whoa, nicely done! it's like the Heavenly Hog effect but you can see the player's color, how'd you do that?
Nice. I love the heavenly hog part, but the fact the player is visible makes it 10x better. Good work.
He did it the heavenly hog way, but He took the picture either when the guy was coming out of invisibility or going into invisibility. Anyway, very nice pic, looks very cool.
Pretty cool pic, I like this effect really makes a screenshot come out nice. Also, is it just my eyes but do I see water and a fusion coil in the background?
ye theres no water but i tried to make a scene but the only angle the effect worked from only contained the fusion coils D:
I think it's like Heavenly Hog but he let the invisible powerup go a little longer 'til it gradually changed back to visible, making it half hog half guy. Anyways, love the shot.