Modern Warfare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shihuru, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    Thx, im trying to expand the class choosing idea. This is only my 2nd or 3rd time doing this. I want to try to make it perfect without using too much resources or allowing it to be exploited.

    The screenies are kinda cool. I lowered the guns to make it look cool. =)

    Trust me i doubt that'll work, as soon as you get near the shield doors, your warthog is being pushed away. The only time i can say you can get into the other side is when the fusion coils knock you there, but then you just get raped by your opponents...
  2. Metal Chocobo

    Metal Chocobo Ancient
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    Nice, i haven't seen alot of class choosing maps, this one is probably my first. Seems like you want to go for a call of duty style gameplay, judging by the name of the map. Seems very interesting...
  3. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    I like the map idea and class choosing, but there are some problems.

    1)Class choosing: you can jump in support, gran the deployable cover and CP, throw the deployable cover, jump on turret then DC, and you're out. You said the CP is the most important part, and you can take it to any other class you choose.

    2)The Map itself: Its ok, but there are flaws. Masive amount of camping occurs, because of the fact that you're teleporters all lead to the same spot. People I played with just jumped up on the wire spools, and fired rockest, tripmines, grenades, etc once they sawy anybody. This takaes away from the fighting, as the game is just who can camp, get kills, push back the campers, camp, (repeat cycle).

    3)Balance issues: You can claim it is balanced all you want, but there are problems. Assault is rarely used; compared to rockets, lasers, swords, etc, the AR and BR are weak. People I played with tend to favor the DEMO class, or just ignoring classes and picking whatever they felt like. This defeated the point of the class chosing systemall together, and took away from the map.

    Overall, this is a great idea for a map that isn't executed as well as it could be. You should make a version 2, and work to improve these initial problems. It has great potential, and if the map and classes are improved, this could be a favorite. Good luck in improving on this concept.
  4. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I can't agree with you anymore. The camping has to be the biggest flaw in this map. I will make a second version that has reciever nodes placed outside the buildings.

    I understanding players can jump onto the turrets and get into another class, but if they take the CP, their jumping is limited and disables them from jumping high enough to get on the turret. but i will try to fix that too.

    The assault class may be rarely used but they are the class with all the equipment and grenades. I might i have to give the assualts a cutting edge weapon to balance them out with the other class when i get the chance to create version 2
  5. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    The class based system is really awesome. I had some awesome 2v2 split screens with my friend which all turned out to be epic. It was even more epic when we used our imagination though. My friend always yelled "**** AIR STRIKE" as we got owned by fusion coils. The assassin, demo and support felt very overpowered, especially the assassin. Maybe give the assassin poor camo, but you're already using the custom power up. Although the idea worked very well, the actual map kind of sucked :( Maybe if you spent more time actually creating a map for your awesome gametype. I mean it doesn't even have to be that good, maybe just a little more than some barriers and energy sheilds (or whatever they're called). Btw, my favorite class is support by far. I just feel badass with my extra health and my turret.
  6. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I know the actual map could have been better, but making the class selecting gameplay really used up my budget. I tried creating a good enough map while trying to keep a good class selecter. You guys don't understand how hard it was to work with limited resources that i had...
  7. The Yankee

    The Yankee Ancient
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    I've read the other posts about people saying he assault is bland. It some ways you can say that because the assault class doesn't bare anything special except having the most equipment and grenades. But those are very useful. The bubble shield and power drain has to be very help for everyone on the team. They provides excellent defensive capablilites as well as offensive ones too.

    But i have to agree with everyone else. To make the assault class used a little bit more, Shihuru, you have to give them some kind of "special" weapons rather than the conventional AR and BR...
  8. SaucyCardog

    SaucyCardog Ancient
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    I really love this map, it really adds depth and creativity to the not so great halo 3 slayer system

    But here are a little good advice for the problems in the game.

    1.As heard already the ability to choose your class is a little too powerful, I would suggest just having spawn point inside the class rooms(no pun intended), but when they die and spawn back they can spawn back inside a different room.

    2. Scatter the recievers so that people who teleport on the map, dont get blown away because of some camping noob, besides scattering the teleporters can give assassins a little more of an edge.
  9. DeadLock25

    DeadLock25 Ancient
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    This seems like a really great idea and you've used your resources well. The only thing i could see that was wrong was the camping thing which i know you'll try to fix. As for picking a class you can just start people out in a room with different teleporters leading to a different room with a reciever node and a different class in each room. Make the rooms a one way entry so others cant get in after they leave for the battle field by using grav lifts turned on their side and instant respawn. you can aslo shorten the rounds to 3 min each and force some people to pickup a custom power up which you can modify to lower the speed and gravity for three min. This i think can help balance out your classes more. Great idea btw. DL and 4/5
  10. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    OMG! That is a great idea! I can quicken the pace of the game by putting the respawns in the class' holes. I can also limit the use of the "overpowering" classes by adding about 1 or 2 respawns in those classes and put the majority of the respawns in the assault class. Brilliant! But then this will kinda defeat the purpose of me creating the class selector. I wanted players to be able to "Choose" their "Own" class.

    But this is what people want, so when i create Version 2 this weekend, i'll recreate the spawns and reciever nodes...
  11. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i think itd be cooler with a few more classes, and a larger map. perhaps a CQB class, an artillery class, and a stealth class. the CQB would have 150 shields, a shot gun, a mauler, and go 50 speed. artillery would be stuck in a hole, and would throw grenades at the enemy. they would have a small opening to see the enemy though. also they should do 1 hit kill damage, but have no shields. stealth would have full camo, be black, and be equipped with a sword and smg.
  12. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    You don't understand. Building the class selector took a huge chunk out of my budget, even with the so called "unlimited budget glitch." So creating extra classes and making the map larger is impossible. Also, the class you suggested are basically the classes I already have. Your CQB class is very similar to my support class, the stealth class is basically my assassin class. The artillery class ould be a big drag though, very boring too...
  13. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Building on the artillery class idea, maybe replace the assault class with it, then make a room with man cannons and fusion coils. Push the fusion coils onto the man cannons...BOOM!
  14. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    No bad idea. I like the assault class. The artillery class idea is meaningless. One, i can't build man-cannons because i deleted them from the map, Two, I alread have fusion coils used as artillery in the map that spawns at regular intervals of 60 seconds, I think... Maybe 45 seconds, i forget.

    Im just going to do the respawn idea. Cause that will help increase pace and stop camping a little and i'll change up the reciever nodes in the bases...
  15. Zebra

    Zebra Ancient
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    Okay, I looked around the map, tried the different classes and I will say this right away(note: do not be offended by my constructive criticism, and hopefully if you take some of my advice it'll help)

    • The map to be perfectly honest is unattractive. The buildings look unconvincing, the tunnel at the far off side of the map does as well. And the middle of the map kind of bugged me. I'd really recommend making the buildings look a little more convincing or at least nicer. Some of the walls were slightly tilted and what not, and the box layout also looked ugly. I really recommend looking at some urban maps and get a better idea on how to create one that looks nicer. I also recommend looking at the call of duty maps a bit more, a truck in the middle and some barriers doesn't create that interesting of a map. Try adding some structures such as fountains, broken buildings, a sniper building that players attempt to dominate.
    • I haven't touched the other gametypes other than deathmatch. I thought of an idea that could create some interesting gameplay on your map. If you played World at War, you'll most likely know of War, the gametype. It's like Conquest on here basically. Play a few conquest games and you'll see what I'm talking about. Figure out a way to introduce it into your game would definitly be worth looking at. Just a thought that came into my head.
    • The spawns. Now I know how it may look like you spawn in a safe room, go through the teleporter and you're now in another safe area? Think again. Ever heard of wall hopping(or ghost jumps). Well the edges of foundry, can be jumped off of and with that trick you can get up to the opponents teleporter spawn and cheat the map(block the spawns or get free assassinations). If you'd like to see proof I can get a film clip of me doing it in both buildings. Along with those buildings, you know your larger wall that blocks half of foundry? Wall hops can be done at the end and take you outside your maps boundries.
    • In fact, I just played the map again...your map is without a doubt not cheat-proof. I decided to use the following tricks: Wall Hopping, Equipment Jumping(jump, use equipment like radar jumper and you can jump again), grenade jumping, and crouch jumping in order to get to well...pretty much any part of your entire map. I pretty much figured out one or two ways to get out of any of the class pick ups, jump into another one and pull out even more weapons. If you'd like, you can add my gamertag(II BlueZebra II) and show you pretty much every single trick I pulled in a matter of a few minutes. In fact, gimmie a few more minutes and I can probably figure out a way to get on top of the wall, have a sniper or any other power weapon in hand and have an overshield. Pretty much making you indestructable.
    EDIT: I just did.

    Mind you I wasn't in forge once during the whole run(that includes pulling out any weapon I desired from your class pick-ups without needing to go into the teleporter). I used your gametype you provided as well. No one helped me either.

    Again, I recommend you add my gamertag and I'll explain what happened.
    I'm not a good forger so I can't make buildings or anything. But I tell you how to make some of the weapon pick-ups cheat-proof possibly.

    I do not mean to offend you in anyway, I'm only offering to help you build a better map.
  16. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    I believe some of your points are very true, but some weren't. I wasn't trying to go for an urban map. I know the map is called modern warfare but that's just to reflect the class selector i made. The bases, are just merely bases. I wasn't thinking about making them look like actual buildings. I've also said countless times before, I couldn't do much to make a better map because I used most of the budget making the class selector (Using the no-budget glitch).

    I do believe the receiver nodes are a little messed up. I said that i would fix the respawn and node problems this weekend and create a version 2. You really have to show me these jumping tricks to get into the bases, that way i can have a better layout for the receiver node placements. But the wall that cuts the map in half is cheat proof. I can't see any possible way you can jump over it. The wall is geo-merged into the walls of foundry and its doubled layer. Plus the top of the wall is capped of with 2 bridges on each side of the it. I really can't see how anyone can "wall hop" over it...

    You have pointed out some pretty interesting tricks to alledgely cheat on my map. When i'm revising my maps this weekend, maybe i'll send you a game invite to get a better understanding of what you're saying, that way I can make the revisions perfect.
  17. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Zebra: I have to ask, did you do this during a game? I would imagine that cheating would be a bit more difficult if there were people shooting at you. I'm not saying that the map is cheat-proof, but if its not a regular problem encountered rampantly during actual gameplay, its not as high a priority as, say, a new spawn system.
  18. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    true, but if you played the cod 5 beta, you know cheating can be a huge problem when used correctly.(im referring to the map with the tanks on the beta, where you could go under the map and the only way to kill you was with nades, but u could kill anybody.
  19. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    alright, i gotta say i like the idea, and i know as youve heard a million times before, it looks like you came up with the idea, made good class systems then decided to add a map to it that doesnt quite look like it took you that long. But i do enjoy playing it with my friends alot.
    Another thing, you can get out of every class, not just the support. You can get into the assualt and easly grenade jump out. And my friends do that alot. So I say keep working on it and improving it because i think this is can turn out really good
  20. LuckoftheMoose

    LuckoftheMoose Ancient
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    Looks like fun :)

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