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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    So why did you post it?

    I'm just concerned now with the effects drugs have on the environment, so if marijuana has less of an effect than cigarettes, then I say decriminalize that and outlaw cigarettes. Looking at the effects of Prohibition, though, I know it is an issue...
  2. Yard Trip #7

    Yard Trip #7 Ancient

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    Was in the process of posting whilst reading, and can't delete. My bad.

    Anyhow, I think that if tobacco is legal, than Marijuana should be too. Tobacco is way more harmful.
  3. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    And let me start off this post breakdown, by saying that the use of the word "drugs" in the plural sense should be minimized, as we are talking specifically about marijuana.

    We are all force fed the ****.

    Yes, it has cut me down socially & financially, due to my arrest. Though, that doesn't effect me as a person, and if it weren't for the fact of it being illegal, this wouldn't be an issue.

    No comment.

    See, this is where you lost me. Drugs do kill, yes, but marijuana, does not. There have been zero deaths caused directly by marijuana.

    Any and all causes of death related to marijuana can all be led back to the fact that it's illegal. If it weren't illegal, then we wouldn't have to deal with that one drug dealer, who is prone to shoot at will.

    Is it really that dramatic?

    It is illegal, sure. But why do people speed? Why do people jay-walk? Why do people gamble illegally? Why do people incorrectly fill out their tax returns? The question is relative to just about anything, why do that which you are told not to.

    No comment.
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    That's my problem, too. I hate the argument that "If cigarettes are legal, marijuana should be, too!" I retrospect, neither should be legal. Same goes for alcohol. As far as I'm concerned, the public should be more aware of the effects of both, then be allowed to make a decision. It seems cigarettes are far more harmful.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    See you are a 'sensible' person to say the least. Your arrest hasn't changed you as a person. But for many, it has. For some, drugs are all they have. They've lost faith in life, mentally disabled from the usage of drugs, etc. I just realized that this was rather fortunate for your argument, and less for mine. (As you can see, I have this problem in many of my debates. I come up with answers leading more towards the debating argument)

    I can't figure out what you're really trying to say. Is it that, Marijuana as a whole hasn't killed someone primarily for the use of marijuna, or are you saying people who were under the influence of marijuana never died.

    If it being the former, then I find that quite wrong. I see it hard to believe that not on person was killed due to the usage of Marijuana. Or even for that matter, how they weren't harmed, or harming someone else.

    But see, it leads me back to my original statement. If its wrong, why do it? Why approach the drug dealer if you know you're life is in danger?

    Well those crimes, and some alike are hard not to commit. Or rather, it could be the law enforcement being less focused on those venial crimes compared to major ones. Do you expect a whole police force to stand guard at street corners, when people are being murdered,raped,etc.? Now even that is bad, seeing people can commit these crimes and without any punishment.

    Even so, it is the same reason as doing any crime. We know its illegal, so if you commit it you should be punished.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    I like the idea of 21 years of age to legally purchase marijuana idea.

    And when you think about it, if Obama makes marijuana legal how would he look in front of the Americans who supported him...

    If I were president I would eat my cow raw and get a diesease! (< Off Topic)
  7. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Wow, I did not know I would come across this topic today on ForgeHub.
    Marijuana is great. I just finished off mine. I feel great.

    Anyways, onto the subject. Yes, I agree completely with Tex. I do not agree with those saying it has harmful physical side effects. If you classify 'hunger' as harmful, you must die.

    I would write Obama a letter, but I already think he gets enough of those everyday, and not just for the legalization of marijuana.

    Selling/Buying marijuana is so easy. If it was legalized, my life wouldn't really change, other than the fact I could spark-up in public, next to the po-po.

    Also, pi = 3.14. I'm high, and I just told you that.. Obviously nothing here is wrong. FIN
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    See, you're doing it again, you're using the term "drugs" in the plural sense. This is where I tell you that marijuana does have an effect on people, but so does anything to an individual with an addictive personality. Take computers, thousands of people are so addicted to their computer, that they only leave the house to buy stockpiles of food, water, soda, & computer products, leaving their family to deal with life without the individual. Granted, those are extreme scenarios, but so is the one you've presented to me. Anyways, I got a bit off-topic, I get upset with the plural form of the word "drugs" because it tells me this isn't just about marijuana, and that other drugs are being taken into account. See, the problem here is, that once again, if marijuana were legalized, any individual looking to smoke would not be in a "drug" atmosphere at any point during the dealing process.

    Which brings me to the new point I realized tonight in my English class, the "drug culture." The whole atmosphere you are entangled into, uncontrollably, while loving it all the way down. You are brought amongst a variety of characters in the drug culture, ones that are only out for the money, the power, the greed, the pride, whatever. I've never fully seen it until just recently, but it's a dangerous, cold, and ****ed up world out there. Don't get me wrong, please, for the love of all that is holy, don't misinterpret what I'm saying. There are plenty of people out there who are doing a lot of good by distributing the product (illegally) to individuals with no injustice caused. Though, once dabbling into higher amounts of product, or going into the wrong parts of town, you can deal with some pretty sketchy ****.

    Point I'm getting at with the above paragraph, is Make it legal, save some lives.

    Believe it. Noone has ever died under the influence of marijuana, unless they had previous medical issues, which at that point, it's the responsibility of the medically handicapped individual.

    You never know your life is in danger. When you truly feel something is not right, you're out of there...unless you're a dumbass, which, some people are. I'd say 90% of all drug deals are through people you know personally (if you're a customer), and of those 10% that you don't know, about .01% is someone who's going to get your ass. Just to try and come up with some bullshit statistic.

    Why let the cops take aim at potheads, when there are murderers, rapists, and etc. to be addressed? The question plays both ways my friend.

    I know what I did was illegal. I'm dealing with my punishment as needed. Though, why should...Let me start over...Why the **** should anyone have to go through what I've gone through? It's an injustice, and an unnecessary demoralization to the entire country.

    Oh boo-hoo, teh peeplz dun leik meh.

    Omg, you have no idea how bad I can't wait to do that.
  9. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    He's saying that no one has ever overdosed on marajuana or died from smoking it habitually over many years.

    People have caused harm to themselves while smoking it, of course. But people have killed themselves while using the toilet too....
  10. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Any drunk guy could say that. Th problem is, if you were driving a car on the road and a child ran out onto the street, would your reaction time be unaffected enough to swerve out of the way.
  11. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Depends on what time of the day it is.
    If it's night time, that kids a ****ing idiot for running out into the road.
    If it's day time, the child is still and idiot, but it's more understandable.
    A lot of people will tell you they have slower reaction times at night.

    Also, I don't drive under the influence of anything such as alcohol or marijuana, and I hardly drink..
  12. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I fixed that for you.

    Aside from the fact that nearly everyone here against the topic is bias, the smokers have better facts, resources, statistics. Why? Because.. we care.

    If you ever got high before, you wouldn't really see a problem with it.
    Everyone makes it out that getting high is liking drinking glue and gasoline. You don't turn ****ing retarded. True, you're silly. But geez!
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Ya, I'm locking this for a bit...It'll be revived soon.

    Seriously, grow the **** up people, and if you're going to debate about this, do it in the marijuana debate thread. Assholes. This is a thread about working together a letter that I'll be sending to President Obama's office, in hopes of working towards a better tomorrow. If you don't care to come in here with something beneficial, then gtfo.
  14. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Alright, I'm re-opening this thread. Just remember, this is a thread used to work together a letter in 500 characters, explaining to the President why marijuana would be better for America legal.
  15. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Why marijuana should be legal? how about just make drugs legal? Here's my reasoning:
    The current ban on narcotics is almost exactly like Prohibition back 70 years ago. Alchohol was banned and it became the cool thing to drink and everybody would go and secretly drink just like the way drugs are used now. When they finally made alchohol legal again, it's popularity instantly dropped... Because the people thought they were fighting the power, sticking it to the man... But now that they weren't, what was the point?
    How many people cannot honestly say they do drugs because they are the cool thing to do? And not just because of what they do.
    They should just legalize the stuff, and then they wouldn't have to worry about all these drug dealers and gangbangers. But instead regulate it...
    Also, this whole living in a free country... I'm not even American but still, why can the government tell me what I can and can't do to my own body if I do it in my own house and I'm not harming anyone else?

    For the record, I do not do drugs, I just drink.
  16. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Wasn't there a thing on his site that was like "ask obama" and the highest rated questions would be answered. A bunch of pot heads voted up a marijuana question to like 30ish and it got shot down.

  17. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Never heard about that. That's interesting.
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Oh it didn't get shot down

    Open for Questions: Response | The Obama-Biden Transition Team
  19. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    For the record, alcohol is a drug. And legalizing every single drug would leave a paralyzing effect on public life...
  20. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I don't see why we, a site dedicated to forging halo 3 multiplayer maps, is so concerned about legalizing marijuana. Over here in England it's back up to a Class B drug. And the streets have never been worse. Seriously, I was walking home from the bus stop, and there's usually a drug dealer on the corner of this road. He was gone. I asked him where he was (I don't buy from him, I just know the guy ok?) and because of the new law, people aren't buying weeb on thew streets anymore. They're buying it from organised criminals now. How is that better?

    Come to think of it, I have quite a bit to say on the subject...

    Ask him if he enjoys Halo 3. It'd be good to have a president as a member on our website. It'd enhance the community.

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