Ok aswell with forging i am also new to taking screen shots so here are my first 3 but i am going to follow this also b.c its a good way to relax after forging Lava Man Bungie File Heaven Defender Bungie File Looking Bungie File for lava man i wanted to bring back a comic figure, heaven defender i named b.c the guy is surrounded by a heavenly color lighting, looking i named b.c. the guy is looking for his next target. I know some we have seen before and well thats b.c i looked at the guides on this site. they were a big help So tell me how i did for my first pictures. p.s. don't be nice i want to get better so any advice or anything bad just say them
Lava Man- I like this one pretty cool, like it looks like lava or some stuff, but kinda plain and boring no real action. Looks cool but could use some action. Heavenly Light- Meh nothing special really about it and a little too bright for my liking maybe dim it down a little. Looking- Defiantly my favorite outta the three, nice color and angle, and the background is pretty fitting for the pic. Great job on this one. Overall not bad but try and learn some effects and add some action! Hope I wasn't too harsh I'm not usually.
well you weren't harsh at all and thanks i will try to learn some new stuff, i have some ideas that i haven't tried yet but it should turn out nice
Pretty good for first pictures!. lol u did my indestructible guide n.n.. way better than my first pic.. mine was like an elite.. thats it..
lol well these really weren't my first pics my first one is the one in my sig. followed by pic of maps and then this. but yea i did use your tut and it was vary helpful
Those are pretty good for your first screenshots. The last is the best one by far in my opinion because how you got the quality in his helmet and the flame looks pretty cool too. good job, keep it up