30K caps? Either you glitched it (Paradise Falls way/moria brown laser pistol way), or you didn't buy one item.
Discover all locations for rangers, lawbringer, and pre war books to BoS scribe I plan on getting the DLC operation anchrage and cold steel (IDK what that will be about because: Spoiler I killed Eden and Colenel Autumms and project purity worked and I sacraficed myself )
I've had it since Christmas but have'nt played it a lot because I run out of ammo easily. I'm only on Level 3 and have decided to arm Megatons bomb. I have about 7 pending quests and I'm currantly exploring and looking for valuable weapons/armour. My characters name is Stephen (My name) and I have bad karma. (I KILLED LUCAS SINNS!!!!!1111111 and robbed HIS HOUSE) I've came across 2 super mutants and killed them both. One had a shotgun, the other had a Rock - It Launcher. I wear the armoured Vault 101 Armour and Lucas Sinns hat. I'm in the middle of "The Wasteland Survival Guide" and have to go to Minefield. My Highest S.P.E.C.I.A.L skill is strength, it's a level 7. I have 2 bobble heads and I hate RadScorpions. I don't like the dark because you can't see **** and the Pip Boy 3000's light is'nt bright enough.
My Fallout 3 broke *sad face* but now I'm trying to beat Dead Space, and I already have all of the weapons .
UPDATE: So, I beat the game with good karma. I decided to make a new character with evil character. My name ingame is Beasters. I am "very evil" and am currently a level 12. I don't have a house in Megaton or Tenpenny Tower, although I blew Megaton to ****. I chose to live in Rockopolis. I got tired of Tenpenny Tower, so I packed my stuff and moved to Rockopolis. For those who don't know what that is, go here. I plan on setting up camp in Oasis next. I have around 12,000 caps. I sell everything I find. I ran across the random encounter for the Firelance not too long ago and it is WAY better than the Alien Blaster. I still use the same weapons as I did before...and that is about it. Oh, I still rock the naughty nightwear and the oasis druid hood. They are awesome.
The account im using now got firelance the first time I went to superduper mart. I didn't even see a UFO but I saw alien power cells in raiders so I looked all over the place and found only some of the cells. When i got dogmeat to search for a weapon, I got firelance right away, even 2 weeks after I went there. Oh and my fawkes died =(. I jumped from the top of rivet city into the water and fawkes.... didn't and i accidently saved when I fast traveled. I'm using charon now and gave him Tesla armor (I got a shitload of armor in my house) and hes pretty good at least now I can get kills.
She* is. I just had to kill Charon because that bastard didn't know how to walk over a few rocks and got himself stuck. He has done this about 20x now and I said "**** it." Got out my firelance and burnt his ass.
Im not that far but I got 10mm pistol 10mm sun machinegun 44. scoped pistol Chinese Assualt rifle(my favorite) Laser Pistol Laser Rifle Alien Blaster Missile Launcher Hunting rifle I killed lots of merchants and people in megaton to get those weapons I had no choice. Any body know were this tenpenny tower is or something like that?
UPDATE: Okay, I have been playing the game for the past week and I am now on level 19. "Evil Incarnate" is the levels name given to me. I have the T-51b Power Armour, the Fat Man and have killed 1 Super Mutant Behemoth (Galaxy News Radio). My highest skill is lock pick, it's 100 and my second is science, that's 87. I love to visit the other Vaults and have 10 Bobble Heads. I have 530G from the game (I think) and will get the new DLC in February (My B-Day). My favourite weapons are the Lazer Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Railway Rifle and the Missile Launcher. I now love the game and play it all day! I have to get the quest "Trouble on the Homefront" and complete the "Nuka Cola Challenge," then I will continue on the game trying to find all the bobble heads and not getting ripped up by a Deathclaw. (I hate these things) I have bad Karma and did have Very Evil but helped some slaves get to the Lincoln Memorial so now I just have Evil. As it says in my previous post, I armed Megatons bomb and blew it up, I then helped the Ghouls get into Tenpenny Tower. I have no companions and I like to keep it that way as they're all retards. About 3 of my friends play this game. I cannot wait for the DLC and I have also failed a lot of quests by killing the person who gives it to you.
God, I was exploring the wastes with him and he ran right into a flamethrower... The other idiot iv'e travled with (Jericho) decided to die in some weird way and I couldn't get my 10k+ caps worth of items back.
Dude I ****ed up everybody is Paradise Falls 'cause I didn't want to do that one quest to enslave people with the Mezmatron. So I figured, eh, I'll just walk in, and then they shot at me so I shot back. Then I went around and killed everybody in Paradise Falls excluding the good slave people. I let them free. And I got a lot of ammo and weapons from it too. As well as that one guys pimp suit. Whoever the leader of Paradise Falls is.