So what does everybody do for a living, do you enjoy it? And no I game for a living because i'm 30 and live in my parents basement and have a closest of blowup dolls because i've never been laid. So I'm a lifeguard/swim instructor and I love it. For being 16 and having a part time job there's nothing better. and i get $13 Canadian hour...
I referee soccer games because I'm only 14 and can't legally get a job, but I get $13 a game/hour. It's pretty good and in the summer I can ref about three games a day. EDIT: Fbu, I lol'd. :]
I bill insurances at an eye clinic. I also order contact lenses and call patients when they come in. Pretty soon I will start making glasses in the lab. Im 16 too, so I only make $7.50 an hour.
I don't have a job. I'm 14, and I get $10 allowance a week. I also shovel driveways in the winter and mow lawns/rake leaves other times. I'm going to work somewhere soon, though. I'd like to work at the movie theater.
I'm trying to get an internship with this security specialist who lives in Hawaii, but that's the extent of it.
Not really a job but a way to make cash really I go o Craig's list and look for gaming companies that need game testers. Typically 75-200 dollars a day for the test.
I'm a mortgage telephone banker. It isn't the nicest place to be right now lol. It only pays $10 an hour but I get a ton of benefits and the ability to make $900 bonus every month.
I work for the office of Admissions for Michigan State University. Basically, people from around the world send in requests to Michigan State for materials, and I mail them out. It's a pretty cool job considering I'm allowed a ton of freedom and there's a lot of variety to my job.
I'm a man-***** for a living, I got a 30,000 for a tip once!! And then I quit, now I really dont have a job, but my dad makes me do things, for a few bucks.
I work at a theme park. A **** theme park, but a theme park nonetheless. I don't really need a job because I also get EMA just for going to college. £30 a week for doing sod all. Woo!
I work at MadCatz. Get payed 10 bucks an hour being lazy and making orders here and there, and get craaazy as benefits for doing so. Also get super cheap discount on all items. Something that costs 149 bucks to you mortals costs me only 40 bucks >:3 Ewww. Too much info dude...
You guys lost all my cousin's crap some 4 years ago. Thanks guy. /jk, I don't blame you. Specifically.