so, this is my first time, please be gentle. i dont really know how to imbed, so if this doesnt work, im sorry, and i will try again. in the bungie forums sorry, but i dont have the links to these photos on bungies site, so i can not link them there.
I actually really like the small picture with the pallet(?) in the background. The background is very original. The first pic is good too. Looks like MC.
that pic is actually on foundry inside a brute shot explosion. the back is just a wall. thanks for liking them
I like the 4th one it's pretty cool looking, the background I've never seen it before. Also the laser one is cool I love pics that have it being white it's so sick looking. Those are my two favorite. Good job overall 4/5!
Wow. Nice pictures. And not to bad on putting the pics up. some are small, but hey ur a n00bie xD 6.5/10 for pics
wow vary nice i like the first one it does remind me on MC, also something that i seen that someone did in photo shop, so the fact that you did this in halo is amazing
thanks, though it wasnt very hard. all it was was avalanche, Juicy, Gloomy (?. idk, its been a while) and a tank. personally, im kinda surprised no one has mentioned "too Bright" (#5).... that one usually gets alot of feedback