
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Jan 25, 2009.


How Good Do You Think This Map Is?

  1. Feature NAO!

    7 vote(s)
  2. Awesome! But Not Feature Worthy!

    8 vote(s)
  3. Sweet Map! But Not Awesome! Needs Work!

    7 vote(s)
  4. Kind of good... needs a lot of work.

    2 vote(s)
  5. This map sux!!!

    3 vote(s)
  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide

    Appearance in public or in the mass media

    Thanks to for the definitions.

    This is the download for the map. You need this for the gametype to work!

    This is the download for the gametype. You need this for the map to work!

    Concealment, originally named "The Graveyard" will definetely have a different feel to it then any other Infection map you have ever experienced before. With the playability of a maximum of 12 people, Concealment brings you the excitment of a Hide n' Seek map, with the feel of a not so Hide n' Seek map. The map is basically a rundown version of a construction site. I have been told that this is like "Help's On The Way" withought the help. The main point in this map that makes it obviously different then most Infection maps is that is is made well. The geomerging looks like that of a competetive map. The interlocking is wonderful, and the aesthetics are beautiful. This map is much different then most due to the zombies hiding and the humans seeking. It is a remake of the classice children's game "Ghost In The Graveyard" and does a very great job of it!

    As you will notice once you load up the map, the spawn areas are different then any other map. If you are human, you will spawn on one side of the back hall in Foundry, with the zombie on the other side. You will also instantly notice these very well geomerged fence boxes. That warthog on the human side is purely aesthetics, and nothing else. Along with the other vehicles around the map. The humans will find that they are unable to leave their spawn point due to a dumpster blocking their path. Don't try to knock it over! It won't work! The reason that the zombie was let out before you is because this is "Ghost In The Graveyard" and in "Ghost In The Graveyard" the zombies hide, and the humans seek. Also, the clocks have not struck midnight yet and do so when the announcer goes "5 Minutes Remaining!" Once he says so, the clocks will have struck midnight, and the door will have opened. Don't leave this spawn point and you will be blown up later into the game. Leave this spawn point however, using the teleporter located beyond the dumpster and you will be teleported to one of the 6 reciever nodes perfectly geomerged around the map to prevent camping.

    The zombies however have a different side of the story. The zombies starting point is very similiar to the humans. But this one is already opened, and all the zombies need to do is grab the powerup that they prefer, and find a place to hide. Once the humans are let out and you stat noticing them here and there looking for weapons, don't try and just run up and slice them! This is why this was labeled "Manifest: Help's on The Way Right?" withought the help. The zombies are tough, the humans are tough. Basicaly saying "Go for headshots on zombies, go for assassinations on humans!"

    Think as if you are a real zombie though! If a human is camping in the back of the geomerged truck! Knock the truck out of the way! It might take awhile, but it's a lot better then jumping in at random along with the tons of other zombies he has killed! Or an even better idea would be to grab the custom powerup n' crouch walk in there! Just assassinate him when he has his back turned! This whole camping business would be a lot easier to take care of if you thought of this as a real d-day experience.

    Final note, the zombies are un-campable due to them spawning up on the tops of buildings sometimes!

    The creation of Concealment actually began a long time ago, way before the Legendary Map Pack was released, in my thoughts. In my mind, I had pictured a fairly open urban area with buildings all around, and corners to hide around. But there was one tree. Not just any tree though. This was the tree that the humans had to tag in order to be "Safe." This specific game was labeled "Ghost In The Graveyard" and in case you haven't heard of it, I recommend that you read THIS for a little bit of knowledge on the game. However, it is not necessary to read it. After a few months of thinking about how to make this map, I came up with an idea. Using my awesome forge skills, I have built the ultimate "Ghost In The Graveyard" map.

    Hopefuly with all of your guys nice friendly comments I can proceed to making a v2. However nobody has told me that it needs improving. Leave comments that are helpful please, so basicaly saying: "Help me to help you! Help me to help you! Help me to help you!" Even some of the best maps ever have to under-go multiple testing sessions and tons of versions to get it just right. If you rate this map below a 5, I am going to expect you to tell me why!

    The guards of the New Mombasa prison facility had been gone for quite a long time now, and the prisoners were getting restless. They were starving and hadn't ate in 3 weeks. They all jumped up to the sound of a loud "Boom!" that had come from the guard's quarters. They all hopped up onto the barrels sitting in their cells and looked out the windows.. They could see nothing at first, but over time faintly visible creatures whom appeared to be welding large claws began hopping around on the construction site like mad men. One of the creatures who had appeared to be the leader of them all had seen the prisoners began running towards them in a semi-fast motion, foaming out of the mouth. Chopping at the prison cells, the guards obviously were not human anymore. The leader of all these creatures stopped slicing at the cells and began counting in a soft but noticeable voice: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... 10. Midnight's come and we want our food now!" The clocks had struck midnight and the door to the prisoner's cells opened. "Welcome to hell!" Shouted their leader. "Time to eat!"

    2 Rocket Launchers - 120 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    The construction workers soon found out that these weapons worked like crap against the zombies, but well against the ghosts. Who would have thought!?
    4 Magnums - 20 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    All around, the worst weapon in the map. Dispose of this as soon as possible, as it has a horrible rate of fire, and shoots only at close distance.
    8 Shotguns - 45 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Very useful, but only against one zombie at a time, otherwise your most likely going to die.
    5 Sniper Rifles - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    Giving these to your most skillful players will give the humans a great advantage over the zombies due to the whole "Headshot = Dead" thing.
    6 Battle Rifles - 60 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    I recommend you have this on you at all times, as it is good long range and short range due to the fact that is is very easy to get a headshot with it.
    4 Custom Powerups - 30 Second Respawn
    This is where I got the idea of a ghost coming in. Basically once you grab this, your a ghost. You become completely invisible for 90 seconds. But do be aware that this can cause you to be a 1 shot kill no matter where you are shot.
    2 Active Camouflages - 30 Second Respawn
    These do not last as long as the custom powerup but they do not have any downsides to them. You do not become a 1 shot kill and it is recommended that you use this if the human you are trying to kill is within a short distance of you.
    3 Overshields - 30 Second Respawn
    Due to the slow regeneration time of the human's shields. Grabbing this will heal you. Just think of this as a health pack.
    2 Regenerators - 45 Second Respawn
    These act as a much longer lasting version of the overshield, keeping your health regenerating for quite some time. Think of these as long term health packs.
    3 Trip Mines - 45 Second Respawn
    Bringing tactics into use during an infection game is one of the many twists this map packs. Toss this out basically anywhere and watch the zombies go boom!
    3 Bubble Shields - 45 Second Respawn
    Very effective if you already have a close range weapon on you. But do be aware that zombies can slash at you throught the bubble shield, but you can't shoot them through it.
    5 Plasma Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    "You've got a spider on your face!" Let me just shoot it off with my battle rifle.
    13 Frag Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    If you stick a zombie with this, I will praise your name. But for now, bounce it off walls to kill stuff. Nuff said.

    I Highly Recommend Playing With 4-12 Players

    This map is for fast paced gameplay that will always have a thrilling ending. The zombies use stealth to their advantage, and the humans use guns. It works out to be backwards hide n' seek where the zombies hide and the humans hunt for them. The humans have a lot of health! Like, "Manifest!" type health! That is why this is like Help's on The Way withought the help. So assassinate the humans whenever possible. For the humans however, I recommend finding a safe spot and camping there. Don't get mad when I say this and think that this map sucks because of this. Every spot has a back entrance. The spots are very cramped, and once the back door is opened the human will surely die.

    Gametype Information:
    This includes information about the Traits and the Gametype itself!
    Zombie Traits:
    Damage Resistance - 500%
    Shield Multiplier - No Shields
    Shield Recharge Rate - 100%
    Damage Modifier - 25%
    Primary Weapon - Energy Sword
    Secondary Weapon - None

    Infinite Ammo - Enabled

    Weapon Pickup - Disabled
    Player Speed - 110%
    Player Gravity - 75%
    Vehicle Use - None
    Motion Tracker Mode - Off
    Active Camo - Poor Camo
    Waypoint - Visible To Allies
    Forced Color - Zombie

    Alpha Zombie Traits:
    Same as non-Alpha zombie traits

    Human Traits:
    Damage Resistance - 200%
    Shield Multiplier - 2x Overshields
    Shield Recharge Rate - 50%
    Damage Modifier - 90%
    Primary Weapon - Magnum
    Secondary Weapon - None
    Infinite Ammo - Disabled
    Weapon Pickup - Enabled
    Player Speed - 90%
    Player Gravity - 100%
    Vehicle Use - None
    Motion Tracker Mode - Normal Mode
    Motion Tracker Range - 10 Meters
    Active Camo - Disabled
    Waypoint - Visible To Allies
    Forced Color - Off

    Last Man Standing Traits:
    Player Speed - 100%
    Waypoint - Visible To Everyone
    Zombie Kill Points - 1
    Infection Points - 1
    Last Man Standing Bonus - 2
    Suicide Points - -1
    Betrayal Points - -1

    Other Information:
    Initial Zombie Count - 2
    Next Zombie - Chump
    Number of Rounds - 3
    Time Limit - 6 Minutes
    Indestructable Vehicles - Disabled

    Custom Powerup Traits:
    Duration - 90 Seconds
    Damage Resistance - 10%
    Shield Multiplier - No Shields
    Shield Recharge Rate - 0%
    Player Speed - 110%
    Player Gravity - 50%
    Motion Tracker Mode - Normal Mode
    Motion Tracker Range - 25 Meters
    Active Camo - Good Camo
    Forced Color - White

    Fun Facts:
    There are 40 pictures in this map post. The Label pictures are cutouts from a picture of the northern lights. Each screen and action shot has the darkened edges effect that Linubidix used on his map post for Remedy. I spent 10 hours making this post. I spent 3 weeks making this map. I tested this map on a Saturday. I ran out of fun facts about here.











    #1 Conkerkid11, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2009
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, you are right, it was funzz. The new name is very unique in my opinion and it has never been used before.

    Yes, I have spent a very long time on this map and the geomerging was very hard. The story however is not my best. I had another story, but it was destroyed when I accidently pressed the back button. Otherwise the story would have had more detail to it.

    I spent about 3 hours last night testing by myself and fixing everything you guys told me to fix. I added about 5 more reciever nodes and a few more items. The gameplay is a lot better now, and I hope that this gets into some TGIF matches or possibly feature. Then after the 3 hours I tested it, I spent 5 hours preparing this post. Then another 3 hours making the post today. In my opinion, this post is very neat and organized and will further help me in getting premium.

    The thing that most people don't get about this map is that it is a backwards game of Hide n' Seek. The humans are let out 1 minute after the game has started, and hopefuly if the zombies did it right then they will have hidden. So that the humans accidently hide in a spot with a zombie in it.

    I love that you guys like my map. Thank you so much! Woohoo! Something for me to be proud of.

    Although it is very hard to tell what you are saying due to your many spelling mistakes, the gametype does not allow you to get in vehicles. As you may have noticed the many vehicles flipped over around the map. They are purely aesthetic and represent the chaos going around in the map.

    Why do you give it a 4/5? You did not say anything negative. Please next time, don't waste my time with "Thanks for a sweet map and keep making maps." That is a very nice thing to say and all. But it does not tell me why you didn't give me 5/5. Your post says "Hey, perfect map Conker! 4/5" So it's either you got lazy and just are trying to increase your post count, or you don't even know what you are talking about. Please don't tell me my map is perfect and then rate it 4/5. That can really make things hard for the creator of the map.

    Actually it's 2 posts long because I hit the 20 picture limit (Twice!), and that third post is just one of the few things I will be doing every so often. That is updating this thread and every so posts I will make it into a new post answering everybody's questions and comments. Rating plz?
    You killed somebody in this with a sniper rifle!? Lol, didn't even think that was possible! ?The game did start out however were the zombies would be able to pick up weapons, this way they could use tripmines. But it didn't work out, and the zombies were overpowed.
    I'm sorry sir but I find it hard to believe that you actually played this map. No offence, but the starting point is not confusing! Rofl... that makes my tummy tickle. You must just be here posting to improve your post count because I have tested this map, and all these people here love it. Stop posting crap like this just because you can! If there are only 2 zombies then why do I need more hiding spots!? One again, stop posting just to improve your post count please.

    Congrats on your first map test for the testers guild, and I'm glad you had a fun time!

    Although it has been about a week and you still aren't back with a description most likely due to you just wanting another 1up on your post count, I respect that you like my merging and that you think the map is good!

    You still haven't played it! Oh well, you bumped the post up so I guese that's enough. It has a very unique gameplay experience to it! Try it! You'll throughly enjoy it!

    You do realize that instead of getting back at me for giving you a decent review on your map, you have bumped my post back up and caused yourself to become banned right? I don't even get what you said! I assume what you meant to have said is "All been done before." Well it hasn't, but floating maps over Avalanche have! I hope you enjoy being banned because you just spammed multiple times. I doubt you even made that Avalanche map with how incapable you are at spelling things right and *Cough cough!* making a download link on your map!
    I have now changed all the white text color to red now. Sorry about that old school theme users! You did however do what I hate people doing... you said it was good and rated it 9/10. Please, for the sake of my sanity. Tell me why you didn't rate it 10/10. To get the fence box in the back area in the long hallway I just stuck it up against the wall outside the hallway, braced it to death, and then continued to geomerge it slowly but surely with doors. This way may be more difficult then other ways, but it's how I roll.
    The semi truck was the very first thing I started working on out there to! I geomerged that first teleporter thinking that was the only one I would need to place... I was wrong. There are six, I think, teleporters geomerged around the map. You cannot see them however. I thought this was pretty neat, because it causes the player to go "Whoa, wah? How'd I get here?" See how there are two semi trucks? Well one of them is intact and the other isn't. I tried to give this map that abandoned construction site feel. Like, you see one completely intact semi truck, and a few feet ahead of it you see a turned over semi truck. Each semi truck is the same, just one is flipped and geomerged. They have the same weapons hidden inside of them, and the same objects used to create them. The weapons in the turned over semi truck are different however in the sense that they are hidden.

    Thank you for testing the map, and beating me at my own game. Now I can go ahead and be very upset due to you beating me on my own map. Sadface...
    Thanks for testing with me, you were a big help and stuff!
    You tested the map, and some other stuff like KaucasianAzn.
    You tested the map, and you don't have aids.
    You were a very big help, some of the information you gave me changed this map to what it is.
    Thanks for testing the map!
    I can't believe you came! Somebody with a colored name actually tested my map! That is so 1337! Thanks for the help dude!
    You tested the map and did a great job of it. You my friend, are in one of the pictures.
    TyRant Hacker
    You were in one of the pictures, and then it got deleted. LOL. Swear it was an accident! Thanks for testing!
    You gave me so many pointers, and then after that you messaged me. Thanks for the help, and I'm sorry there is no reputation thing anymore. Otherwise you would get all teh + rep in duh world!
    oWNo Beebo
    You tested the map with me, thank you so much for coming!
    #2 Conkerkid11, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2009
  3. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the new name. This kinda looks like a junkyard, there is a lot of geomerging. It does look good though. The only thing is, the gametype is fair too, and I like the idea. The play is pretty fun too, good job. 8.5/10. It waz funzz.
  4. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can fairly say the with the picture i've seen you have put a large amount of effort into this map. The interlocking is great, the geomerging is flawless, and the story is great. I give it a 10/10.
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Hey its already posted that was fast lolol. It played pretty good besides those few little problems that I hope you sorted out, but really this is a fun map and gametype it gets your heart bumping not knowing where the zombies are going to jump at your or where they are hiding and thats what I like about zombie games...ones that get you hooked to it and your heartbeat up.

    I was wondering did you happen to fix those little problems we all suggested and just not take new pics or did you actually not fix them?

    PS: Lul yes I go Boom HEHE
  6. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This definetly looks good for hide n seek maybe one of the best ive seen. All of the geomerging looks great and from the pictures I can see lots of spots to hide and some stuff for infection.

  7. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Infection is undoubtably one of the best features of Halo 3. Youve made a map that maximizes its capablilities.
  8. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yes it is
    this map looks great the interlocking is good the goemerging is good and lots of it but can you get in the wort hog thats in the back hallway because if you can they would be stuck in their 4.8/5
    #8 MrSpi, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  9. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice interlocking im going to d/l and test it out see how he game play is
    from the pictures 4/5 very nice im confused why you only can have 12 people
    thanks for a sweet map and keep making maps :)
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    !The Conker Update!
    What's hip-happenin' dawg!?

    Since this map seems to be my most successful map yet, I will be updating all of your questions and posting them in my thread as well as making this neat post.

    The main point in this update is the map rating. I am very angry right now because my map is rated 4/5 and yet all of your comments are positive and have no negative points in them. Explain yourself or have thy face smashed in with a banhammer.

    I guess my point is that out of the 10 votes in the poll, only 4 of them are in "Feature NAO!" when all 10 should. Give me something to do! Don't just say "Perfect Map! 4/5!" This pisses me off, and I'm getting sick of it. When I rate maps under 5, I give a reason. This is spam and hope you get banned for it. Your killing my map... and many other great maps. Stop doing it, it's not funny, it's not cool. Within 5 seconds of this post, my map was rated 1 star. I hate you jerks and I hope you die.

    But enough of my rant! Let's answer some questions and comments!

    Yes, you are right, it was funzz. The new name is very unique in my opinion and it has never been used before.

    Yes, I have spent a very long time on this map and the geomerging was very hard. The story however is not my best. I had another story, but it was destroyed when I accidently pressed the back button. Otherwise the story would have had more detail to it.

    I spent about 3 hours last night testing by myself and fixing everything you guys told me to fix. I added about 5 more reciever nodes and a few more items. The gameplay is a lot better now, and I hope that this gets into some TGIF matches or possibly feature. Then after the 3 hours I tested it, I spent 5 hours preparing this post. Then another 3 hours making the post today. In my opinion, this post is very neat and organized and will further help me in getting premium.

    The thing that most people don't get about this map is that it is a backwards game of Hide n' Seek. The humans are let out 1 minute after the game has started, and hopefuly if the zombies did it right then they will have hidden. So that the humans accidently hide in a spot with a zombie in it.

    I love that you guys like my map. Thank you so much! Woohoo! Something for me to be proud of.

    Although it is very hard to tell what you are saying due to your many spelling mistakes, the gametype does not allow you to get in vehicles. As you may have noticed the many vehicles flipped over around the map. They are purely aesthetic and represent the chaos going around in the map.

    Why do you give it a 4/5? You did not say anything negative. Please next time, don't waste my time with "Thanks for a sweet map and keep making maps." That is a very nice thing to say and all. But it does not tell me why you didn't give me 5/5. Your post says "Hey, perfect map Conker! 4/5" So it's either you got lazy and just are trying to increase your post count, or you don't even know what you are talking about. Please don't tell me my map is perfect and then rate it 4/5. That can really make things hard for the creator of the map.
    #10 Conkerkid11, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well you got my attintion LoL. But ya this is Very Very nice. I see alot of different gameplay out of this map. And I can tell you put alot of effort and care in too it. Your presentation is neat and well done, (even though its like 3 posts long) i still love it. Great forging and I beter see more from you!
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Was pretty enjoyable...I liked it. Especially the part where I noscope headshotted a zombie lunging at someone else and got a bulltrue :O

    I guess a few more weapons would be nice. I seemed to always have a similar set up: sniper and shotgun at the overshield spawn. Maybe the custom powerup could give the zombies the ability to pick up a weapon. That could allow them to shoot the explosives near the OS so it isn't so cheap, and would keep humans on their toes, though it does go against the general 'infection' feel.
  13. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just played this online. It's fun, but nothing special. I understand the concept of how you were trying to make it half and half of hide and go seek infection, but it just didn't work out. In my opinion. You need more spots to hide in, plus the spawning areas althogh flawlessly merged, were very confusing. Good job overall though especially on the geomerging. =)P
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually it's 2 posts long because I hit the 20 picture limit (Twice!), and that third post is just one of the few things I will be doing every so often. That is updating this thread and every so posts I will make it into a new post answering everybody's questions and comments. Rating plz?
    You killed somebody in this with a sniper rifle!? Lol, didn't even think that was possible! ?The game did start out however were the zombies would be able to pick up weapons, this way they could use tripmines. But it didn't work out, and the zombies were overpowed.
    I'm sorry sir but I find it hard to believe that you actually played this map. No offence, but the starting point is not confusing! Rofl... that makes my tummy tickle. You must just be here posting to improve your post count because I have tested this map, and all these people here love it. Stop posting crap like this just because you can! If there are only 2 zombies then why do I need more hiding spots!? One again, stop posting just to improve your post count please.
    #14 Conkerkid11, Jan 26, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  15. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was my first map test for testers guild, it was really fun! I give you 5/5!
    Great job!
  16. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map looks good. I'll be back with a description after the download. BTW nice merging!
  17. Composite Ghost

    Composite Ghost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like to concept. I can't really rate a map unless I play it, but it certainly looks like it would be entertaining to play.
  18. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All be done before..
  19. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Congrats on your first map test for the testers guild, and I'm glad you had a fun time!

    Although it has been about a week and you still aren't back with a description most likely due to you just wanting another 1up on your post count, I respect that you like my merging and that you think the map is good!

    You still haven't played it! Oh well, you bumped the post up so I guese that's enough. It has a very unique gameplay experience to it! Try it! You'll throughly enjoy it!

    You do realize that instead of getting back at me for giving you a decent review on your map, you have bumped my post back up and causing yourself to become banned right? I don't even get what you said! I assume what you meant to have said is "All been done before." Well it hasn't, but floating maps over Avalanche have! I hope you enjoy being banned because you just spammed multiple times. I doubt you even made that Avalanche map with how incapable you are at spelling things right and *Cough cough!* making a download link on your map!
  20. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First of all, don't put white text in there. I still use the old school theme, so that might be a little hard to read for your general population. Other than that, it looks like a solid map. Good construction, well-designed map layout, the works. 9/10. BTW how did you get that fence box in the back area in the long hallway?

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