Feezly Attack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by FrieMore, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Its a gametype based on ammo conservation and timing(oh yeah its a map to).You and the other survivors have one minute thirty seconds until King Feezly comes into town.

    King Feezly(yellow alpha)
    Although the kings power is in his blood Feezly fought for his position when his brother threatened to take the power from him.even as king Feezly isnt afraid to go on the front lines with his men.He has created an Imperial army of dead human souls.He appears as a yellow alpha zomb

    Avoid contact with feezly he is stronger than normal zombs

    Take aim........Fire!!!
    Take precise aim

    The quickest way to kill a feezly soldier(red zom)is with a point bank shotgun shell or with a headshot with BR or magnum.Ammo is very limited there isnt many extra weapons and the ones that you do find have only 1 or no extra clips

    Split up but take friends with you!!!
    Enemies will try to vialy murder you and the other humans.
    So dont all pile into the same building.The appropriate ammount of people that should be in a building is about 2 or 3 not the whole human population.This is reccomended so you all dont get killed 2 minutes into the round;)

    Feezly Soldiers
    (red minion zomb)

    These are those dead souls i was tellin you about earlier.The are extremely vulnerable to headshot.B00m! one bullet to the head and there dead however it takes 5 to 6 bullets to the body.this isnt going to be effective because of the fact that they can run 25 percent faster than humans.They appear as red minion zombs

    Ammo and weapons.
    King feezly and his minions take more damage if hit in the head i mean hell you can kill a red feezly with one headshot.However your magnums wont hold forever due to ammo shortage and damage rate.There are a few shotguns ARs and BRs laying around.

    It may look like a glowy yellow sphere but its so much more.Its a disguise that puts you in red feezly armor although it even comes with a sword to make you look more legit its only effective if your not within reticule red range(slicing range).

    sorry for not adding map pics before but bungie.net hasnt uploaded the map preview in my recent screenshot list ill hopefully will get them tonight.

    Yay i finally got map pics scroll down to see :)




    Notice of apology

    Im sorry for not including map pics before but when i took them my network settings were set to Local(LAN) and i wasnt sure why.So i took new ones and i might release a gameplay Video that you can dowload to halo and view in theatre so you can see how it flows and works.Many of you commented on the disguise and said it was original (some quite the opposite no hard feelings tho).Some said its a good idea but wouldnt be effective becuz of waypoint and radar concerns.There are no waypoints or radar for human or zombs.I found it best to simply stand on a rooftop and let them glance at me and walk on by(so it works if your not within slice range of the zombs).Maybe if you want we can play this game and map send me friend request Dr FRIE.

    Link to map and game

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 FrieMore, Jan 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Cant see much of the map, Really need that map shown more then the gametype and objects too use.
    So with that siad i cant say much about the Thread/map.
  3. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    You have one picture that doesn't work and you should also add more pictures of the map =, because it is hard to follow the layout. I like the idea of the "disguise" lol. I won't download though because I can't really tell anything at all based from the pictures besides the gametype. 3/5 for now.
  4. PhantomBishop

    PhantomBishop Ancient
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    You should add some more pictures so we can see more of the map. Please provide more of a description. I don't really understand the gametype.
  5. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    the disguise thing is really cool. i thought of that before too, but since they dont have a tag and theyre name (and aimer) is red it kinda gives it away. the game looks fun tho. add sum pics of the map. like an overview.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Some of your pics don't work. Because I don't really understand this map, I can see this whole "disguise" thing, which is new, but wouldn't work up close, because the player's name is red. And they're not on your radar...
  7. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    yeah, cant really see the map, but the gametype seems really well thought out, and i love the freezly minion disguise idea, very origional, but he's right, it wont work that well at close range, but still, cant really give you a ?/5 rating because i cant really see the map, but it seems like a sound concept
  8. Paradox pwns

    Paradox pwns Ancient
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    Hmmmm, i know you've heard it before but...... add more pics, On the other hand the disquise thing is sexy as hell. Never seen it in anymaps before. Aaaalso The start reminds me of a few cops and robbers maps. Anyway from what screenies you have the map looks ok, just add more screenies. =D
  9. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    The idea for this game is really cool, I really enjoyed it, the coverup thing is really cool, and I like the idea of the weapons having limited ammo. You should put some more pics of because I have played this and I wouldnt have noticed anything from those pics.
  10. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
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    well from what i can see of the map it looks like you took a cops and robbers map and edited it a littel sorry to copy every one but you need more pics
  11. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    Yeah I agree... you should add some more pics. for us to see...
    + from what i see idk if you'll get too mant downloads:/
    but maybe thats just me...
  12. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    uumm no radars

  13. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    I would love to reassure you with pics of the map but bungie.net wont upload them as recents so i dont know what to tell you.Take a chance and try it with friends barricade yourself in a building with the weapons you found and hope king feezly doesnt come knockin.

  14. MrSpi

    MrSpi Ancient
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    did you use a cop and robbers map because it realy looks like one

    if you can get pics of it on you file share i can post the pics for you
  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    You probably didn't get the pictures because you were probably offline when you took them. I bet that you can see the pictures in your screenshots on your Xbox, but not on your B.net service records...

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