So today, i'm playing the last venue, the rolling stones concert. And before i play, it has a flyer come up. It went something like; Get 5 starts on these songs and you get quadruple the fans! Get under 5 stars loose quadruple the fans. Knowing me; mr. quick fingers, Selected accept. So an Hour later, im on my last song, hoping its easy! Ive gotton 5 stars on every song leading up to this moment. Battery, Matallica "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I ended up getting four stars, about 1/8th away from 5 stars. YOU LOST 538,000 FANS! "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" So i went from 800,000 to 262,000. **** rockband. Im pissed.
That really sucks. Fortunately, now that you have beaten the final venue, whenever you do gigs it should get you much larger amounts of fans than what it used to give.
Had you restarted that song, you'd have lost less than 500,000 fans. And had you gotten 5 stars, the gain would have been loads. I feel for the Metallica ending though
I'm not even at the final venue and I have 5 million fans. How do you have so little even before losing that many. I gain about 150 thousand every time I beat one song.
I have tens of millions of fans (Endless Setlist-X Bass) What you do is, unplug/shut off the guitar if you know you're going to screw up, turn it back on or plug it back in, then go to main menu. You have to completely redo the gig, but keep your fans. I know this because I used to play with a full band, things like that happened often.
Most likely because he played only the required gigs and did no extras and no challenges. And, like I said, once you reach 1,000,000 fans, the game will start giving you ridiculous amounts of fans per gig.
Welcome to the retard club, your cage is set up right over there. Because the OP is a trigger-happy rockband player who forgot about the restart button, that makes rock band worse than guitar hero? The infinitely better online, 300+ more songs and overall better UI isn't enough for rock band to surpass this horrible cancer it has of upseting kids who care about fans for their fake video game band. Have fun watching Neversoft kill your game.
Why the **** is it that everytime GH and RB end up in the same thread, people start arguing about which is better and start bashing the other game. Sacr3 Cr0w was out of line saying that, mostly because it had nothing to do with the subject at hand. However, you don't have to try to prove to him that RB is better by completely demeaning his opinion of which is better. It's personal taste everyone, and you all need to learn that not everyone thinks the exact same way as you.
You are doing both. You clearly stated reasons why you believe Rock Band to be better and reasons why GH is worse. You even mentioned that Neversoft was killing GH. If that isn't arguing, than I don't know what is.
I don't play Rockband. I play Guitar Hero. Only reason I do is because the Guitar Hero guitars are better in my opinion. The strumming area on the Rockband guitars are too soft, I like hearing the clicking. Although this is why I don't play GH:WT. Those guitars are soft too... It's so lame.
Holy **** I didn't mean anything by it, I was joking guys. You took that a little bit to far, And Shatakai atleast I can understand you're points. They are all valid. ZgreenZ's just a douche, his entire post was just trashing the game and saying how his game was better because his opinion of it is higher. I really didn't mean to start this **** guys. Srsly. Play nice.