Paintball Field

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Banana Peel, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Made by Deltakiller352 and BOOKER3232

    My friend and i felt like making a paintball map, and this is basically how it turned out

    The map is completely symetrical. I tried to make it as cheat-proof as possible. But you can get out at a certian spot. I would fix it but im grounded and will be for the rest of the school year. Sorry i didnt interlock, my friend doesnt know how and i was planning on doing it someday. Ill probably make a version2 when i get ungrounded

    Now onto the map:
    This map can be played with capture the flag and team slayer
    I tried to make it as hard as possible to spawn kill if youre playing capture the flag.
    There are 2 floors.
    TO get to the top floor you have to go into a teleporter.
    There is also two towers, but i made them to were you cant dominate in them.
    This map is best played with magnums, and i put 2 battle rifles in but they were to good so i took them out.

    This is the bootom and those are the two towers. I put the box in between them that way there more like defense towers, as in you cant shoot onto the opponents side


    This is the top floor. And you might think that it is really cheap and easy to dominate on but it isnt. I put Fence walls as the floor in the middle so you can shoot through them. This is the only thing i interlocked

    This is one of the places you will spawn in capture the flag. To get to the tower you jump on the dumpster and go through the teleporter.

    Thats were the teleporter leads to and this is the tower.

    You start off the game behind that one large shield door. the sheild door in the back is were you can respawn. The teleporter leads to the second story.

    Action pics:

    I got rid of the shield doors, and instead i made you start behind a double wall. The thing in the back corner you still spawn there sometimes, but that isnt the way to get up

    i made a some changes to the tower. Now you can jump up there and get on top that way. also you can just go down and that fence wall is a pretty good place to sit. But i made it a fence wall so you can get shot from underneath.

    This would be the second way to get up to the top. while going up there you have slight cover to the sides.

    I got rid of the teleporter that had a problem with people camping it.
    I also merged the fence wall in to the box so its impossible to get out. I did this in a bout an hour and thought it fixed most of every problem. Tell me what you think

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    #1 Banana Peel, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2009
  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    if you get spawn killed without the shield doors, and camping with them, just make more spawns elsewhere.. instead of concentrating them all into one spot, and just to let you know, not many forgehubbers like all this paint ball stuff, because all you need to do is put down a bunch of crap and walla, you have cover for paintball. sorry no DL from me, 1/5
  3. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    This map to me does not have enough coverage items and i think the top parti actually quite stupid (no offense) but the whole tower thing too is nothing like paintball. If you weren't trying to make it realistic ok but just sayin its kinda random. But yah i'd but some more barriers barrells crates etc in for better coverage
  4. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    There is soo many of these maps. Yours was a bit better then some, because its not just random items, theres at least some sort of plan. wont DL though, i have to many of these
  5. Distractedone

    Distractedone Ancient
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    There seems to be a pandemic of paintball maps. To the OP, in order to create a successful paintball map at this point you'd need to create one with an astounding innovation. These maps lack a certain complexity that is looked up to here on Forge Hub. Your description also suggests some procrastination. Though there's no problem here if you want to procrastinate on your maps, you should at least make sure that the final product (the one posted here) is free of all known problems.

    Positive comments? I like the dual floors. You should make it more easily accessible though.
  6. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    yeah man idk about this one
    i think you should take out the telep. cuz
    you wanna make it more realistic (right?) and maybe make another way up to the top base area... But thats just me you know?
    besides that its a great paintball map>>>
  7. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    nah i wasnt necessarily going for realistic, more of fun. I play paintball in real life and ya, this isnt anything like real paintball. Its just fun as hell to play. And ya i know what ya mean there are alot of paintball maps out there, but i tried to make a different one.

    Ya dude their are alot of other spawns, i didnt make them just spawn their.
  8. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    Yah its different and sense you aren't going for realistic i take back everything i said before
  9. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    were did it seem like i procrastinated on this map. I came up with the idea and made it the next day. Maybe im misunderstanding because im confused
  10. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    I think he's trying to say that the next version is coming out a long time from now and its like procrastination
  11. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    Looks good, but make sure spawn killing is a main priority to fix. Other than that, great job.
  12. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Oh, well i was working on the second version when i got grounded.

    In my next version im going to fix spawn killing, ill probably interlock it all, and ill fix the sheilds. I guess ill also come up with another way upstairs
  13. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    Alright i now put up version 2, tell me what you think

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