
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DeathstarsOG, Dec 10, 2008.


After Playing, what would you rate this map?

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  2. Good

  3. OK

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  1. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    UNLEASHED v2.1

    Unleashed is a map I designed using Fritzster's sketchup components. From there I was able to design a map that would be a multilevel playground and offer very tactical scenarios. The layout itself was very thought out and designed accordingly. Of course additions, subtractions and minor tweaks had to be made in forge to create it, i am happy with the end design. There are 44 spawn points on the map placed inside of a 8 respawn area system. Each spawn point has been placed in the exact direction you should be looking to create a "comfortable" spawn. There is no unessesary cover layed around the map.The dumpsters are there to create safe spawns and also serve as walking platforms that extend out from the bridges there connected to.
    There are nearly 60 objects GeoMerged into the map and 4 objects under the map. I have also found a revolutionary glitch with the gravity lifts. You will find two of them on this map that are completely invisible and completely silent. You'll read more about them later on in this post.The map Itself is Inverse Symetrical(Meaning corner to corner symetrical). it is technically a 2 base however there are no bases to be found. It's more of a layout like Construct is than a map with bases. However you will find Blue and red markers around the map to show sides, along with A & B signs. Callouts are very simple and the picture captions below will explain them more. While the layout is symetrical, there are two weapons along with 2 powerups that are located symetrically from eachother however are not the same themselves. These are the Custom/invis powerups and the mauler/Plasma rifle. Pictures will help you understand better what I mean if you are lost. One major point of this map is the opening rush. What i mean by opening rush is that at the start of the map, there will be a dash to snipe/os/camo. This gives you that Pit like feeling where each man has a specific object to get control of. It makes for great gameplay and is what is really missing from the MLG foundry maps. It also brings the concept of timing objects in order to win.

    Gametypes Supported (underlined recommended):
    Slayer/KOTH/Oddball/Flag/Neutral Bomb

    Supports 2-8 players

    Weapons(item)/Timers/Extra clips:
    8 Br's/10 sec./2
    2 Carbines/90 sec./2
    2 Snipes/150 sec./1
    2 PR/120 sec.
    4 Frags/30 sec.
    4 Plasmas/30 sec.
    2 Red OS/120 sec.

    Lets start it off with an overview. This is a three part panning from
    left to right overview.




    In the last pic you see a glimpse of what is called the "Snipe Hut"
    Here is a closer shot of it on the red side. Also notice under the
    single open box is where the plasma rifle spawn is located:

    This is different on the blue side where the mauler spawns:

    Now for a look from snipe hut to snipe hut. At the start of any team
    slayer or oddball match you should expect an intense sniper battle
    using the inside of the hut as a strafing playground:

    Here's a better view of the Arc's that are located near the center of
    the map. You'll also notice oddball placement in the air between top
    A and B sides. These Arc's aren't there just for looks; they cut major
    lines of sight accross map, serve as tactical jumps across the back
    sides and are used as access from ground level up to top A & B in one
    jump. I realize it doesn't look that way, but hidden at the base of
    these Arc's are completely invisible and completely silent gravity
    lifts. They are not a 100% of the time you'll make it jump. You will
    have to practice the angle and timing to get it down correctly:

    The next four pictures will show you exactly how to use this lift as
    it is especially difficult but very possible while holding a flag or
    oddball as shown. Start by running at the base of the Arc like this:

    If holding the ball or flag you will want to drop it roughly here just
    before you jump. You want to jump as soon as you hit the base of the
    Arc. Make sure you're centered in the box and jump towards the right
    half of the Arc:

    Once you've gone up in the air, grab the oddball or flag again mid air:

    You should land roughly here with ball of flag in hand to make your
    gettaway. Remember, this WILL take practice to get right wether you're
    just jumping up or trying to bring an objective with you. Crouching will
    help ensure you make the jump:

    Speaking of Flag, here is the red tower at which the bottom of you'll
    find the red flag hanging upside down. This flag will need to be ran
    back to the TOP of the blue tower in order to score and vice versa for
    the opposite team:

    Here is the Blue cap point at the top of the blue tower. The ramp from
    the floor up there is known as long ramp and the walkway across from
    tower to carbine spawn is known as catwalk:

    Here's a better view of the Carbine spawn and the catwalk I spoke of in
    the previous picture:

    Moving on to the powerups located on the map, here is a shot of Camo.
    It is located under B side:

    Across from the camo under A side, resides the custom powerup. This
    placement style of powerups was influenced by Beaver/Battle creak and
    plays out greatly:

    Here is a shot of the back wall on A side that blocks off the rest of
    Foundry. I spent alot of time making this entire back wall as clean as
    possible as to not be distracting during gameplay. If the pics don't
    sell you on the design of the rest of the map, the back wall alone will
    as anyone that wants to use it for there maps is more than welcome to:

    And last picture is of the first Hill spawn on the map. There are a
    total of 4 hills located near each corner of the map that can be
    controlled from ground level or just above the bridges making for
    interesting gameplay:

    I hope you have all enjoyed the pictures posted and i encourage you to
    download the map and see for yourself how interesting/competetive/tactical
    this map can be. It has been sent in to Killa KC to test for v6 and will also be entered into Kon/Fritz "Forge Like A Pro" contest as well.
    I'd like to thank: TheEpicCiabatta, _Tak_, yourself. and Sethiroth87 for all the help along with all the testers i've had. Map wouldn't be what it is without you guys.

    Map was submitted for MLG v6 testing and made the top 6!

    v2 UPDATE:
    -CP and Camo were both replaced by two Red OS's still at 120 sec respawn.
    -Top A & B signs were moved to bottom floor to mark each OS. Short barriers are in there position now which also opens up walking room through there.
    -Mauler was replaced with a second Plasma Rifle also at 120 sec respawn.
    -1 Bridge was removed from each bottom carbine side and were added to the back of each arc.
    -Door cover was added around the map along with window panel cover.
    -6 dumpsters were removed(near slayer starting spawns) and doors were used instead. Those starting spawns are no longer on top of the dumpsters for slayer.
    - Top A side was remodeled for smoother walking.
    -Two corner walls near bottom mid of map were rotated to remove the cramped walking space near the bottom of the arc's.
    -Geo'd Camo/OS were removed from opposite side snipe hut areas.
    -2 respawn areas added to CTF gametype.
    -Multiple spawn point tweaks were made for better spawning.
    -Map now supports MLG neutral Bomb.

    v2.1 Update:
    After finding an issue with Default Bungie maps having spawn points blocked by map geometry, I decided to check my own map. Sure enough there were 6 spawn points blocked on the map. This has now been fixed to where all spawns are working pefrectly. Please re-DL.

    Download Unleashed v2.1 here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=63626830
    #1 DeathstarsOG, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  2. EFG

    EFG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks pretty good, the arch is cool, i'll DL and test it out
  3. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is really cool and i love middle part very creative map
  4. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember way back when the snpe hut's were orignally single boxes, those we're the days. I watched this map be built from the ground up and have had ideas bounced off of me continuously and I would seriously not be suprised tos ee this in V6 if all the kinks are worked out.

    Deathstars, this better have one hell of a spwan system because I would hate to see this map fail due to bad spawns.

    I'll help test this tomorrow and will help you with anything you need help on.
  5. LegendaryMLG

    LegendaryMLG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map doenst hold up to MLG standars...
    Plasma rifle is not MLG.
    can someone move this map?
  6. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    This has amazing geomerging and interlocking, the thing that I enjoyed the most on this map though would have to be the two arches. They must have taken forever to get them like that. This mlg map looks like it would also be fun for matchmade games. Ive never seen anything similar to this. nice job 5/5
  7. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have you ever played Nexn's Lockdown? You might have heard of it. Go through it and see what weapon you might find. I have a single ****in plasma rifle on my map and you say it needs to be moved, yet theres 20 maps with barrells, pallets, machine gun turrets and bannana launchers on the first page and everyone loves there map. This place is rediculous. If you have a problem with this post, go look in the sticky at the top of the MLG section. Next time know before you comment.
    EDIT: Better yet, go in my sig and follow the link. I am no noob to MLG rules.
    #7 DeathstarsOG, Dec 14, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2008
  8. TheShastaCan

    TheShastaCan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty sweet :)
  9. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Your telling people who have played all the V6 maps what is an what is not MLG, smart.

    On topic, I don't know if it was an old version we were playing but one of the camos was still grabable. I'll send you a message where it is more likely to get read, keep testing, we may have a winner here.
  10. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got great news, Unleashed was accepted into the top 6 maps submitted to MLG for v6 testing. Apparently MLG feels it's good enough to test for next season so i think it would deserve your download and feedback. Congratulations to the 5 other maps that made it this far.
  11. TaK

    TaK MLG Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Congrats on this, apparently someone was telling me they kept getting spawn behind, if the spawns are supposed to be like The Pit where you only spawn on your own side you might want to check your spawn areas. Maybe they we're just pushing too far into the opponents base though, I'm not sure, either way congrats on the acceptance, now just pulling for the non-foundry ones to come along.
  12. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OK, the first post has been updated with changes made to the map along with a new download link. Please DL Unleashed v2 and leave some feedback. Thanks.
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    If it wasnt for that middle section, I would have given a 4/5 but it looks brilliant.5/5 :]
  14. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great job, the grav lift is still confusing me, but I guess it works. I like the structure, it is fun, and frankly it has great interlocking and geomerging! 4/5
  15. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The grav lift takes practice. If you can't figure it out, find someone who knows the map and have them show you.

    The map has now been updated to a v2.1
    I found a problem with default Bungie maps where spawn points were blocked by map geometry. After finding this, I wanted to make sure my map didn't have the smae problem. But of course, it did. There were 6 spawn points blocked screwing with the spawn system. These have all been fixed in v2.1 Please re-DL. Thanks guys.
  16. home363

    home363 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow great creativity i like the idear of the lift and floating oddball spawn.
    very good geo-merging and interlocking.
    i wish i could forge like you
  17. Ted AU

    Ted AU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Aesthetics =/= A+
    Gameplay =/= C+
  18. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't spam up my thread, if you like the map say why, if you don't, let me know what could be better. Post your spam somewhere else.
  19. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dont worry, this review is only 5 days late...so anyway...wow geomerging/interlocking flawless much? this map is very cool, it has its own unique style. In my opinion, it creates an environment that forces you to keep moving around, which is a good thing. I like wat u did with the corner wall, by merging them into the ground. Nice job 5/5 from me
  20. DC Gold

    DC Gold Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember playing this map with a friend, the grav lift really work out well, awesome map. 5/5.

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