't give them the attention to detail that they require. So, I forge with other people whom, I know are better than me with forge techniques. The only downside is when you forge with someone who is lazier than you.
Map got deleted after 7 days of working on it. I don't know how. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I'll go find something in campaign.
AKA TDF... /glares at Tiddif for not wanting to do interlocking he made an amazing cheerleader/manager though XD
My map is coming along well but i am having trouble putting a roof on the wole thing. Is the brute shot an essential weapon on conquest? I am afraid of putting it on becuase people might use it to escape. Below is a sketchup version... the roof would have to be large and I am not sure i want to waste that many items.
That was so aimed at me, but I can't get mad cause it's true. If I wasn't so lazy and if you didn't keep changing the design, we would have finished our map along time ago.
There are no "essential" weapons for conquest, just preferred ones, the Brute Shot being one of them. However, since its unnecessary, and in your case detrimental, I'd disregard the general idea that you should put it in your map and just replace it with some other weapon or whatever.
I think the hardest part of my map was making a roof out of single boxes, fence walls, the bridges were nice to still have, and dumpsters. that sucked but I have prevailed.
You're still too lazy to respond to my pms. In all fairness though if you weren't such a cool guy on xbl, I probably never have any further success at forge. Also, if I didn't keep changing the design it would have been a crappier map in the long run.