Contact Us I decided I would try to do something, finally, about the legalization and/or decriminalization of marijuana. To start, I wanted to write my governor here in IL, but I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe Obama would be the best person to contact (or one of his advisers anyway), especially since he is straight from IL himself. However, upon finding a way to contact said man, I become highly limited in what I can say. They provide the ability to send the man in charge a direct (supposedly direct, that is) letter, but with the severe limitation of careful wording & precise defining. I've 500 characters to write to the president why I feel that marijuana should be decriminalized, and for once on this topic, I feel challenged. Not only do I have to explain something with extreme intensity, but I have to do so, without room for said intensity. I've never been restricted in wording why this need be legalized, which, makes me rather like this project. It's just a simple "Hey dude, legalize dat ****" & truly not that big a deal, seeing as he'll be getting thousands upon thousands of these daily, but I'd like to make the strongest impact possible with such limitations. I've brought this up in general chat for anyone & everyone to participate. Any and all spam will be dealt with as needed. For starters, I'll just work up a bit of a chart as to why it should be legal: Marijuana should be legalized because: It's doing more harm then good by remaining illegal. The "gate" in "gateway drug" is there due to its illegality. In contrast to cigarettes & alcohol, the death toll (along with other issues) is of no comparison. The original reason it became illegal is an injustice, and keeping it illegal only shows the support of the horrible values once had. The psychological effect spider-webbed down from dealer to dealer, that takes hold of one person, who effects 10-20 people themselves, if not more. That person influences 3 other people to think it's okay to rob a house, or something similar, and they know about 20 other people as well, also influencing about 3 other people. Remove the dealer, you'll be cleaning up the streets as a side bonus. The boost it would give to the economy is enough of a reason to legalize it. Edit: Oh and by the way everyone, feel free to use this to contact the president for anything you'd like to say to the gentlemen. He's courteously provided a means of contacting him via the internet, so let's put it to use.
Personally, there are far greater concerns the President. He doesn't really need to be pummled by special interests at this time. If, however, he remains in office for a second term and has accomplished much of what he set out to do then by all means voice your concerns. You most certainly have your right to be heard, but I think that this is more on the petty side of things. I don't support the legalization of marijauna, but I would be happy to proofread a draft for you. That being said are there more pressing concerns in and around your community that you feel the government is more urgently needed? Also, can these concerns not be met by the community itself? To conclude, thank you for the link! I'll try and put it to good use.
What is the most pressing issue facing the entire world? The economy, of course. What would legalizing marijuana do? Remove the continuous under-the-table dealings of marijuana, and bring it straight into smoke-shops which would tax marijuana, and thus, boosting the economy for America, and the world. I don't think you realize how much the economy would be boosted by this...There are hundreds of thousands of people who smoke. 8.25% of hundreds of millions of dollars being spent annually is nice boost to the economy.
If anything, I'd try and contact an Illinois politician. Massachusettes has decriminalized marajuana (to an extent). I'd start small and work towards a more national goal.
Giving more money to the government isn't the issue. Making sure people have financial stability is however. Legalizing Marijauna is not going, in any way shaper or form, to help my family recover from these hard times. Legalizing marijauna might be a nice boost but it will only be a boost for the government and private companies, much like tobacco. I don't feel like giving more wealth to either at the moment. But, like I said I'd be happy to proofread it for you.
What about all the job opportunities that will be created for packing, growing, & distributing industries? That won't be a boost to our local economy, not at all... Edit: Sorry, I realize I'm getting a bit defensive, but as you should know, I get heated on this topic.
There is nothing wrong with this idea and I really like it. I think that the law should be the same as alcohol though. By this I mean, 21 or older to be able to legally smoke it, and if you get caught driving in the act of smoking marijuana or under the influence of Marijuana, you should be arrested. That's just my thoughts. On the topic about the important things the president is doing, I'm really happy that he is opening up stem cell research. This could help a lot of people.
We're not going to be trying to get specifics such as this established until readying action is apparent. I'd appreciate all discussion unrelated to this thread (And the legalization of marijuana) to go elsewhere. Stem-cell research =/= related to the legalization of marijuana. Thanks for your time.
Marijuana does kill braincells, probably more than alchohol, but if it is legalized people will probably stop needing it and make it just a once in a while thing instead of flipping out and getting high every waking second, which is what most people think will happen.
Alcohol is a drug. That question is illogical. You need to reiterate that post, before you are infracted for spam.
Tex, since you seem to know more than anyone else about the subject, how does marijuana smoke affect the atmosphere in regards to global warming?
Let me start off with this. Well rather I'm 13. I haven't witnessed the Real Word, or at least to an extent of where my Parents shield me, well Rather just my Mom. Now with that out of the way let me get started. Furthermore, I'm not to much 'educated' on the effects of drugs, or rather the political stance of them, besides it being illegal. From my brainwashed genera ration, we are force fed the harsh rules of life. Now with technology quickly advancing, times are changing swiftly and briskly. One of the rules we are taught, and looked down upon, are drugs. Now we are told "Don't do drugs". Simple as that. We, well most, don't really yearn to find out the truth, if the above isn't valid, of what drugs actually do. Though I, and I'm sure millions of other people, realize the harm drugs do. Now besides Mental and Medical harm, I was also just opened up the financial/social/etc. harm it can do, from you Tex. I had no idea such a substance could ruin a persons life ( I'm unsure of the previous statement is true, but from what I've seen you post I see it is pretty harsh, I apologize if you feel I'm trying to insult you for I am not). I was only showed the Medical and Mental harm of Marijuana. For, I was manipulated to think all users of such drug were 'bad' people. Now many respectable members on this forum have smoked marijuana, well at least they say, and I realize its not the reality it is shoved down our throats. Upon hearing your story Tex, I immediately came up with that conclusion. Now I've gotten off-track but I promise I'm going somewhere with this. The fact is that, today's society is too much shielded from the truths. To many of us are only showed the cons of Reality's factors not its pros. Now how do I expect to live my life without such knowledge? I can't hide myself from these things, for they're are out there and how can I prepare. I hear stories of deaths and injuries due to drugs. When hearing so, my "New Millennium" mind automatically belittles the doer, and feels no pity. But, in most cases this is true. Drugs do kill. Now while its not the drug itself, its the cause of the death. Not only that, but they shatter peoples foregrounds for a future. I still cry to this day of a friend who's whole life changed from the start off puffing that weed. She is no longer herself, but something she didn't want to be. But now this is where I sound stubborn, and self-centered so I apologize before hand. I see it as this. If you know the drug, act, object,etc. is illegal, while proceed to do so anyway? I don't see a reasonable explanation for this question. And rather that, why complain about paying fines, going to jail, etc. when its your fault. But I do see a solution to this. If marijuana was to be legalized there must be many rules and limits. Furthermore, we can't hide from the fact that people are going to not only harm themselves, but possible harm others from being high. Not only that, but I hear that it also kills brain cells (Sorry, as I said in the beginning I'm not to educated on the topic, so I don't know the validity of that). But it hypothetically contradicts my previous opinion of "They did it, they fall for it". So, if the person does it, its their own fault. I can't spew anymore stances on this subject, for I've ran out of thinking material.
We don't need to actually smoke marijuana. Yo dawg, i herd u liek erth, so we put vapors in ur vapors so u can be green while u smoek dat green. @playa, i will read ur wall in a sec, havta shower =]
Be honest with me though. If marijuana is available to use freely and is accessible, how many users are going to avoid smoking it in a cigarette form completely? Many users will continue to use it like that. That did not really answer my question.
Your question was one of those "specific details" i mentioned earlier. It would need to be brought up, upon the realization of readying action. Basically, once the ball is rolling towards the legalization, this would be one of the smaller nit-picks to be worked out. To answer your question, how many would quit habitual use of joints/blunts/bongs/bowls/etc, that's a highly debatable question, with many statistical possibilities.
I was going to post about how Marijuana was only outlawed to screw over mexican farmers, but you already have that.