I've been playing since I was three, starting with piano, as most little kids. I picked up new instruments as I was interested, and didn't drop the old ones as I went.
Bahh... I wish I had the same mentality as you. I used to keep up with Sax, Tuba, and guitar. But I would drop one to play the other. Right now I'm doing fairly well at playing Bass guitar
Nice. What kind of bass do you have? I have an old, but nice, Ibanez Roadster bass. I keep it because it's purple.
Bass seems rather boring to me, especially knowing that I wouldn't be heard in most songs anyway. Well, at least in the songs I like to play. Also, many times I'm not sure if I'm even playing the right notes, because I can barely hear them as it is.
Hmm, I mainly play bass. Personally I think it is the most important instrument to a band, as it holds the band together. I also think bass is pretty degraded because of overpowering guitars and drums, and I try to go pretty far out for a bassist with my style. Iv'e also dabbled in electric guitar a little, and I can carry a basic drum beat. However, my favorite is the Digeroydoo. EDIT: I have a fender Jazz rippoff. I want to get an epiphone thunder bird though, that is a sexy beast... EDIT:EDIT: Bass is meant to be felt, not heard...
It's actually fun, there's some pretty tight riffs, and it sounds great when it takes melody or harmony. Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmGXNZLx8bc This one too, you kinda just have to listen for the background, but this song wouldn't live without the bass. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-vZ0_zJw3o
Yeah, that's what I do with electric guitar. I don't think I'm quite good enough to spend money on my own yet.
I know there are songs out there that have easily heard bass parts, but there just aren't very many considering how many songs there are. I don't want to go hunting for a song to play on bass when there are plenty more with enjoyable guitar parts to play.
I didn't think this thread would get any replies at all. For those of you who don't like classical, you need to shut-up and look around you. Almost every game you play has a classical song in it. That would be Final Fantasy, Halo, GoW (Mad World), and plenty others. Classical is a very important musical genre, because it enhances the emotion set in a game. I can name a ton of games that use classical music. Even The Legend of Zelda uses classical music. The most popular instrument in Classical is the Grand Piano, and if you listen to the song all the way through in my signature, you'll find that it can be an easy instrument to learn, but a very diverse one at that.
For me, it would have to be synthesizer. And maybe bass guitar, although I rarely play anymore. Meh. Btw, does anyone happen to know what a synthesizer is? :O (Just trying to make sure.)
I like guitar the best. I've been playing for ten years and I love it. I also like when people are able to go all out on bass as well, especially in Mudvayne and B.M.L. for instance.
I used to play piano ano saxophone, but I dropped them both. The only "instrument" I "play" nowadays is my voice, haha. I love to sing.