Because 15000 gay deaths by the Nazis is far more compelling then a straight guy helping a gay guy. Either way, all news that isn't gay news is straight news. And I've done plenty of that. My only advise I've given to you is to ignore my threads if you don't like them. I'll ignore your threads when you make them, if you make them. But your posts directed towards me are often insulting. Of course you will get a response. I'm sorry Waylander but this grudge you seem to have against me and the things I want to talk about is just getting annoying. Many times have I seen you talk about motorbikes, never have I told you to shut up or even joined the conversation. Why? Because I don't care for it. Simply put Waylander, your rude, egotistical, condesending posts are as pathetic as the seemingly infantile brain you use to come up with them.
No I don't hold a grudge against you Reynbow. I'm not that petty. And I've actually tried to not be insulting but I guess I failed. I've never made a thread about motorbikes on these forums. Yea posts about them in threads that don't matter but never a thread for the entire populace of Forgehub to see. I post motorbike threads on a motorbike forum. And no 15,000 gay deaths by ****'s is not compelling. ****'s killed a lot of people. So did the Russians, British, Chinese, Romans, Egyptians, Americans yada yada yada. Bad news is everywhere. Try telling good news. I'm sure you can ind something good involving the Gay community.
Maybe not compelling to you, but I bet there are a lot of people out there that thought the nazis only killed Jews during the holocaust.
The ****'s killed anyone they thought was a threat to their way of life, their problem was they didn't care if it was an imagined threat or not. Which it most often was.
Can we let this thread die? I dunno about you, but I'm sick of hearing about the Nazis and what they did to our... sexuality. I'm out.