i got sick of having a signature that i didn't make. It was a beautiful signature (made by zerosun), but yeah. I needed to move on. This is what i have as of now, after a bit of help and tips from Penguinish. So what do you guys think? Edit 1 (Sharpened the image and Darkened the left side) Edit 2 (Got a new Effy, better resoultion) Edit 3 or Possible Final Edit??
ehhh, sharpen plox and it will look reabby good. I like the simpleness and cleanness. The thing that really bugs me is ^^^ the sharpness. Sharpen the render, its way to blurry. But good for a first sig =]
The stock is really LQ. There must be a better stock o0f her out there, tis really killing it for me.
I didn't think this thread could go without someone commenting or thinking about the girl. Anyhow, this is one of those signatures that could use C4D's. And a lot of them.
He was saying that he could use better stocks, and it would be easier to search for them if he knew her name. Anyway I like the sig. A few area's look a little blurry, but other wise its very good.
Everything blends greatly. Though it looks a little pixaly, sharpen it. Other than that, thats the best first sig ever. Great job on it, keep practicing on it.
Oversharpened, even if you barely added any sharpen. This is most likely because of the quality of the stock, which is pretty low. Also, it's way too empty, in my opinion.
damn, i knew the low quality image would create some issues... as for finding a higher resolution stock image, well, that could be a challenge. you'd think theyd have higher resolutions somewhere on the internet....not really. lol. oh and *slap* to you. it's a ****ing good show. lol. edit: i believe this image could work, i'll do it up and see what happens. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3600000/quick-wallpaper-skins-3623472-1280-800.jpg edit 2: i used the new effy and made another, im still doing touch ups, but this is it as of now.
I'd say lose the border and the text. Text is too big and the border looks odd. Also, crop off a bit of the bottom.
the actresses name is Kaya Scodelario, her character is Effy on the show Skins. Smeagle's suggestion Edit: if i take away the border and everything it seems a bit too plain imo. What does everyone else think?
****! alright i understand taking away the border and cropping, i agree, that looks better. Now i have another question, is there a possible way to get the text to work? (i spent a lot of time looking for it lol) here is the edit with the text back in it, because i like it so much. keep the suggestions coming guys, i'm completely open.
Have you tried looking up some C4D's? it will really help the image. With enough you can make the text appear to "weave" around them, and that might make it fit well with the image. I don't know though, experiment, experimenting always leads to good things. EDIT: ^that's what she said.
now that is what i'm not skilled enough to do effectively lol. C4D's can be a bit cliche imo, but if you can explain to me how to effectively use them then i'm open for it. In fact, where do i even get them? dont forget that i'm a big time sig noob. lol. my newest question, border? or no border?
Planet Renders // Renders - Abstract 3D Renders Make an account. And to get rid of the back stuff, you just color to alpha, and select color 000000 to get rid of it. To use them effectively is tricky. Try finding a tutorial.