something me and my friend found in a sporting goods store, sorry for the bad quality it was on my friends phone....
Pulling out the crap of a constipated person or horse? But anyways that's a really funny product, kinda reminds me of the wunder boner.
lol, wunder boner. Butt Out sounds like an American product... "Pull **** out of your ass without having to strain with Butt Out!"
you guys don't seem to understand, it literally RIPS OUT the anal canal of a deer. It's set up as a four pronged one way hook, that cuts into the lower 10 inches of the deer's intestine when you rotate it. You pull, and then voila, rectum gone. When you gut a deer, removing the rectum is a necessary step, this just makes it a lot easier. it's DEFINITELY not for people.
creepyChuck is a hunter? but that's much too masculine for him... all the he is idiotic enough... =P <3
I see this as a potential murder weapon to be used against whores. Murder is about to get interesting again!
Lol, "Butt Out" what kind of product name is that!? I thought it was used for something else for awhile there! LOL!!! D I L D O