if you knew anything about reading comprehension, you'd understand that he was referring to the DIMENSIONS of the territories, rather than the location of the central point of them.
But you can see the locations of them. Geo-merging them is totally unnecessary and a waste of time. If you don't like the bump that they make, run around them.
Now I am done with the geometry of the map, and all I have to do is put weapons, spawns, and territories. its small but hopefully will play well
I've hit an aesthetic fork in the road. Two different designs to achieve the same goal. Small road block it seems but it's got far reaching effects. Won't have a testing version done this weekend after all.
Lol hows your algebra going? Figured out how to get those perfectly even angles yet? I do and I don't need math to do it. But I'm not going to tell you.
yep...just to give you an idea of how much of a perfectionist I am at forging... Thats the system I'm using. and that my friends, is why I've not released a map in for-****ing-ever...
this is one of 2 maps I've spent 100 hrs forging on and not released. lol. but this one is a collab with TSB so I've gotta finish my part and let him do the rest.
and i thought i was extremely accurate with my maps and perfection. you proved me wrong sarge, you proved me wrong
my conquest map is done. Im now in the testing stage, and then I'll make some final aesthetic touches and it will be posted. I just did a testing session. With 8 people it went quite well. There wasn't any spawn camping, the layout proved to provide enough cover, and the deployable cover added an extra "umph" cover and gameplay wise. you could easily walk around the DC, but it helped control the middle territory. The sniper and brute shot, although having a 60 sec respawn time with an extra clip, wasn't overpowering, but did help push things foward in the beggining. There were the right amount of frags, and spikes, and weapons as well. The AR was still the main weapon used, but the BR was used effectivly throughout the game. I will probably have to change the spawning around, and add some respawn areas, but it worked fine without them. The first test exceeded expectations, lets see how the others fair.
My part of the map'll be done by friday, in fact, the main part I'm working on will be done in about 10 minutes. so HA!
and you said you knew about perfection, pfft. see why it took me 1hr per box? 20 hours down, about 20-30 more to go :/ rundown of the next few hours: 1-2 geomerging ever so slightly 1-2 copying whats been done, only higher and with different materials 1-2 platforms platforms platforms! 1 blocking off said platforms 1-2 pillboxes...sorta 3-5 have no fear, the mancannon is here 1-2 oh dear, more platforms 1-5 miscellaneous theres still more after that XD although the map as it is now is rather fun...i wont say what it is, but its really cool and overly aesthetically pleasing. may release that as is for another venture...oh dear, now im rambling, goodnight.