Can anyone make this?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SmokinWaffle, Jan 25, 2009.

  1. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    Hey, I'm working on a football map at the moment and was just wondering if anyone could make me some sort of "ball-release mechanism", I currently just have someone push the ball onto a man cannon which is very lame.

    Heres a crude little animation showing the sorta thing I want:


    I don't know the first thing about switches or anything so any help would be great. :)

    #1 SmokinWaffle, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Easy, but instead of the wall that swings open, you have a wall that only covers half the floor.

    Set the ball spawn on the floor, and put another powerup inside the ball. When you pick the bottom powerup, you force the other one to spawn, pushing the ball over the edge, and it will fall.

    The only issue is the custom powerup at the top wont disappear, so it would only work once.

    I'll think about it and see if i can work out a better mechanism.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It really depends on how this ball release will be used. Will it be required to work more than once?
  4. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Instead of a swing down door like that you could have a sliding pallet that when a custom is picked up a dumpster falls and allows the pallet to move and then the custom respawns pushing the dumpster back up(If it needs to be touch activitated you could have a fusion coild that falls at a certain interval). If you don''t understand I'm working on an image right now. Although my idea depends highly on the location of the contraption because if it is in the center of the map you're going to basically have to make a pillar for it

    EDIT:The pallet might have to go into some sort of fusion room where it would break so it respawns. But if you had a roof over the map you could have the pallet slide into a double box open were a mancannon shoots fusion coils and if it is close enough this could also be what keeps the dumpster touch activated by the explosion so that when the custom spawns it gos back up into its place. But here is the pic:

    (The Ball Would be in the floating box like thing BTW)

    I'm pretty sure it could be used more than once but could altered for one use.
    What does everyone think would that work for you?

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    What matty said is good but its really simple actually, can look advanced but won't take long to make. As long as you know what you're doing.

    OK, Use the diagram to help you set it up. The player would pick up the custom power up, it will disappear and the fusion coil, it was holding up will fall into the grav lift. Than it will be launched up into another fusion coil, which is kept up next to the pallet, that is holding the soccer ball (or any other object) The fusion coils would collide and destroy the pallet causing the ball to drop.
    Don't forget to keep the spawn times for the fusion coils, custom power up and pallet the same so you can work the mechanic again.

    - I have created a football pitch including this mechanic, just skip to the bottom for the diagram and description.

    Now onto the diagram:
    Sorry about the bad standard but I was in a rush and Gimp wouldn't load up.

    You can build on this in anyway, this is just the way the switch works. Try to hide the pallet so people don't just shoot it. Good luck with it, and message me if you're stuck or need a hand.

    Edit: Next to the grav lift in close it, so the fusion coil doesn't fly off somewhere

    The next way works like a train of explosions, this is used so the object released can be further away from the switch. like so:


    Hope all that helped, I'm pretty sure it works.

    Another I have thought up, the way this works is that the ball is on the edge of the wall above the pitch and there is a dumpster that is stuck between two grav lifts. The dumpster is ontop of fusion coils, the fusion coils explode just like the other one. The grav lifts will be destroyed but if you place the one grav lift on a less spawn time than it will push the dumpster and knock the ball through the whole. This works well because the dumpster is too big to fit down the whole, so it covers it up.

    another diagram, showing what I explained above.


    To the guy below, Yes I thought this all over before I posted it, thats where the grav lift comes in. If he uses a double wall than the blast would be over the players head.

    The second option would to have the custom power up settings so he can't be hurt for e.g 3 seconds. or instead of a custom power up, an over shield.

    Your mechanic looks pretty good, thanks for your concern.

    - Next is an example of the first mechanic on a simple football pitch. It doesn't have to go there but that is a logical place to put it, this way the ball would fall in the centre, just like a real football match. The faded gray is the roof, you don't need the roof but it would make the switch work better and look better, plus with a roof you can't see the rest of foundry, can't get out and the ball can't escape.


    Ill edit on any more idea that I come up with.
    #5 DRiSCOLL, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009
  6. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Ya I had that idea but then i thought that the player might get injured from the fusie explosion so I changed my idea. Both of these are good but they would have to be set into a wall on the left or right of the field to not obstruct the field. But I'm guessing you're making a map were when a team scores a bunch of fusies explode around it and it would respawn in the cage
  7. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    Thanks so much DRiSCOLL, I'll try to make this next time I get a chance, looks pretty promising and I'll tell you how it works out. Any chance you could PM me your GT?

    No I haven't thought of what happens when they score, good idea though.

    Probably, once one team scores the ball will (hopefully) respawn to it's original position.

    And thanks everyone for all your help! :)

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