Nacht Der Untoten (**** Zombies) Discussion Thread Judgement on the Last Day (Discussion Thread) With forging help from RivalMass. Now, I'll need to test the two new gametypes with the map, and then edit the map accordingly if necessary. Check out RivalMass's small presentation of the map and gametype: Checklist: - First Floor - Random Weapon Box - Second story floor - Second story walls - Perfected window system (first floor, help room, second floor) - Elevated land outside of second story windows - Couches and Help Room door and clearing - Weapons placed into the walls - Explosives in outside field - Zombie Spawn System Italized= Completed Bold= Currently working on Underlined= Started on but will come back to it later Normal= Future work I have a random box system that works everytime and a barricade system, thanks to RivalMass. I myself have designed a system that allows the debris (the couches and the help room door) to be cleared at the will of the humans through the use of mancannons. I've also determined a proper gametype that fits the actual game's settings to a good degree, and it's been created by RivalMass. The Map is now open for testing, so I'm taking a list of testers for my private game(s) [not the TRC Guild testers]. Also, check out patt06snipe's thread for his take on Judgement: "Judgement" Extra Map Add On
I'm assuming the top floor has been shrunk in your picture for being able to see the top and bottom in one picture. Just make it 75% zombie spawn, because it needs to be scaled. You can't have 1 zombie and 4 humans. I think you just need to use grav lifts with energy shields for the windows to keep the humans in. Although you would run out of grav lifts because there are... 12 windows? Honestly, I think the best way to have the Help door and the stairs to work is like this. You just need to block each stairway/door off with a dumpster and then 60 seconds in, Help room opens. 2 minutes in, stairs in help room open. 3 minutes in, stairs in main room open. Unless you want to put a crate there and just have them beat it out of the way, I think that's your only answer. Now that I think about it, you might just want to take away 4 doors and only make 8 windows, as there are only 8 teleporters. Hmm, I will have to ponder this more.
I actually just thought of a system that may work to keep humans in and allow zombies to come in. Simply put, there are two methods. Have the humans with the highest gravity possible and make a bloackade at the windows that only the zombies can jump over. Geo-merge a wall at a slant at every window. It will tilt into the building, allowing access inside but no way out. Method 2 is probably the method I will use on the map, although it will be difficult to get the position of the walls right.
I was thinking about the fixable doors also. I was thinking you could put a sender node in the middle of the window and two pallets on both sides, like a sandwich sort-of Then give the zombies 50% damage with swords. Set the pallets on instant respawn. So the zombies will smack the outside pallet a few times and it will break, then when they enter, the second pallet will just fall right over. So then when the humans run by they can blow up the pallet on the ground and it will block the window again. or raise the windows a little and put a sender node at an angle, then place a pallet up against it. The zombies will then have to hit the pallet backwards a foot untill it slopes down and falls, unblocking the window. Then the humans can destroy the pallet and it will respawn blocking the window again. I can make a quick sketch on paint if you need.
This looks very cool, and it sounds like you'll be able to accomplish it, and I do have a few suggestions and comments. Alright, here we go: 1. Zombie/Human Balance: As a previous person said, to keep human/zombie balance, use 75% zombies, so that playing with any amount of people becomes possible: For example, someone gathers a party of 12 to play: going with your idea, that's 4 humans, 8 zombies. With a 75% zombie count, that's 3 and 9, much better. And with a full part, it becomes 4 and 12. This also avoids being obnoxiously killed in the beginning, and stops potential cheating as far as humans that are supposed to be zombies surviving. 2. Random Weapon Box: Random box... There was someone who put a weapon dispenser in a map, but sadly, I don't remember the map nor the creator nor how he did it. I have no ideas about this one. 3. Window Dilemma: Alright, here's my idea: Description: Use your slanted window entrance idea, but still give zombies something to break down, and let humans shoot out of the window. Too good to be true? No. How to go about doing this is actually quite simple. Geomerge a wall pretty low into the ground, vertically, and then have the ramp going up to that from the outside. Then, for the breakability, hold a pallet above the ramp a bit to the wall of the house with a receiver node. I know that might be hard to understand, so I'm giving you... A crude drawing! Pallet gives zombies something to break before they get in, one way ramp gives zombies a way in, and keeps low gravity humans out, and gap allows humans to be able to shoot out at the zombies. Gravity would have to be at minimum for both humans and zombies because humans can't jump high anyway, and they shouldn't be able to get out, and zombies can't jump anyway. Also, the vertical wall has to be at the right height that minimum gravity doesn't allow humans to get out, and the gap should be at optimum shooting height. I'll leave those measurements up to you. 4. Movable Debris Dilemma: Here's my proposition for each of the movable debris: Stair Blockages: I actually recommend different devices for each stairway, based on how much each is actually opened in the actual game, per game. Help Room Stair (most used) A dumpster blocks the stairs, and the low gravity should prevent getting past it. Then at a certain point in the game, (I recommend late in the game, maybe as the three minute mark) have a grav lift spawn, pushing it sideways off of the stairwell. Then all the humans have to do is destroy the grav lift to gain access to the second floor. Graphic below. Main Room Stair (least used) I actually don't have a specific idea for this one, but seeing as most people don't even open this one in most games, somehow make it so that you have a choice from earlyish in the game, on whether you want to open it, so that unless someone wants to open it, zombies don't have another route up to the top floor. The simplest way you could do this is use the previous mechanism at a shorter spawn time, but people don't have to get rid of the grav lift. Help Door: This one's very easy. You want a door that opens at a certain point in the game, and when open, you can also shoot through the entryway. Just use the extremely easy door switch. How you make this is: block the entryway with a dumpster, that is just barely held in by walls so it won't move. Then at a certain point, spawn a grav lift that will pull it into a little cove that receives the dumpster. The graphic should be easier to understand. 5. The Cave Wall: A tunnel that curves back like the one in the game, and the destructible wall could be barriers standing up on end, making a wall. To get in, the zombies have to hit the barriers down, then have the barriers on instant respawn, so that would cover the repairing. Minor Details Miscellaneous What weapon will zombies have? They could have a sword, but then they'd be able to lunge. They could have a plasma pistol, but then they'd abuse the charge shot. If you DO go with the sword, turn the damage down so that it takes two hits to kill a human. Make sure you make it as aesthetically realistic as possible. Figure out some debris, inside and out. Be sure to make humans start with a magnum! [/duh] If possible, replicate the pillars in the help room, it'll make it much more real, and they definitely affect gameplay. I suggest four bridges vertically placed. Fusion coils as the explosive barrels outside (respawn: never) This is a budget-heavy idea. Budget glitch recommended. Do NOT give up on this, it has potential. I do NOT consider my above moral support "list-worthy". Zombie color = Black Cover outside the building for the zombies is important. Did I say that already? Scatter the spawn points around the house to encourage zombies to use different windows to get in. Make sure the second floor balcony place with the grenades doesn't have a way to spawn kill the zombies. Have them spawn in cover. As for zombies spawning in cover, make sure they are facing towards the house, but not directly in front of the cover. Don't disorient players. Think a LOT about camping and cheating. Have professional breakers and exploiters test the map numerous times with the gametype. Make adjustments. Be sure outside cover is grendable in case there are stupid zombies who stay outside to piss people off. Weapons Ammo is important! Make sure they respawn at the right times for reloads. Replicate the beginning weapons: Battle Rifle for the cheap one, and Carbine... for the carbine XD. That would be balanced perfectly, they are very similar. Rate of fire, damage, everything. And people could choose based on preference. Respawn: instant. Sniper: Sniper. Replicate the cabinet, delayed respawn of... maybe... two minutes? That seems fair. BAR: Turret facing the corner at the top of the Help Room stairs. Dismount it, and you have a big ass machine gun! Delayed spawn... 2 minutes in? Trench Gun: Mauler. Delayed spawn... Whatever's below two minute. It's in the Help Room. Double Barreled Shotgun: Shotgun. Spawn 3 minutes in. Flamethrower and Molotovs: Flamethrower and Fire Grenades. Spawn in the random weapon box location at 3 minutes. Alien... Laser Gun... Thing: Plasma Pistol. I know, I know, not a great weapon, but A) It's a pistol B) It shoots green beam things like the laser gun C) It's actually quite useful. Charge shot, then switch weapons, or have another guy finish it. Thompson: SMG or Assault Rifle. Uh... Maybe one minute respawn... Gametype Humans start with frags, pistols, high gravity, normal speed. Forced color: Zombie, best suits the color. Zombies: You figure out the weapon, max gravity, low damage resistance to start, maybe 90%. If sword, damage low enough that it takes two hits. Have a regenerator on all human spawn points, to simulate rescuing a downed ally. Never respawn. To simulate waves of zombies, have them start with low damage resistance, and a slow speed, 90% probably. Then a small while into the game, have the four custom power ups scattered between zombie spawns and the house. I realize that not all zombies will recieve one. Custom powerup traits: 110% speed, or the next % up, and slightly higher damage resistance. Then, a bit later, have Overshields spawn, spread out, and away from the custom powerups, to simulate stronger zombies. That's the end of my wall of text. I recommend you read it all, maybe copy and paste it into a word processing program, you'll want it for reference. If I forgot anything, I will PM it to you, or post again. Any questions about this, post or PM them. -
Thanks for the incredibly long and detailed post on the map, I seriously appreciate it. Most of the things in your post I have taken into consideration, but you addressed quite a few areas that I was unsure of. However, in order to shoot outside at the zombies, I'm simply going to have openings in the walls directly next to the blockade. They will be small enough so that you can shoot out of them and get a good view of the outside environment. Also, the fuel rod is more like the Raygun, so I may be using that. As for the ripped off turret, that's more of a Browning, so the bar may have to be the assualt rifle, while the thompson is the SMG. For the Kar in the first room, I will be using a beam rifle, since it is much less effective compared to the regular sniper rifle. The regular sniper rifle will represent the PTRS, because it's the only gun in Halo that can. I'm also considering whether or not I should put a roof on this map. I probably won't need one, but it will add to aesthetic value so I don't know yet... Thanks again for the LOOONG post. I'm surprised you didn't offer to help out with the project after all of that. XP
You're welcome, it was my pleasure, and I enjoyed writing it. Alright, that sounds pretty good. Still, you should use my idea, if not for a firing hole, then for a way for zombies to get in, keep humans in, and give the zombies something authentic to break through. You're right I guess, I forgot about the fuel rod gun... You don't think it might be a bit too... explosive though? Sounds good, forgot about the Browning, I'm not too CoD gun savvy. I'm going to have to completely disagree with this one actually. I think the BR is much better suited. The Beam Rifle is just too powerful, and many people would disagree with your "much less effective" claim. The PTRS is the sniper in the cabinet, right? This really boils down to your opinion, your standards as far as aesthetics, and the budget. I was actually hoping you'd ask a bit. I'd love to help, though I can only play on weekends. My Gamertag is the same as my username. Send me a friend request with the message "**** Zombies" and I'll accept. ---------- Something I forgot to edit into the original post after I had an idea after I wrote it. For the random weapon box, have the flamethrower and molotovs (flame grenades) spawn in that corner a bit into the game, and the alien pistol thing a bit longer, in the same position. Those are, after all, the most desired weapons that come out of it.
For the random weapon box, you could have a weapon dispenser as Gladiate already mentioned. For this, you could make a tiny inaccessible room stuffed full of weapons and use a fusion coil switch. Use a grav-lift to propel the fusion coil into the weapons but have a custom powerup hold down the fusion coil, then when someone picks it up, the fusion coil will be launched into the pile of weapons and hopefully some random weapon will get launched out of the dispenser (you could have another grav lift sitting in the opening to ensure that something will come out). Although, there is one major problem with this and it's that it is TOTALLY random, not only in the weapon you're getting, but also the amount. You could probably get anywhere from zero weapons to however many weapons you've stuck in there. It's just a rough idea though. I hope I've explained that well enough...
Hmmm... That could work I suppose, and I was think about something like that, but that randomness is too big of an issue.
I was browsing through bungie and found a map called **** zombies. It's quite the same as **** zombies, you could get a few ideas off it. It aint nearly as god as yours will hopefully be. I'll put it to my fileshare once i get on the xbox Don't give up on this!!!!
Yes, I saw that map. I'll admit it does look a little like it, but it's no where near to scale. It's also rather sloppy, and the map only has interlocking where it's needed. My version will be better than this one's.
*Lightbulb hovering above head goes on* with gametype settings, just make it so zombies only get points for beat down with a plasma pistol. maybe even li negative 3 points for killing without it? RANDOM BOX IDEA: Someone on H3A came up with a gravity lift floating above 4 weapon holders. Place them right and the lift will rotate. My idea is to spawn a bunch of weapons at different times on a pallet intarlocked above the spinning grav lift with only one path leading to the humans so occasionally, a weapon will shoot out of the hole in the wall. Shoot the pallet to release a weapon down onto the grav lift, with a chance you'll get it.
I don't think you can do that whole custom points thing in infection varients. Does anybody know if it does?
insane777 created a **** Zombie map? hmmm, didnt see it. Well i personally do not own CoD:WaW because i played the beta IMO it sucked. ( Blame treyarch ) Anyways, great idea. I'm currently making a GoW2 horde map based on creek. If you need any help just PM me. I love infection mapmaking. Good luck with the map. Also can someone tell if there's a thread on insane777's NZ map, or if it's in his fileshare.
I have an idea for the random box, although it's not random. Have a **** weapon start there originally. Then a wall spawns blocking it off, and a better weapon spawns in front of the new wall. Keep doing this until things like snipers and BR's spawn. Not random, but effective. EDIT: And as for the cavern wall, Just have like 2 pallets over eachother with a small empty space to shoot through. Both with like a 30-45 sec respawn.
Well, actually, I need the pallets mainly for the first rooms' windows, and all of the regular windows upstairs and the two in the help room. Plus, I already forged the cave, and pallets don't fit just right... I'll try to think of something this week.
Random Weapon Box: Place weapons. Under each weapon will be a grav lift set not to start at spawn, 180 secs. Then make the run time minimum as 1. This will make it so that there will be one random lift that spawns. The lift will push the weapon into a cubby hole type thing that you have to use a switch to open. The switch opens the cubby hole an sets off explosives to destroy the 1 lift an spawn a random one. Every 3 min, all lifts will spawn, so, make a mechanism that destroys all the lifts every 3 min.
how far away is this from you finishing the forging of the map? because i know a friend who would love this and this seems like a massive project dude your brave to undertake it
i have an idea for the random box: the mystery box would be a small room with man cannons constantly shooting weapons around, and a barrier on each side so you cant go anywhere. then you would just hold rb and hope you get something good. --OR-- 2 grav lifts facing eachother with weapons inbetween, and you just hold rb and go near it(again, barriers protect from going anywhere), then voila, yo have a random weapon. --OR-- just have a little alcove with a pile of weapons on the ground, and you just hold rband walk in. then a man cannon above you shoots you forward into a tele that brings you back in front of the alcove. that way you basically just grab a weapon and are teled back to where you just were.