Pink Triangle The **** persecution of gays Journalist Danny Lee gives a concise rundown of the events that led to the deaths of at least 15,000 gay men at the hands of the Nazis Before World War II, radical artistic movements – such as the Dadaists (who were deliberately anti-art and anti-sense) – and political groups such as the Communists flourished in Berlin. The city, famous throughout the world for its relaxed attitude towards sex, was also the centre of Germany's gay community. In addition, the German capital was the site of the Institute for Sexual Science. This had been founded in 1919 by pioneering sexologist and homosexual reformer Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935). His term to describe homosexuals – 'the third sex' – was in common use in the city at the time. From freedom to tyranny Despite Berlin's vitality, the city was like an isolated ship in a storm-tossed sea, thrown from crisis to crisis. In November 1918, from two Berlin balconies less than a mile apart, the leaders of both the Social Democratic Party and the Spartacists (who later formed the nucleus of the German Communist Party) proclaimed rival German republics. However, the following January, after a Spartacist uprising, the movement's leaders Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were tortured and murdered by right-wing army officers with whom the Social Democratic government felt it had to make a deal to ensure its survival. After the election of a National Assembly a few days later, Weimar, a small town outside Berlin, was made the new capital. The Weimar Republic proved to be notoriously unstable. In the year of its birth, 1919, Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers' Party, one of many small, equally violent, racist groups. They had considerably less appeal for Berliners and other northern Germans than they had in parts of southern Germany, such as Bavaria. Nevertheless they played successfully on anxieties about out-of-control inflation, rising unemployment and feelings of humiliation and frustration left over from the country's defeat in World War I and the massive reparations that it had been compelled to agree to. By offering up the Jews and anyone they considered to be 'deviant' as scapegoats for all that was wrong, these parties began to grow in size. And Hitler and his National Socialists, or Nazis, began to achieve increasing importance. On 30 January 1933, Germany's president Paul Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor. Among other restrictive actions, the Nazis began closing all gay bars and clubs and, in February, opened the first concentration camps. A national boycott of all Jewish businesses and professions was ordered at the beginning of April. And, in May, Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Science was closed and, a short time later, all of his books were burned – a fiery end to the first gay rights movement. 'The Night of the Long Knives' In 1936, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS and head of the Gestapo, told the Germans: 'Just as we today have gone back to the ancient Germanic view on the question of marriage mixing different races, so too in our judgment of homosexuality – a symptom of degeneracy which could destroy our race – we must return to the guiding Nordic principle: extermination of degenerates.' But it had taken the Nazis some time to reach such a clear view against homosexuality. Although the **** Party had always been officially anti-gay, in its early years many groups who opposed these Fascists lampooned them as homosexual. Hitler's 15-year friendship with the chief of staff of the SA (Sturmabteilung – storm troopers or 'Brown Shirts'), Ernst Röhm – who was publicly known to be gay after he appeared in court on homosexuality charges in 1925 – lent credence to this propaganda. Despite the gossip about his sexuality, Röhm was central to the Nazis' rise to power, transforming the Brown Shirts from a few embittered ex-soldiers in the early 1920s into the three-million-strong vehicle for **** terror that the storm troopers became in the early 1930s. The Nazis' initial ambivalence towards gays evaporated quickly when, in 1934, Röhm and 300 others were charged with conspiring to overthrow Hitler, who ordered their execution without trial. Following this purge – the 'Night of the Long Knives' – Röhm's homosexuality was cited as another reason for his murder. Paragraph 175 With the SA chief out of the way, **** attacks on the gay community escalated rapidly, and in 1935, the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour was passed. This amended the existing Paragraph 175 of the Reich Penal Code: An unnatural sex act committed between persons of male sex or by humans with animals is punishable by imprisonment; the loss of civil rights might also be imposed. However, whereas previously the only punishable offence had been anal intercourse, the new Paragraph 175a ushered in 10 new possible 'acts' between men as crimes worthy of punishment, including kissing, embracing and having homosexual fantasies. Despite this, many anti-Nazis still attacked the Fascists as homosexual, and in revenge, the Nazis became increasingly vicious, later exporting their persecution of gays to the countries they occupied. Diseased, not sub-human Nazis did not refer to gays as Unter Menschen (sub-human) in the way they did Jews. Homosexuals were regarded as diseased and in need of treatment. As a result, thousands were subjected to torture, often ending in death, in an attempt to deter them from being gay. Nevertheless, the 'diseased' tag did not protect gays from incarceration. When homosexuals first began arriving in prisons and concentration camps, they were marked out with 'Paragraph 175' written on their backs. As hundreds of inmates turned into thousands, this badge was changed to a pink triangle, in the same way that the label Juden ('Jew') was changed to a yellow Star of David. Pink triangles were also used for sex offenders such as paedophiles, further associating gays with 'perverts'. Since Nazis regarded women as mere vessels for bearing children, lesbianism was never a major issue. Gay women were never attacked in the same way that gay men were persecuted. Homosexual men were seen as a threat to the state and likely to reduce the potential for waging war and purifying the Germanic race. A long history of worldwide persecution Nazis were by no means alone in their persecution of gays. The infamous Paragraph 175 had been added to the Reich Penal Code as long ago as 1871, more than 60 years before Hitler took power. It was just one more development in a long line of legislation around the world aimed at punishing homosexuals. In England, for example, there is an extensive history of persecuting gays: as long ago as 1290, carrying out homosexual acts was punishable by death. At the same time as the **** persecution in Germany, the oppression of gays on the other side of the Channel was also accelerating. According to Richard Davenport-Hines’ 1990 study Sex, Death and Punishment, in 1938 Britain there were 134 prosecutions for sodomy and bestiality, 822 for attempted sodomy and indecent assault and 320 for gross indecency. In 1952, there were 670, 3,087 and 1,686 prosecutions, respectively. Through a law known as 'the blackmailer's charter', homosexual acts between consenting male adults remained illegal in England until 1967. Even today, schools are restricted in what they can teach about homosexuality. However, some progress has been made. The Civil Partnership Act 2004 now allows same-sex couples in the UK to form a legal relationship in which they are treated in the same way as opposite-sex couples who have been married in a civil ceremony. In Germany, homosexual acts remained criminalised until the late 1960s, and gays convicted under the Nazis were not pardoned until 1998. Unlike other victims of the Nazis, none of them has received compensation for what they went through. How many died? The number of gay men who died at the hands of Hitler's Reich has never been fully established. It is not clear how many people lived in the gay community before or after World War II, and since many who were executed received no trial, there is only patchy evidence of how many were imprisoned or sent to their deaths. Nevertheless, researchers estimate that some 50,000 men were convicted for committing homosexual acts, and that 15,000 gays died in Auschwitz alone, often as a result of being worked to death. At present, according to the historian Rictor Norton, the estimates for the total number of gay men who were killed by the Nazis range from 10,000 (undoubtedly too low) to 430,000 (probably too high)..source
lol, too bad. i feel far worse for the jews though. they really did not deserve the holocaust. but neither did gays. they just arent as human....
I just bolded some of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. First off, lol? This is a serious topic about people being tortured and killed because they are gay... and you laugh? Immature. And second off, "they just arent as human....". Expect to be flamed a lot and probably infracted for being rude. This isn't off topic, get out of here.
I'm actually reading a book called All that Remains, about a young jewish boy getting "bullied" (as he calls it...). Basically, the same thing.
I would love to see the ****'s of today seeing that this upside down triangle that they used so terribly, is now used as a pride symbol. It really shows the strength the human race contains through hardships. Nice article Reyn, I just completed a class about **** Germany and Soviet Russia, so I already knew many of this, but it is an interesting perspective, and goes more in depth than what we studied.
I'm gay, why am I now an insignificant speck of **** on the world's face? I am just as much a human as you. The Jews deserved the holocaust as much as we did. As in, neither of us deserved it. I'm sick of all the "lol ***" and "god, your wel gay!" comments I get everywhere now. I didn't expect to be belittled here though.
because he is concerned for himself and the homosexual community. or he is obsessed. either way i find it very inviting to post a stupid, immature, unecessary comment. truth is im just taking the piss. sorry though. the gays around here are easy to annoy.
I'm not a journalist. I don't report on things I'm told to report on. I post messages here that are important to me. I'm not trying to please you. I found this interesting, so I decided to share it, whether you like it or not has no reflection upon me. Deal with it. If you don't want to read it, don't. I'm not forcing you to. A reply simply stating that I should stop using the right to freely say and think what I want, when I want is just plain and simply inconsiderate. If you have nothing relevant to the topic at hand you're just adding spam. So how about we try posting something constructive instead of yet another shot directed towards me, unjustly.
He said in another thread that he cares about all deaths that come to his attention yet he only posts it when it involves gay folks. Reyn is an alright guy and I enjoy butting heads (mentally, don't get your hopes up now Reyn I wont turn) every now and then. If you are going to do it too at least try and be intelligent about it. Other wise you just make a fool of yourself. Key word being try, Hard to succeed sometimes.
Firstly, the gay jokes are getting old. I don't appreciate it at all. For someone that keeps telling me to think straight, you seem to bring up my homosexuality a lot. Straight is all around me. Gay is no where. Why can't I even things out? Why do I have to go to my own gay corner to talk about stuff like this? I want to hear about more gay topics, more gay talk, why? Because I'm ****ing gay. We all know this. It's important to me, and as far as I am concerned that's all that matters to me. Once again, as stated above, I'll post what I want to post. Everyone else posts topic that have no relevance to me. Stop making what I post about you, because that is quite certainly not correct at all. For you to try force your beliefs of "straight thinking" upon me is so inconceivably rude. I'm not here to serve you, so stop thinking I am.
Ok by your own words I can post how I think all gays should die and not get infracted or banned which is more likely. I would be posting about something that interests me that I wanted to share and expressing myself as you have the right to. Not that I actually believe that, but double standards just don't fly with me mate. If I don't have the right to tell you what you can or cannot post then neither should you. Yet I know with little doubt that no one has reported any of your posts about this and yet here in this very thread someone post their thoughts and almost instantly gets infracted for it.
You're intelligent. This thread is not offending anybody or breaking any rules whatsoever. Freedom of speech does have it's limits. Surely you know this. This is informative and important to me. Don't misunderstand me when I say things like freedom to speak and think how I want. We all know that the freedom of speech does not cover insulting someone. Also, this is a moderated website by people that have their own rules. Surely you know this by now. Don't attempt to twist my words to make yourself look better or "right". It's not becoming of you Waylander.
I never told you to think straight. I'm merely saying that a lot of us don't care. Every one gets hated on, it's part of life. A shitty part yes but part of it regardless. As for you having you're own little gay corner I refer you to my last post. If you are able to post this stuff when and where you please than so am I with anti-gay, anti-religion, anti-social, anti-whatever things when and where I want.
i think reynbow is trying to say. give up waylander, and let me get on with my life. freedom of speech rules btw.
re; Previous posts. You're not saying anything you haven't already said. re; Last post You really need to keep up. Waylander just drop it. You've taken this topic way beyond it's original intention. It's not your place to tell me what I should and should not do. If you don't like something I post, there's a report button. Simple as that. If it's not breaking any rules and you don't deem it offensive then why bother. I honestly think you're just trying to stir me up for your own entertainment. You, Waylander, are getting old. You're just acting like a child now. You see a post about gays and that's too much gay for you? As I've already said, you can simply ignore my posts. You seem inteligent enough to be able to turn on a TV, to understand how to change the channel if you want. How is this any different? Just change the channel if you don't like it. That channel will always be there, doesn't mean you have to like it. Understand?
I'm not preventing him from living. Only expressing my opinion about posting facts and news about the gay community is a bit more than a lot of us on here want to read. He should respect our right to not be exposed to it. If this were a forum for gay folks then I would have no say but this is a site for Halo 3 forge and related. I'm not attacking him just as he is not attacking me, we're just both trying to defend our rights to live as we choose. Hopefully finding a balance. I'm not as intelligent as you give me credit for Reyn. I have to think alot about my posts before posting them which is why you can make 2 or 3 before I make one. I don't use the report function because I've always prefered confronting people rather than running to mommy and daddy. As for me telling you what you can or cannot do, you are still doing it to me. Or rather Overthehedge there. He wasn't insulting you, you just took it that way. He generalized which is something every one does. I keep saying the same things Reyn because it doesn't seem to be sinking in. You want us to treat you a certain way when we don't get the same in return. Here's an idea, how about posting some news about how straight folks help the gay comunity. Be it by just simple understanding or whatever. Always posting about how you get treated un-fairly just makes you look like you've got a massive chip on your shoulder and hold a grudge against the rest of us.
Perhaps taking some of your own advise would be helpful. You constantly let me know how much you don't care for my 'gay talk'.