Britney Spears’ Racy “If U Seek Amy” Hits the Radio, Angers Parents

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    1/22/09, 11:48 am EST
    Photo: Devaney/WireImage

    The Parents Television Council is livid that Britney Spears‘ cunningly titled “If U Seek Amy” is getting radio play, despite the fact that the title and lyrics essentially say “F-U-C-K Me.” Parents in Australia first complained about the song’s content, and now that the track has become the third single off Circus, American parents are lining up to demand radio stations cease playing the song between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. as it “violates the broadcast indecency law.”

    “There is no misinterpreting the lyrics to this song, and it’s certainly not about a girl named Amy,” PTC president Tim Winter said. “It’s one thing for a song with these lyrics to be included on a CD so that fans who wish to hear it can do so, but it’s an entirely different matter when this song is played over the publicly owned airwaves, especially at a time when children are likely to be in the listening audience.”

    Despite the PTC outcry, radio stations continue to play the track, as evidenced by its Number 92 debut on the Billboard Pop 100. A Jive-edited version of the song excises the “k” from “Seek,” thus “If You See Amy” (which is pretty much still “F-U-C Me.”) Some inventive DJs are throwing their own names over the “Me,” so for instance when the chorus plays, it’ll go “All the boys and all the girls are begging to if you seek George,” etc.

    Meanwhile, we’re still trying to wrap our head around why a Parents Television Council would complain about what’s on the radio. They should be more concerned with getting Bromance off the air than this Britney single. All the chatter around “Amy” hasn’t stopped 107,000 people from buying the song digitally.​​


    Personal side note... Um this song has been out for sooo long already, parents should realise that it's going to hit the radio eventually anyway.

    If kids who are too young to hear stuff like this hear it, do you really think they'll understand what she's implying anyway? ...

    People can be sooo stuck up.​
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Isn't this the psycho ***** who buzzed her hair?
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Not exactly the feedback expected.
    Sorry but I don't see why if she shaves her head she's branded insane. But if any other man or woman shave their head it's fine.

    Either way, it's about this song, not about her.
  4. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    hahah it seriously took me like 5 minutes to figure it out. I know it says it in the first paragraph but i still couldn't get it. Clever.

    Why there is even a fuss about this? i have no clue. It's not like theyre even coming close to literally saying "**** me" but everyone can ***** about what they want i guess... People are ridiculous.
  5. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    People just want to shelter their kids just enough so that after their first breakup, they kill themselves.
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Yeah, but... Yeah. That's her. I never heard that in the song before. Where abouts in the vid is it?
  7. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Just listen to it? o.o
    In the chorus

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