(London Sun) A fiesty raccoon bit off a pervert's ***** as he was trying to rape the animal. Alexander Kirilov was on a drunken weekend with pals when he leaped on the terrified – but toothy – fur ball ... Toothy raccoon bit off man's ***** | The Sun |News
One word: KARMA. I almost felt sorry for the guy, but then I remembered he tried to rape an animal. Sure, he was drunk, but come on.
Gross. Very gross. PETA goinn to be on his ass. Then again his punishsment was pretty much already handed out
Arguably. If he deserved it, it was for being drunk in the first place. When you are as wasted as him, anything seems like a possible good idea. So sucks for him, but he wouldn't actually rape an animal if he wasn't drunk. So stop saying that this man deserves this, because I highly doubt he is an actual animal rapist.
Wait, I thought squirrels like nuts /lamepun. He deserved it. Raping animals is disgusting and a terrible thing to do. At least now he can't reproduce.
Being drunk around an animal was the first mistake. Having your pants unzipped was the next mistake. Anyways, I don't think people around here know that when you're drunk, you don't usually know what is going on. He wasn't thinking about it and I'm sure his friends were pushing him into doing it. Reminds me of the guy who was drunk and got... well, nevermind...
I second that question. Whoever throws sandwiches at a kid that was rumored to have tried to violate an animal should go to hell. They're not any better even if it was true...