Sarge you know that if you spawn a box it is perfectly square in reference to foundry. Wouldn't that make things a lot easier than doing whatever you're doing.
you've absolutely no idea what im doing. so no. it wouldn't. thanks for trying though lol. and that system already served its purpose, im done with that part of the map.
Are you working on that design you showed me a couple of months ago? You're gonna have to show me sometime in forge what you're doing in those pics. I can't see how using almost all of the fencewalls is important to get a perfect 90 degree angle or whatever you're trying to achieve. Also, don't let the perfectionism keep you from getting the map in on time. One box that is slightly off isn't going to kill the gameplay. So far from what I've seen, I think Pulsekiller has a very good chance of winning. I haven't gotten to playtest Vice and Lights' yet, but theirs is also a strong contender.
It isn't for a perfect 90 degree angle. Like I said, you've no idea what I'm doing. and sort of that design...not really though. i dont really care about the contest, its more of an excuse to start forging rather than actually finish.
I was merely complementing on it. No need to be 'arsh. Your secret's safe till me lips are wet, but I won't go near the stuff. *Takes Swig* But 'tis a lovely design it is. Such a sweet preety thing. *Another Swig* I 'specially love the... Just kidding with you Lights. It is a novel concept though. I can't wait to game on it this weekend, if it's open for testing. And Lights, you keep your mouth shut 'out me teleboxes! EDIT: I'm not a judge nor do I have any influences on the judging. How can anyone know how many entries I've seen. Could be a few or a lot. Also, my opinions are based on my gameplay values. The judges may or may not share these same values. That being said, I could be totally off or dead on.
Your forget how quickly the people here jump to conclusions. Remember when Shiska posted the hand drawn pic of Assembly way back in the day? Heaps of people here thought they were going to put flame grenades in matchmaking because the artist had drawn them showing up in the HUD. You are one of the elite of this site mate, a lot of people will take a slight comment by you as gospel.
People do tend to take thigs grossly our of porportion. What I say shouldn't stop people from making maps. I evidence that by the fact that I don't have fanboys following me around and of the colored I'm most prevelant to be corrected by non-colored. I'm just a man on the other end of the line. It's my faith in humanity that I don't become a god over the internet. That aside, there's going to be several months of good conquest ahead and that's what I look forward to most.
I was at school and had the perfect idea for a conquest map for the forge off! So I came home, turned on my Xbox, went into Forge, and I didn't feel like making it... just don't feel like it!!! This sucks because it happens everytime I make a map. I just don't have any commitment! Somebody save me!
forge with a partner... im the same way. I've these maps that should've been released but im such a perfectionist i lose motivation. but if i have a partner, even if they're more of a sidekick, i tend to finish the job.